Saturday, December 27, 2014

CJ (#37) Former Guardian 1687

There were additional court orders recorded in the (Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1685 - 1687.  There are recorded on page 83, and dated the 1st of June 1687. 

"Whereas John Battalile (BAT-1) who lately marryed Cathereine (TA-6), one of the Daughters of Mr. Robert Taliaferro ( TA-2) decd. made humble suit to this court to be possessed with all & singular the Estate of his said Wife in the hands of Robt. Taliaferro (TA-1) her guardian.  The Court have thereupon ordered that Mr. George Haslewood (HAS-2) & Mr. Jno. Catlett (CA-4) some time between this Court and next Court held for this County, do meet at the house of the sd Robt. Taliaferro (TA-1) & that then & there they equally devide all & every the Estate of the sd Catherine (TA-6) & Charles Taliaferro (TA-5), her brother, now in the hands of the sd Robert (TA-1), and after such devision made & after such that the sd John Battaile (BAT-1) be forthwith vested in right of the sd Catherine (TA-6) his wife with one halfe part of the sd Estate in specis as it was received by the sd Robert (TA-1) from Colnll. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) their former guardian"

" Judgmt. upon (nil dicit) is granted to John Taliaferro (TA-4) as assignee of Colnll. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) against Abraham Hobbs (HOB-1) for four hundred pounds of tobb upon Bill to be paid wth cost of suit"

The above orders are recorded on the same day or June 1, 1687.  This record again documents that our Cadwallader (JO-1) was a former guardian of the youngest children of Robert Taliaferro, Sr. (TA-2).  Robert Taliaferro, Jr. (TA-1) was then appointed as guardian of his younger siblings before 1687.  The fact that there are two families (Taliaferro and Catlett) that have a Sr. & Jr. with the same names need to separated and identified.  Whew...what a deal!

Friday, December 12, 2014

CJ (#37) Rappa: 1687

The year 1687 was a transition period for our Cadwallader (JO-1).  In the deed and court order books of (Old) Rappahannoc Court there a number of records that involve the estate of Cadwallader (JO-1).  In some cases, they are written one date, and recorded into the record another date.  This certainly can get confusing in the chronology.  I will try and present these records as written.  Please note the date that it was written and the date that it was recorded in the court.

"Rappa 1687.  Know all men by these these presents that I Fran: Taliaferro (TA-3) of the County of Rappa: in Virginia Gent. and Elizabeth (TA-7) my Wife for divers good causes and valuable consideracons them hereunto moving and especially for Eight thousand pounds of Tobb: in caske, a Guinney in Gold, and Flock bed paid by John Battaile (BAT-1) of the said County of Rappa: in Virginia have granted unto the sd John Battaile (BAT-1) his heirs Three hundred acers of land more or less being on the South side of Rappa. County (being granted by Patent in the yeare of our Lord 1657 to John Jollitt (JOL-1) and renewed in the yeare 1662 to Tho:Button (BUT-1) who sold the sd land to Henry Corbyn Esqr. (CO-1) by Deed bearing date May the 12th 1664 and in 67 conveighted by Esqr. Corbin (CO-1) to Collo: John Catlett (CA-1), who in his last will and Testamt: did bequeath the sd land to his two Daughters, Elizabeth (CA-2) [same as Elizabeth (TA-7)] and Sarah (CA-3), the uppermost part of the sd land being Three hundred acers of land the one halfe of Six hundred given and granted as abovesd To have and to hold the said Land being Three hundred acers with all the appurtinances from them the sd Elizabeth (CA-2) [TA-7] and Francis (TA-3) their heires unto the said John Battaile (BAT-1) his heires forever to use occupie and enjoy without lett or ejection of him the sd Francis (TA-3) and Elizabeth (TA-7) [same as CA-2)] his wife or any other persons whatsoever claiming the aforesd. premisses and further the sd Francis (TA-3) and Elizabeth (TA-7) do agree to acknowledge this Deed of Sale in Rappa: Court next In Witness whereof the said Francis (TA-3) and Elizabeth (TA-7) have sett their hands and seales this 5th of September 1687

