Monday, December 3, 2018

BUL : Letters (3)

Col, Philip Ludwell's (LU-1) letter continues :

"...I am not for under hand Dealings, what ever you think; especially for Intercepting Letters, which is Complained of, and indeed is a Crime so Barbarous, that I could almost soon forgive Murther ; Nor will it be well taken any where.  I hope you will take care that Letters go free, on both sides; or else Misunderstandings will arise, and increase; and all Commerce soon have an end.  I shall say no more, but desire you to consider that by these Discords, you do (not only) ruine the Lords Interest, but expose your selves, and all the People of those Islands, as an easy prey, to any that will take you.

                                                                                                    I am your Friend and Servant,

                                                                                                         Phillip Ludwell (LU-1)

Dated the 27th of Febr. 1692

Receiv'd the 24th March, 1692. "

Remember this letter was sent to Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) dated as above.  It is abstracted by Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) and printed London, 1696.  How Bulkley (BUL-1) obtained a copy of this correspondence is unknown, but it would seem the "Intercepting Letters" was involved.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

BUL : Letters (2)

Phillip Ludwell's (LU-1) letter to Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as abstracted by Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) continues as written :

"...I do not see that you Act as you ought, without doubt your Government has not been without some Irregularitys; but yet cannot possibly think the putting you from the Government, Imprisoning you, and taking the Administration of the government on them, was well done, by those that did it.  I am sorry to find your disorders run so high, as Charges with High Treason, as I perceive Mr. Bulkley and you do each other.  What inconveniencys you may both draw on your selves, by thus sillily Charging each other, I know now; but sure I am, no good can come to either, by it.  And now I must come to my last part, at present; which is, to desire you, and I do hereby Conjure, and Require you, that you do (on your part) lay by all Quarrels, and Animossitiys, and carry all matters; Fairly, and Quietly, as you ought; till the Lords Proprietors do send further Directions, which I doubt not you will (in as short time as may be) receive from them"

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

BUL : Letters

By 1696, Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) had collected and printed a series of materials pertaining to his charges against Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  He begins his "second part" with letters written from Phillip Ludwell (LU-1) to Cadwallader (JO-1) in response to letters written by our Cadwallader (JO-1) containing his side of the story.  Bulkley states that these are "Abstracts" of the letters, thus a selection of information are taken from these sources.  These will be given in the next several posts.  They are letters addressed to Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).

"Sir,  I have received two Letters from you, one dated the 13th of January, the other the 3d of this Instant; I know not what to Answer to the first, the Contents of it passing my understanding. I must tell you, I think that Letter was an ill return for the Kindness I Offer'd you; If you would (as I desired) have fairly stated your Case, that I might have Indeavored to Reconcile and Settle all matters, on a more steady Foundation than I perceive they are, either for the Lords, or Peoples Interests : But you say, for that reason (of one may call it reason) you withdrew your Pacquet; by which, I wish you could see who you hurt, me you cannot.  But you proceed further to your Meditations, indeed I think it were better you laid aside your Contemplations in Divinity a little, and Studdied the Polliticks more; or else instead of these mistaken Furrows: on your Back, and Load of your Shoulders, you will lay a Load on your self, that all the Friends you have will not be able to take off.  Your last seems of another hew, which shows you to be of an unequal temper, but give me leave to tell you, I am of opinion (by what I see in your own Papers) your Troubles are made more than needed to be."... to be continued.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

BUL : A Second "Pacquet of Intelligence"

From the posts beginning July 3, 2016 [ CJ (#57)] through the 2 January, 2018 the first packet of "intelligence" collected and organized by Thomas Bulkley (BUL-l) is given.  The following shows the title page to the second grouping of information from Bulkley's side of the fence.

This packet ends the 20th of May 1693.  It was to be another 3 years before this was published in London 1696 as a completed record of the case being presented.  This second part is identified as containing three letters :

1) an abstract of a letter from Philip Ludwell (LU-1) the "Governour of Carolina" to our Cadwallader (JO-1) responding to two letters sent by Cadwallader (JO-1).

2) a letter from Philip Ludwell (LU-1) to Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) responding to letters sent by Gilbert Asbley (AS-1), Bowen Clasen (CLA-1), and Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1).

3) a letter from Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) to Philip Ludwell (LU-1).

This second packet is lengthy, but is an important set of documents which gives the thoughts of Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) in his case against Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  The content of this packet will be given in future posts under the pathway of Bulkley (BUL-1).

Monday, September 10, 2018

Organizing the Pathways

Cloudy and confusing are the pages of history as our story continues along the three pathways to be followed. To try and help the reader [and me] keep things organized, the following structure will be utilized. Each post title will begin with an abbreviation that signifies which pathway is being presented.

