Wednesday, November 30, 2011

CJ (3) : In The Freshes

The third document found on the life of Cadwallader Jones is recorded in the Virginia patent book, no. 6, p. 492. It is transcribed by Nell Marion Nugent in her monumental work titled : Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. II, p.139. It is as follows:

"CADWILL. (Cadwallader ?) JONES (JO-1) 1443 acs.(acres), on S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., adj. (adjacent, adjoining) Warwick Camocke (Cammock) (CA-1); 5 Nov. 1673. P. 492. 625 acs. Granted Symon Miller (MI-1), who sould to sd. Jones (JO-1); 818 acs. For trans. (transportation) Of 17 pers. (persons) : Abra. Vintner (VI-1), Sarah Cooke (COO-1), Wm. Sanders (SAN-1), Tho. Page (PA-1), Curby Clerke (CL-1), James Heart (HE-1), James Scott (SC-1), Eliz. Giles (GI-1), Mary James (JA-1), Marg. Jenkins (JE-1), Anth. Hanford (HA-1), John Whitehead (WH-1), Wm. Rider (RI-1), James Nevett (NE-1), Elia. Byant (BY-1), James Phillips (PH-1), James Williams (WI-2)."

[Please note that the brackets ( ) are mine. They are intended to define the abbreviations used in the text quoted above. However, not all abbreviations are defined. The abbreviation "adj", I have listed as adjacent or adjoining.]

By 5 November 1673, Cadwallader (JO-1) had settled 1433 acres of land along the "freshes" of Rappahannock River. The term "freshes" is discussed in my blog "The Jones Genealogist". To understand this term please see:

Remember that one square mile is 640 acres. Thus, the 1443 acres would be around 2.25 miles in some rectangular configuration. We know from the last document CJ(2), that Simon Miller's (MI-1) land was along "Penmansind" Creek. Thus, this land would be in the same area.

The works of Nell Marion Nugent are discussed in the post:

Please review to get an idea of the contribution that this series of texts had made to the field of genealogy!

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