Signed sealed in the presence of us
      Cadwaladr: Jones (JO-1)                                                      Fran:Taliaferro (TA-3)
       John Davis (DAV-1)                                                              Eliza: Taliaferro (TA-7)
       Robt: Taliaferro (TA-1)

Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 6 die Junii 1688 et record 26th die

These are to impower you Mr. Edward Jones (JO-6) to acknowledge in Rappa: Court a Deed of Sale to John Battaile (BAT-1) from me and in my name and for yr: so doing this shall be yor: sufficient warrant Witness my hand and seale this fithe day of September 1687

Teste  Cadwaladr: Jones (JO-1)                                      Eliza: Taliaferro (TA-7)
           John Davis (DAV-1)
           Robt: Taliaferro (TA-1)

Recordr. Teste Wm, Colston (COLS-1) Cl Cur "

from: (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1686 - 1688, pp. 88 - 89.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Parallel Events

Prior generations are participates in their context of history.  Understanding this context will often help one climb out their family tree a little further along the branches.  It is especially important in helping one put together the story of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).

There were a series of parallel historical events that were important in helping to piece together the family tree.  These events were political, religious, social, and economic.  How they relate to our family tree will be discussed.

      1)  Sir Herbert Jefferies was appointed lieutenant governor and commissioner to Virginia in 1677.
He replaced Sir William Berkeley who was strongly supported by our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) during Bacon's Rebellion of 1676.  He was a family member to our Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1)  The Jefferies and Jones family connect back to North Wales and share a common grandfather.

       2)  Howard of Effingham (Francis Howard) was sworn in as Governor of Virginia in 1684.  A John Trevor was the personal secretary of to this family, and was a family member of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  Our Jones family tree begins with Tudor Trevor of 900 AD and this John Trevor branch comes through the second son of this Tudor Trevor.  Our Jones family come through the youngest son of this Tudor Trevor.

      3) James II was crowned King 1685.  He was Catholic, and supported the Catholic faith in the religious arena of the day.  Our Jones family was Catholic and connected to the Catholic faith in many of the religious events of the time period.  This was the connecting point that our Cadwallader had to Maryland.

      4)  Under James II, Sir George Jefferies was appointed Attorney General of England and played a significant role in the legal processes of the day.  He was a descendent of the Jefferies family listed above.

Our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) traveled to England to make the best of the circumstances which surrounded him.  In 1687 - 1688, a great deal of religious, political, and social events were under way.   It was these connecting relationships that will help explain much of the family tree of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  They were certainly "Parallel Events" that were to play an important role.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CJ (#37) In Rappa: Court July 1687

The transfer of  "Goods and Chattles" of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) to Robert Taliaferro (TA-1) is recorded in my post of September 3.  An addition to this record is recorded "July the 5th 1687.  It reads as follows:

" 8ber 20th 1686.  Then assigned all my right interest and title whatsoever for a Negro man called Black Jack to Mr. Robt. Taliaferro (TA-1) and his heires for ever, it being in part of his potion due to him from his Father in my hands, I say, assigned with warrantie per me

       David Meredith. (MER-2)                  Cadwalader Jones (JO-1)
       Jno. Battaile (BAT-1)

Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 3 die August 1687 et record 12th die "

"ss.  These are to desire you to acknowledge in Rappa:Court two Bills of Sale to Mr. Robt. Taliaferro (TA-1) and yor; so doing this shall be yor: warrant Witness my hand July the 5th 1687

Test   John Taliaferro (TA-4)                                          Cadwalader Jones (JO-1)
             John Battaile (BAT-1)                                           

Recordr. Cur Com Rappa; 12th die August 1687 "

By this record it would seem that our Cadwallader (JO-1) was still present in (Old) Rappahannock County when he signed the above. [July 5th 1687 ]  It was recorded in the records of the court on the 12th day of August 1687.  As far as I can tell, this would be the last time that our Cadwallader (JO-1) appears in person in Rappahannock County until after 1700.  This record also documents that our Cadwallader (JO-1) had control of the estate of Robert Taliaferro (Sr.) (TA-2) at the date October 8th, 1686.

(Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1686 - 1687, p. 68.  By Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Ancient Press, 1990.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

CJ (#38) Second Letter (part II)

This post continues the content of a letter written "14th March 1686/7" by William Fitzhugh (FI-1) to Nicholas Spencer (SPE-1). [See last post that begins this correspondence regarding our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).]

"...that you would either to Mr. Spicer (SP-1), or some other knowing & interest person in that County to see the same duely executed, & fully & discreetly prosecuted. and I will deliver your Instructions & directions therein, with my own hand, to the person directed, & contribute what lies in my power to their assistance, I wish you may secure your own, but for my Lord Culpepper's (CU-1), I look upon it almost impossible to secure, I am sure improbable, nor can't advise in any measure to be taken therein, for by all that I can learn there's hardly Estate enough to answer your debt, which is not particularly & by name bound over, besides a great deal that is bound over in general terms..."

The remainder of the letter discusses other topics and events which have concerned the folks of the day.  It would seem that Fitzhugh (FI-1) essentially suggest that there is little hope of receiving any debt from the estate of our Cadwallader (JO-1).

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

CJ (#38) A Second Letter 1687

William Fitzhugh (FI-1) continues his correspondence regarding the accounts of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  While Cadwallader (JO-1) was trying to figure out how to get out of the mess he had found himself involved, Fitzhugh (FI-1) was about his lawyer business.  A letter dated "March 14th. 1686/7" to the "Honourable Nicholas Spencer" (SPE-1) reads:

"Honoured Sir

        As I writ in my last my thoughts of Collo. Jones (JO-1) his Departure, I find since absolutely true but whiter I can't yet learn, but I imagine (by some Discourse he let fall at my house) it is for England, to get himself into his Majesty's Army, & since his flight, his wife, (to whom its presumed he communicated his thoughts) has carry'd out of this County all his Estate, this is, all his Negroes, for stock of Cattle, hogs or horses he had none in our County, & has them now with her at Rappak.  Therefore there is the place to attack them in.  My remoteness from their Judicial Place, & unacquaintedness with their Ministerial Officers, might I fear indanger & a miscarriage of the whole proceedings, therefore, I have yet stop'd taking out an Attachment, for fear of alarming them, till I had first advised wt. your Honour, for which I have sent this Messenger on purpose, to inform of the circumstances, also to propose that an Attachment might come immediately from my Lord, (propter Excellantiam &c ) Directed to the Sheriff of Rappahannock..."

Well it would seem that our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had left comments that lead Fizhugh (FI-1) to concluded that Cadwallader was off to join "his Majesty's Army".  Fizhugh reports that Cadwallader had left the area "absolutely true", and had managed to remove his estate via his wife to (Old) Rappahannock Co.  More to come...!

The letters are recorded in "Letters of William Fitzhugh" pp. 212 -213 as listed in my last post.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

CJ (#37) Sold and Delivered

You certainly can see how confusing it can get climbing those family tree branches.  The life of our Cadwallader (JO-1) is such a branch.  This document is found in (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1686 - 1688, p. 68.  It is recorded as "March the 8th 1687" and it seems to be signed on this date.  It is recorded in the court records on "3 die August 1687 et record 12th die".  There is an addendum dated "8ber 20th 1686" which was recorded "3 die August 1687 et record 12th die" and a "two Bills of Sale" dated "July the 5th 1687" which in the record states "Recordr. Cur Com Rappa: 12th die August 1687".  Well, anyway, let me give the documents as written.   Remember that our Cadwallader (JO-1) is reported to have left for Maryland around the 17th of January 1687. [see last post]

