Saturday, July 26, 2014

CJ (#35) Court Days August 1686

It must have been a very long day for those in Rappahannock County Court the 4th of August 1686.  The four justices;  Mr. Henry Awbrey (AW-1), Mr. Samll. Peachey (PE-1), Capt. Samll. Blomfield (BLO-1), and Capt. Samll. Travers (TR-2) all had some dealings with our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  The cases recorded for that day covers p. 237 - 243 of the order book 1685 - 1687.  On p. 242 is found:

"Reference granted between Tho: Norman Plt. (NOR-1) and Colnll. Cadwalar: Jones (JO-1) Deft till next South side Court &c."

It would seem that Cadwallader (JO-1) was the defendant in another case brought to court this 4th of August 1686.  Things would change from here.

(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1685 - 1687, by The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.OB-16/90, p. 53.   Please note that the page numbers given above are from the original court order books, taken from p. 53 of Sparacio's copy.

Monday, July 14, 2014

CJ (#35) An Oath 1686

At a Rappahannock County court held the 4th day of August 1686 it is recorded:

"Ordered that Mr. John Catlett (CA-1) & Mr. John Taliaferro (TA-4) do meet at some convenient place on the 15th day of next Septemr: then & there to Inventory & appraise the Estate of Robert Cash (CAS-1) decd and that they make report of their proceedings herein to the next South side Court to be held for this County. Colnll. Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) is requested to administer an Oath to the sd Appraisers for their more just & true appraisement as also to call before him all such persons as shall be any wise suspected to have any of the Estate of the sd Cash in their hands & to administer an Oath to them for the discovery of the same "

It would seem that our Cadwallader (JO-1) was still active on the south side of Rappahannock River in August 1686.   John Catlett (CA-1) and John Taliaferro (TA-4) were both involved continuously in the life of our Cadwallader. (JO-1) 

The document is recorded in (Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1685 - 1687, p. 51.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

CJ (#34) Justice of The Peace 1686

At a court held the 7th day of July 1686 [(Old) Rappahannock County ] the following is recorded:

"Colnll. Cadwaldr. Jones (JO-1), Mr. Wm. Tayloe (TAY-3) & Capt. Samll. Travers (TR-2) having taken the Oaths of allegience & supremacy were by Colnll. John Stone (ST-1) & Lt. Colnll. Wm. Loyd (LO-1) sworne Justices of the peace for this County".

An oath was given and taken during this time due to the new reign of James II. [ Starting around May 1686.]  Much was to happen surrounding this chance of events.  The religious context of the day must be considered.  Much to be understood and applied to our Cadwallader (JO-1).  At least he was still active in July of 1686 in old Rappahannock.

Record from:

(Old) Rappahannock County Orders (1685 - 1687), p. 47, by Ruth & Sam Sparacio.