Tuesday, May 16, 2017

CJ (#59) A Second Letter 1692 (7)

The forth "IV." section of the letter continues:

"I have also sent you a Petition, which was prepared to be presented to him, for the Summoning and Sitting of a General Assembly, which when he heard of, and the names of some of the Subscrivers, he call'd them before him, and told them, by setting their names to that Petition, they were guilty of Treason, and had Forfelted their Lives, and and Estates; and he might take away both at his pleasure.  Some time after which, some of the most Considerable Inhabitants, as to Understanding, Ability, and Sobriety, with the Assistance of some others, did Seize upon, and Refrain his Person, for a very short time, to reduce him, to more Reasonable proceedings.  To which end we did make, and propose to him, some few and very mild Conditions of Peace, and Reconciliation which he then Accepted: whereupon he was restored, with Universal Expressions of Love, and Respect; at which time he did publicky Acknowledge his Errors, and with this Apology, ( we are all Sinners and that he was an Old Souldier, but a Young Governour), and promised, That he would for the Future, do nothing of a publick Nature, without Advice:  And for Uniting of all persons, and removing all Enmity, Malice, and Suspition, he would speedly Summon a Parliament, and have General Act of Oblivion , prepared and passed.  Soon after, a Parliament was call'd; but at the time of the Election, by himself, and some of his Creatures, he so over rul'd the Election, that he had a Parliament pack'd to his mind, which were absolutely Obsequious to his Dictates.  The first thing offered in the said Parliament was a Bill for an Act of Oblivion, to which, tho in the upper House he seem'd inclinable; yet he had Engag'd a party in both Houses to oppose it: and so the intended Act, and the Parliament too, both came to nothing, only spent about sixteen days in Wrangling, about the said Bill; which I have sent your Honour' according to your desire."

The letter continues in a very lengthy continuation of the conflict between the different parties.  This will be posted as written in small  segments in order to keep the readings manageable.