1) For Cadwallader's, the "CJ" will continue to be used.  From 1693, he travels to England, then returns to Virginia, and lives the remaining part of his life creating a proposal for Indian trade.

2) For Bulkley's pathway, "BUL" will be use.  He dedicates his life to see that Cadwallader is brought to justice for the perceived evils he received during the time Cadwallader was governor of the Bahamas.  He ultimately travels to England and presents his case.

3) For the official documents recorded, the abbreviation "GOV" will be used.  The communications between the various folks involved move between Bulkley and the many different settings created by these activities.  The government itself is undergoing its own transition between James II (Catholic) and William III (Protestant) and the many differing opinions regarding these forces.

Wow...let's see.  CJ(#...) will be Cadwallader's remaining story. "BUL" will involve Bulkley's pathway and activities.  "GOV" will represent the accounts of the governmental actions taken between the folks involved.

Monday, August 20, 2018

CJ (#61) : Mr. Nicholas Trot 1693

From the British Public Record Office Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 22, p. 227 is recorded the following:

"London, this 12th of Apr 1693 '....Wee have thought fitt to apoint Mr. Nicholas Trot (TRO-1) to be Governor of the Bahama Islands wth oders to correspond with you fore Jones sent such esctiavagant (sic) letters to all parts that he made both himself and us redicules.' "

This record is typed as written so you can get a flavor of the language and spelling used during 1693.  Nicholas Trot (TRO-1) was to replace our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as governor of the Bahama Islands dated April 12, 1693.  From Cadwallader's (JO-1) appointment 14 November 1689 [arrives Bahama Island 19 June 1690] to the appointment of this "new" governor is roughly 3 years and 2 months.  A lot of events certainly happened during this time.  This post of course begins the pathway of government records which continues our story of  Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

CJ (#60) Three Pathways From Here

The year 1692 was significant for a number of folks in our story.   For Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)  his job as governor of the Bahamas came to an end, and another 10 years or so was yet to be lived.  Likewise, as the last several posts have shown, Thomas Bulkely (BUL-1) begins his personal task to bring our Cadwallader (JO-1) to justice in the legal system of the day.  Of course Bulkely's activity brings another group of individuals into our story, which leaves a number of separate tracks to be sorted through.  To help organize and move through these pages of history it would be helpful to think along three pathways.

First is the remaining years of the life of  Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  No clear date of death has yet to be discovered, but it is roughly another decade.  During this time, a number of ideas are produced in his head which fills the final years full of activities.

Second is the pathway taken by Thomas Bulkely (BUL-1) to bring Cadwallader to justice for the many wrongs he felt occurred during his time as Governor of the Bahamas.  This becomes a very personal activity and includes more than a decade of Bulkely's life.

Third is the legal system's dealing with Thomas Bulkely (BUL-1) and the decisions made along the way.  A transformation of government was taking place [The Glorious Revolution] and the ideals of freedom and individual rights were being churned about.

Depending on which pathway one follows, the story of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)  may seem distinctly different among the branches.  It is here that many genealogist find it very difficult, and many writers have taken only part of each pathway.  Three pathways from the year 1692 are yet to be presented.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

CJ (#59) A Post, Postscript 1692

Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) continues with an additional note to his very lengthy letter :

"As a Supplement to our Letter we Write this to Informe your Honour, That at this time, the Public Store of Gun Power is not above Twelve Pounds, and that this day, by our Governors persons (without advice of the Council) came into this Harbour a Pirate Ship of 18 Guns, and about 50 or so Men, their Commanders name is John Cross (CRO-1), said to be as notorious a Pirate as any that Roves of the Sea, one that dares not go into any English Port but this.  The Night before he came to our Governour went a High Hill to look out for him, who was then out of sight, where at he was more troubled than at the News of the Earth Quake in Jamaica, and the Fearful and Doleful Destortion and Deffration made thereof for he spent great part of that day after the sad news, in Merriment and Drinking.  Since the said Pirates coming in, he hath permitted them to buy up all the Corne that Mr. Ireland had, of which the People of the Island were in great want.  Ireland might have had a Piece of Eight per Basket of the ... anders, He also permitted them to receive on Board their Ship, Men under Arrest for Trespass; and two Men againtst whom I had obtained Judgement of Court, for Debts to the Value of 24l.18s.4d. and by Bills of their Hands; and being on Board the said Ship, they bid Defiance, not only to their Creditors, but the Government also, of which I have complained to him, but cannot have any Remedy.
                                                                                        Your Honours, as above said,
                  New-Providence, the 17th
                      of December, 1692

                                                        The End of the First Part."