Wednesday, August 28, 2013

CJ (#24) "Cadwald. Jones, Jr." 1685

The (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1682 - 1686 had a host of information concerning the life and time of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  It was on the 10th of August 1685 that a record gives the following:

"Memorandum That the 10th August 1685 Mr. John Foxhall (FOX-1) owne this as his act and deed and was to acknowledge it in Court on demand 
                                                                                CADWALD. JONES JR. (JO-7)
                                                                                Wm. Underwood Senr. (UN-1)
                                                                                Henry Barnes (BAR-1)

Recognitr in Cur Com Pappa 2 die Septr. 1685 et Record xxiii die"

In an indenture made just before this record involves a John Foxhall (FOX-1) "of Popes Creek of the County of Westmoreland of the one part", and a Mallichy Peale (PEA-1) "of the Upper Matchatocke of the said County, Merchant, of the other part".  This indenture had to do with "that Grist Water Mill commonly called and known by the name of Maj. Underwoods Mill scituate and being in the County of Rappa: in the Parish of Sittingbourne and the ground and soyle whereof the Mill now stands and is erected".  The date of this document is 20 August 1682 and is based upon "an Indenture of Lease for Ninety nine yearses made from William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1) the fourth days of July 1670" to this John Foxhall (FOX-1).  It would appear that the lease was being transferred to Malachy Peale (PEA-1) for the remaining "eighty seven yeares".   Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7), along with William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1) "demands" that this John Foxhall (FOX-1) again signs that he indeed acted in court for this indenture.

This is the only record that I have found that identifies a Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7)!  He is connected with William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1).  The Underwoods have many connections to the JONES family beginning with the Cavalier migration out of England in 1649 - 1652.  It is most likely that this Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7) had just turn the legal age of 14 years, when a male could chose his own guardians.  This would place his birth around 1671 when Cadwallader Jones, Sr. (JO-1) was about to begin his own legal records of the day.  [ It is possible that this Cadwallader (JO-7) was being separated from the "older, thus Sr." Cadwallader (JO-1).  This would mean that he would not be a son of Cadwallader, Sr. (JO-1)... a unlikely use of the term by this time in the English legal records.]

In any case, say hello to "Cadwald. Jones, Jr. (JO-7)!

From: (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1682 - 1686, p. 96 - 97.  [The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Spraracio, RK.DB-13/90]

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