Friday, December 12, 2014

CJ (#37) Rappa: 1687

The year 1687 was a transition period for our Cadwallader (JO-1).  In the deed and court order books of (Old) Rappahannoc Court there a number of records that involve the estate of Cadwallader (JO-1).  In some cases, they are written one date, and recorded into the record another date.  This certainly can get confusing in the chronology.  I will try and present these records as written.  Please note the date that it was written and the date that it was recorded in the court.

"Rappa 1687.  Know all men by these these presents that I Fran: Taliaferro (TA-3) of the County of Rappa: in Virginia Gent. and Elizabeth (TA-7) my Wife for divers good causes and valuable consideracons them hereunto moving and especially for Eight thousand pounds of Tobb: in caske, a Guinney in Gold, and Flock bed paid by John Battaile (BAT-1) of the said County of Rappa: in Virginia have granted unto the sd John Battaile (BAT-1) his heirs Three hundred acers of land more or less being on the South side of Rappa. County (being granted by Patent in the yeare of our Lord 1657 to John Jollitt (JOL-1) and renewed in the yeare 1662 to Tho:Button (BUT-1) who sold the sd land to Henry Corbyn Esqr. (CO-1) by Deed bearing date May the 12th 1664 and in 67 conveighted by Esqr. Corbin (CO-1) to Collo: John Catlett (CA-1), who in his last will and Testamt: did bequeath the sd land to his two Daughters, Elizabeth (CA-2) [same as Elizabeth (TA-7)] and Sarah (CA-3), the uppermost part of the sd land being Three hundred acers of land the one halfe of Six hundred given and granted as abovesd To have and to hold the said Land being Three hundred acers with all the appurtinances from them the sd Elizabeth (CA-2) [TA-7] and Francis (TA-3) their heires unto the said John Battaile (BAT-1) his heires forever to use occupie and enjoy without lett or ejection of him the sd Francis (TA-3) and Elizabeth (TA-7) [same as CA-2)] his wife or any other persons whatsoever claiming the aforesd. premisses and further the sd Francis (TA-3) and Elizabeth (TA-7) do agree to acknowledge this Deed of Sale in Rappa: Court next In Witness whereof the said Francis (TA-3) and Elizabeth (TA-7) have sett their hands and seales this 5th of September 1687

Signed sealed in the presence of us
      Cadwaladr: Jones (JO-1)                                                      Fran:Taliaferro (TA-3)
       John Davis (DAV-1)                                                              Eliza: Taliaferro (TA-7)
       Robt: Taliaferro (TA-1)

Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 6 die Junii 1688 et record 26th die

These are to impower you Mr. Edward Jones (JO-6) to acknowledge in Rappa: Court a Deed of Sale to John Battaile (BAT-1) from me and in my name and for yr: so doing this shall be yor: sufficient warrant Witness my hand and seale this fithe day of September 1687

Teste  Cadwaladr: Jones (JO-1)                                      Eliza: Taliaferro (TA-7)
           John Davis (DAV-1)
           Robt: Taliaferro (TA-1)

Recordr. Teste Wm, Colston (COLS-1) Cl Cur "

from: (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1686 - 1688, pp. 88 - 89.

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