"March the 8th 1687"

"An Account of Goods and Chattles sold and delivered unto Mr. Robt. Taliaferro (TA-1) as Gardian of Charles (TA-5) and Catharine Taliaferro (TA-6) for the Orphans Estate amount to ninety eight pounds seven Shillings and four pence (vizt) To one Negro called Frank, To one Indian, To one Negro girle 12 months old, To 2 old Negroes Frank and James; To 3 indifferent feather beds and furniture; To 10 cows, To 2 two yeare old at 12 S., To 5 yearlings, To 20 sheep, To 50 lb. Pewter at 8d., To 1 pair Cart wheels, To 1 iron pott and two pare pott hooks, To Brass kettle, To one Couch, To 12 old chairs, To one old Mare, To one old horse, Total 98...07...04."  [This would be in pounds, shillings, and pence.]

The documents continues:

"Know All Men by these presents that I Lt. Coll: Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) have bargained sold and delivered unto Mr. Robt: Taliaferro (TA-1) his heires and assignes the abovesd goods and chattles with their Encrease wch: said goods and chattles I do warrnt from the claimes of any persons unto the sd Mr. Robt. Taliaferro or his order  In witness whereof I have sett my hand this 8th of March 1686/7

Teste  John Taliaferro (TA-4)                                               Cadwalader Jones (JO-1)
           Jno. Battaile (BAT-1)

More to come.  Please note that the Robert Taliaferro (TA-1) recorded here is the son of Robert Taliaferro (TA-2) that has been recorded in previous post.
Recognitr in Cour Com Pappa: 3 die August 1687 et record 12th die"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

CJ (#36) Clear Gone 1687

The letters of William Fitzhugh (FI-1) record a series of events in his personal dealing with our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  A letter dated "February 18th. 1687" written "To the Honourable Nicholas Spencer" (SPE-1) is as follows:

"Honoured Sir
          The first day of February I receiv'd your's dated 15th. January about Collo. Jones (JO-1) his affairs, I immediately upon the receipt thereof dispatched a Messenger away to him to come to my house, where I apprehended I should have the freer & fuller opportunity, to discourse him in it, & to persuade him to the payment of it, which letter her answer'd me with his company about five days after,"
                    [This would place this encounter around the 20th of January 1687.]

 The letter continues:  "which was as soon as he came home from Gloucester, where he had not only account of, but Dunns for several Sums of the like nature protested.  I used both my Interest & persuasion, to get him to pay in Tobo. for the money, & agreed to allow him ten shilling (symbol) Cent, & remit the damages, which he seemed willingly to approve of, & would he said use his endeavor to procure that Tobo., & what Tobo. he owed me, which was about five thousand, for his own Crops were already disposed of, in paying Neighbouring Debts, & supplying his family's necessary, & with such intentions & some assurances he went from my house, & promised to be with me again within four days at fartherst, & did not question to bring me a satisfactory answer,"

                   [Neighboring debts and the need of the family was listed as priority.]

The letter continues:  "he was punctual to his word as to his coming, but with tears in his eyes said, he could not possibly answer either yours or mine, for he said he had neither Tobo. nor effects to procure it.  I offered to buy two or three Negroes of him, he assured me they were already made over to the Alderman & his Ship merchants to whom he hath not yet paid one penny, and therefore that way there was nothing to be expected."

                [Lots of debt and no way to the end of 1686.]

"And I hear since, that night he went away from my house, he went into Maryland & so conclude he is clear gone."

       [Wow..."clear gone" into Maryland.  Cadwallader had prior connections and business 
                              contacts here.  There are other factors involved as well.]

The letter concludes: "Thus Sir I have stated the Case, & given you my Sentiments of the man; I refer to your self to take such measures therein, as may be to advantage his Estate is so shattered & incumber'd with Mortgages Conveyances &c. & his debts so many & great that without a very sudden Course taken it will be impossible ever to recover one penny.  If I can be any ways serviceable to you therein, I shall most acceptably & willingly receive your Commands, & diligently therein manifest myself to be  Your  W.ff "

This letter would indicate that our Cadwallader was deeply in debt to a variety of folks, and it was around January 20, 1687 that he left Virginia and began his flight into Maryland.  It also documents that a family was present.  Much...much...more to come!

