Monday, February 27, 2012

Summary I : First Two Years 1673-1675

Keeping a detailed chronology is important in genealogy. This is especially true if one is dealing with a historical period many years before your time. Careful documentation is also necessary to clarify many factors involed in this process. The following is a summary of the first two years of the life of Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1) [At least as determined by the historical records.] If anyone has additional documents or information please post.

Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) first appears on the pages of history January 6, 1673. He is identified as being in Old Rappahannock Co., Sittingbourn Parish, in the "Freshes" of Rappahannock River. Most likely he would have been at least 21 years of age [range 21-27]. See post written December 16, 2011, "Poor to Peerage: Becoming an Adult 1650 England". [The Brick Wall Protocol.] This means he would have been born around 1646-1652. His land was located on Peumansend Creek.

CJ(1): 6 Jan. 1673 (Old) Rappahannock Co., VA, "For Satisfaction" (Part I, Part II)
(Part III, Old Rappahanock Co.)

CJ(2): 2 July 1673 Sittingbourne Parish, Peumansend Creek, "Land Ho..."

CJ(3): 5 Nov. 1673 Freshes of Rappa. River, "In The Freshes".
[Others getting land at same date.]

CJ(4): Jan. 1674 "The Eare marke".

CJ(5): 27 Feb. 1674 Witness for Thornton "27th day of fber 1673".
[Discussion of "Gentleman 1673.]

CJ(6): 24 Dec. 1674, Articles of Agreement with Henry Benson(BE-1).
[Part 1-3].

CJ(7): [Reference back to 5 Nov. 1673] "The Same Day 1673".

CJ(8): 5 Feb. 1675, Well Beloved Friend.

Well, there you have it. The first two years of Cadwallader Jones.(JO-1) What might be expected of a young colonial man beginning to make his way in the frontier of Virginia.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

CJ(8): Well Beloved Friend 1675

Henry Benson (BE-1) continues the record of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) on February 5, 1674(actually 1675), when he files a document appointing Cadwallader as his "". The document reads:

"Know All Men by these presents that I Henry Benson(BE-1) of the County of Rappa doe hereby appoint my well beloved Friend Mr. Cadwallader Jones(JO-1) my true and lawfull attorney for me and in my name and stead to aske require and demand of Hugh Williams(WI-1) to Reacknowledge a parcell of land that I the said BENSON(BE-1) on the 20th of December last 1674 did acknowledge in Court unto him & his heirs forever wth all rights and priviledges thereunto ratyfing and confirming wt my said Attorney shall doe in the premises in as ample manner as though I myself were personally present. As Witness my hand and Seale the 2 of February 1674/5 in presence of JOHN MOTT.(MO-1)

John Dawson(DA-1) Henry Benson(BE-1)

Recordater x5 die February 1674"

From: Old Rappahannock County Deeds & Wills 1672-1676, Part II, p. 52.

This record identifies Cadwallader as " well beloved true and lawful attorney...".
This would suggest that Cadwallader was not related to Benson as family. He was appoint to act as Benson's attorney regarding land exchange between Benson and Hugh Williams(WI-1). The Williams surname becomes important as an associated family name, but that is yet to come.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

CJ(7): The Same Day 1673

The last three posts have given the agreement which established a partnership between Henry Benson (BE-1) and our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). This document is recorded in the Rappahannock Co. deed book 1672 - 1676, p. 263. It is an extensive agreement containing thirteen items. The land that they agreed to share is identified as "a tract of land lying being about the FALLS of RAPPA RIVER...". An abstract of this land is recorded in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, 1666-1695, p. 139 and reads:

"HENRY BENSON(BE-1), 1071 acs. Rappa Co. on S. side the river in the freshes above the falls; beg. at Jno. Bowsee(BO-1); to Ewe tree Poynt by Mott's falling br., &c. 5 Nov 1673" He transport 22 individuals.

[Note: I believe that "Jno. Bowsee"(BO-1) should be Jno. Rouzee (Rouse). This is shown in various documents from the same time period and most likely represents difficulty in reading this document. Mott's falling branch is named after the Mott brothers, John(MO-1) and George (MO-2).

On the same page is the land of Cadwallader Jones(JO-1). It reads:

"CADWILL. (Cadwallader) JONES(JO-1), 1443 acs. on S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., adj. Warwick Camock (Cammock)(CO-1); 5 Nov 1673. 625 acs. granted Symon Miller(MI-1), who sould to sd. Jones; 818 acs. for trans of 17 pers:..". A witness to this is a Tho. Parker (PAR-1) who also had a land grant dated on the same day. It reads:

"THO. PARKER(PAR-1), 73 1/2 acs. Rappa. Co. in Sittingbourne Par. S. side the River, adj. Robt. Gaines; & Wm. Moseley, 5 Nov 1673."

The land of Simon Miller(MI-1-) is recorded on the same date and reads:

"SIMON MILLER(MI-1), 817 acs. Rappa. Co., in the freshes & on S. side the Riv., on the head of Pewananesse Cr. adj. Cadw. Jones(JO-1); lands of Talliafeero, Bucker, Prosser & Royston, 5 Nov 1673, p. 490. Transp. of 17 pers."

On the same day, at the same location, and land at the same geographic location; they must have had some relationship to each other. This type of information will often help connect families that share these factors. I call this "cluster analysis", meaning those families that share (cluster) around a historic date, event, or happening.

Understanding terms and geographic area see blog for:

"In The Freshes", Monday, April 11, 2011
"Making Maps", Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Tidewater Virginia", Thursday, March 3, 2011
"Virginia Land Laws, A Chronology", December 19, 2010
"Name That Creek", Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"Along Pewmansend Creek 1673", Monday, May 9, 2011
"Maps from History", Friday, June 3, 2011.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

CJ (6) : Articles of Agreement 1674 (Part 3)

This post continues the business agreement between our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and Henry Benson (BE-1). The first twelve items have been presented in Part 1, and Part 2. It begins with item "Thirteenth":

"Thirteenth: I HENRY BENSON (BE-1) and I Capt. JONES (JO-1) doe grant that upon the five and Twentieth of March each year during our lives there be a just account either betweene me CAD. JONES (JO-1) or my Attorney with my Carpenter(sic)...[note: This is how the words were transcribed by Ruth and Sam Sparocio, editors, p. 50 of (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1672 - 1676, Part II. I believe it to be a miss reading and more likely should read Copartner. This term has been applied to this agreement in context.] ... HENRY BENSON (BE-1) of all things whatsoever on both acted or done in the aforegoing yeare. It is allways agreed betweene us HENRY BENSON (BE-1) and CAD: JONES (JO-1) doe in the fall of the Leafe in September or October to pcure two able men servants to pced with my Partner HENRY BENSON (BE-1) upon the said Land. It is also agreed the charges of Casque shall be equal and in Truth between us as Real Copartners in truth and honesty Ratyffying and confirming what we have here above specified. In witness whereof we have Interchangeable set our hands and seals this 24 of December 1674 in the presence of us:

Nicholas Garney (GA-1) Henry Benson (BE-1)
Francis Taliaferro (TA -3), Thos. Parker (PAR-1) Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)
John Talieferro (TA-4), John Northam (NO-1)
Willm. Terry (TE-1)

Recordatr xth die January 1674 "

Note: This would actually be recorded January 1675.

This continues the surname Taliaferro in connection to our Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1). Associated surnames are often key in helping sort through the records of history.