Monday, April 15, 2013

CJ (#20) Odds and Ends

Additional documentation of the life and times of our Cadwallader Jones (J0-1) continues among the records of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia for the years 1682-1684.  Lets call these "odds and ends" since they cover different topics and different types of activities.  For example, the following is found in the will, abstracts for Old Rappahannock Co., 1682-1687.  It states:

"Probtr. p Sacrament et Recordatr. x4th die Aprillis Anno 1683 Juratus Coram me Cadwalldr. Jones"

This appears to be when the will of one William Sergent (SE-1)  dated  27 day of February 1682 is recorded.  Sworn statements of several folks were then recorded on the 4th day of April 1683 stating they were a witness to this will.  It would then appear that our Cadwallader (J0-1) recorded this in the court records, or at least saw the will, witness testimony, and most likely the probate of this will.  I would read the statement signed by Cadwallader(JO-1) as Probtr = probate, p = with, Sacrament = testimonies, et = and, Recordatr = recorded . Thus Cadwallader (JO-1) seems to be serving as clerk of court on this date in 1683.  As far as I have been able to tale, this is the only time in the will book(s) of Old Rappahannock County that this was done.

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