The Fitzhugh Letters and Other Documents can be found in "William Fitzhugh and His Chesapeake World 1676 - 1701, Ed. Richard Beale Davis, The University of North Carolina Press, 1963.  This letter found on  pp. 209-210.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

CJ (#35) Court Days Nov. 1686

It was the 1st of November, 1686 that our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) appears as a justice of the court.  He is listed with "Colnll. Jon. Stone" (ST-1), "Capt. Samuel Blomfield" (BLO-1), and "Mr. Samuel Peachey" (PE-1).  A lot of cases are dealt with during this session [p. 59- 62 of (Old) Rappahannock County Court Order Book Abstracts 1685 - 1687]

On page 60 of this reference is recorded:

" Attachmt. is granted to Jno. Battaile (BAT-1) Assignee of Colnll. Cadwaldr. Jones (JO-1) against the Estate of Danll. Merriott (MERR-1) accord: to Declaracon returnable."

John Battaile (BAT-1) has a long standing relationship with our Cadwallader (JO-1).  It was our Cadwallader (JO-1) that transport John to the colonies.  Much is yet to be discovered regarding this relationship, but it would seem that this date in November 1686 was the last date that Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was recorded to be physically present in the courts of (Old) Rappahannock County.  New adventures await!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

CJ (#35) Court Days August 1686

It must have been a very long day for those in Rappahannock County Court the 4th of August 1686.  The four justices;  Mr. Henry Awbrey (AW-1), Mr. Samll. Peachey (PE-1), Capt. Samll. Blomfield (BLO-1), and Capt. Samll. Travers (TR-2) all had some dealings with our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  The cases recorded for that day covers p. 237 - 243 of the order book 1685 - 1687.  On p. 242 is found:

"Reference granted between Tho: Norman Plt. (NOR-1) and Colnll. Cadwalar: Jones (JO-1) Deft till next South side Court &c."

It would seem that Cadwallader (JO-1) was the defendant in another case brought to court this 4th of August 1686.  Things would change from here.

(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1685 - 1687, by The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.OB-16/90, p. 53.   Please note that the page numbers given above are from the original court order books, taken from p. 53 of Sparacio's copy.

Monday, July 14, 2014

CJ (#35) An Oath 1686

At a Rappahannock County court held the 4th day of August 1686 it is recorded:

"Ordered that Mr. John Catlett (CA-1) & Mr. John Taliaferro (TA-4) do meet at some convenient place on the 15th day of next Septemr: then & there to Inventory & appraise the Estate of Robert Cash (CAS-1) decd and that they make report of their proceedings herein to the next South side Court to be held for this County. Colnll. Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) is requested to administer an Oath to the sd Appraisers for their more just & true appraisement as also to call before him all such persons as shall be any wise suspected to have any of the Estate of the sd Cash in their hands & to administer an Oath to them for the discovery of the same "

It would seem that our Cadwallader (JO-1) was still active on the south side of Rappahannock River in August 1686.   John Catlett (CA-1) and John Taliaferro (TA-4) were both involved continuously in the life of our Cadwallader. (JO-1) 

The document is recorded in (Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1685 - 1687, p. 51.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

CJ (#34) Justice of The Peace 1686

At a court held the 7th day of July 1686 [(Old) Rappahannock County ] the following is recorded:

"Colnll. Cadwaldr. Jones (JO-1), Mr. Wm. Tayloe (TAY-3) & Capt. Samll. Travers (TR-2) having taken the Oaths of allegience & supremacy were by Colnll. John Stone (ST-1) & Lt. Colnll. Wm. Loyd (LO-1) sworne Justices of the peace for this County".

