By 1696, Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) had collected and printed a series of materials pertaining to his charges against Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). He begins his "second part" with letters written from Phillip Ludwell (LU-1) to Cadwallader (JO-1) in response to letters written by our Cadwallader (JO-1) containing his side of the story. Bulkley states that these are "Abstracts" of the letters, thus a selection of information are taken from these sources. These will be given in the next several posts. They are letters addressed to Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
"Sir, I have received two Letters from you, one dated the 13th of January, the other the 3d of this Instant; I know not what to Answer to the first, the Contents of it passing my understanding. I must tell you, I think that Letter was an ill return for the Kindness I Offer'd you; If you would (as I desired) have fairly stated your Case, that I might have Indeavored to Reconcile and Settle all matters, on a more steady Foundation than I perceive they are, either for the Lords, or Peoples Interests : But you say, for that reason (of one may call it reason) you withdrew your Pacquet; by which, I wish you could see who you hurt, me you cannot. But you proceed further to your Meditations, indeed I think it were better you laid aside your Contemplations in Divinity a little, and Studdied the Polliticks more; or else instead of these mistaken Furrows: on your Back, and Load of your Shoulders, you will lay a Load on your self, that all the Friends you have will not be able to take off. Your last seems of another hew, which shows you to be of an unequal temper, but give me leave to tell you, I am of opinion (by what I see in your own Papers) your Troubles are made more than needed to be."... to be continued.
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