An oath was given and taken during this time due to the new reign of James II. [ Starting around May 1686.]  Much was to happen surrounding this chance of events.  The religious context of the day must be considered.  Much to be understood and applied to our Cadwallader (JO-1).  At least he was still active in July of 1686 in old Rappahannock.

Record from:

(Old) Rappahannock County Orders (1685 - 1687), p. 47, by Ruth & Sam Sparacio.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

CJ (#33) The Straw (part 2)

The court case continues from March 4, 1685/6 (1686)... "but"...

"...but, the sd John Jeffries (JE-1) for want of Effects refusing to pass the sd Bills & Protest being had thereon, the Plantff. prayed this Court order with costs for the sd Sixteen pounds Sterling due upon aforesd. Bills of Exchange against the sd. Wm. Colston (COLS-1) as Assignee upon wch a serious debate being heard, the Court were of opinion & do accordingly give judgment that the sd Wm Coston (COLS-1) as assignee was not liable to the payment of the sd Bills of Exchange but that the same were recoverable & to be paid unto the sd. Wm Wraxlall (WR-1) by the sd Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as Drawer; The Assignment being had & taken by this Court to be only a meanes to transfer the right of (blot)perties of the Deft. in the sd Bills unto the sd Wm. Wraxall (WR-1) & that the same was no further binding."

It would seem that old Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had stepped over the line with John Jeffries (JE-1).  They had a long history of contact [see CJ (#14) "Mannor of Ley", Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012 ]  Here, after "a serious debate being heard",  Cadwallader was judged to be responsible for payment of the sixteen pounds Sterling to William Wraxall (WR-1). 

A lot of genealogist state that our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) went "bankrupt".   Legally at this point in British history bankruptcy did not exist as an option.  You were known as a "debtor" and if cause was placed in court, you were put in "debtor's prison".  Perhaps this was the "straw" that broke the Camels back.

p.s.  There were many additional factors involved in the life of our Cadwallader at this point in time. For the genealogist it is important to place in historical context the additional events of 1686.  "But" the documents of time...this seems to be one of these factors leading to the next stage in the life of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CJ (#33) The Straw (part 1)

Life was certainly not easy for old Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) during the years 1985 - 1986.  It was on the 3rd of March 1685/6 (1686) that the following was recorded in the court order book of (Old) Rappahannock County.

"Mr. John Taverner (TAV-1) appeared Attorney for Mr. Tho. Glascock, (GL-1), Attorney Capt. Wm. Wraxall (WR-1).

     - Whereas upon issue joyned between William Wraxall (WR-1) of the Citty of Bristoll in the Kingdom of England, Mariner, and William Colston (COLS-1) of Rappa: County in his Maties Colony of Virginia, the Plt. by his Attorney, Thomas Glascock (GL-1), shewed that whereas Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) of the sd County & Colony Gent. did draw Bills of Exchange for Sixteen pounds Sterling money of England upon John Jeffries Esqr. (JE-1) Merchant in London, payable unto the sd William Colston (COLS-1) which sd Bills of Exchange for a consideracon received the Defent. assigned to the sd Wm. Wraxall (WR-1), but..."

This record becomes a bit confusing with similar names and the way it is written.  I will try to separate the document into sections calling this "part 1" which establishes the issue.  Our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) gave a "Bills of Exchange" for sixteen pounds Sterling (English Money) payable to William Colston (COLS-1) [was clerk of court 1683 ].  This was based upon John Jeffries Esqr. (JE-1), merchant in London [He has long standing relationship to many in the colony of VA and the Jeffery family comes through the same line as our Cadwallader!]  William Colston (COLS-1) then makes "a consideration" with William Wraxall (WR-1) Mariner from the City of Bristol... "but"... more to come.

From: (Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1685 - 1687, pp. 32 - 33.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

CJ (#31) Being High Sheriff

On December 21, 1685 it is recorded:

"Ordered that Colnll. Cadwalldr. Jones (JO-1) or whom he shall depute be impowered to distraine for all arrears of Leaveys due & to be paid him the last yeare as being High Sheriff of this County for wch doing this shall be his sufficient warrant"

Distrain means "to seize by distress".  It would seem that the court was in effect putting a "lean" on those who owed back taxes.  It is the same date that John Battaile (BAT-1) was given as the attorney of Mrs Catharine Jones (JO-10) and our Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1){see last post #30}

It is of interest to note that John Battaile (BAT-1) was "Sub-Sheriff" of (Old) Rappahannock during this time as documented on p.22 of the Court Order Book dated "2d of December 1685".  The relationship between our Cadwallader (JO-1)and John Battaile (BAT-1) is continuous throughout this period. [see post CJ (#21) ]

From: (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1685 - 1687, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio. p.23.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

CJ (#30) Mrs. Catharine Jones 1685

On December 21, 1685 there was recorded in Rappahannock County Court the following:

" John Battaile (BAT-1), Attorney of Mrs. Catharine Jones (JO-10), Attorney of Colnll. Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) did this day for & on behalf & in the name of the sd Cadwaldr. Jones (JO-1) confess judgment unto Mr. Henry Awbrey (AW-1) for present payment of one able negro man slave betwixt the years of fourteen & twenty one upon Bill made the hand & seale of the sd Colll. Jones (JO-1) wch this Court have ordered to be paid unto the sd Mr. Henry Awbrey (AW-1) with cost of suit als exe."

This reference documents the name of "Mrs. Catharine Jones (JO-10)" who is believed to be the wife of our Cadwalader (JO-1).  There has been much discussion regarding this reference [see Who Was Catherine, The Wife Colonel Cadwallader Jones of Virginia, The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 38, 1994 , pp. 163 - 189 :  Katherine (____) (Debnam) Grymes and Some Relatives, The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1997, pp. 163 - 171 and Vol. 41, No. 4, 1997, pp. 280 - 291.]

The court reference is from: (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1685 - 1687, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, p. 23.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

CJ (#29) The Humble Servant

During the years that our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was active in (Old) Rappahannock County, the following is recorded in the deed book of 1682 - 1686:

"October Court 1684

      Know All Men by these presents that I John Griffin (GR-2) of the Parish of Kingston in the County of Glocester, Shipwright, doe by these presents sell and this day have delivered a Barke called "The Humble Servant" about fifty odd tunns with all appurtenances fitted as to Carpenters work now Riding at an anchor in Blackwater Creeke for the value of One hundred and forty pounds Sterl. money of England in hand reced from Col. Cadwallether Jones (JO-1) of Rappa: County Gent., for and in value whereof the abovesd money I the said Griffin (JO-2) have this day freely sold the above Barke, "the Humble Servant", to the use of the abovesaid JONES (JO-1) his heires forever.  And Further I John Griffin (JO-2) do oblige myselfe my heirs to warrant this my sale unto the sd JONES (JO-1) against claimes and this is my reall act & meaning and in performance whereof without fraud or intent of deceipt herein I have hereunto set my hand and placed my Seale this 22 day of September 1684

Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us

       Joseph Griffing (GR-3)                                                         John Griffin (GR-2)
       Tho: Harwar (HARW-1)
       Tho: Derrick (DE-1),  Francis Taliaferro (TA-3)

Rappa October 15th 1684, Then recorded"

An interesting name this "The Humble Servant".  I suspect Cadwallader Jones changed its name.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

CJ (#28) Court Days Continue 1685

The year 1685 continues in the (Old) Rappahannock County Court for our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
On the 4th November it is recorded:

"Judgment upon Attachment is granted to John Battaile (BAT-1) as assignee of Richard Payne (PA-4) against William Stanly (STA-1) for one pound Sterling money due by Bill in the hands of Colnll. Cadwalladr: Jones (JO-1) to be pd wth cost of suit als exe." p.19

John Battaile (BAT-1) continues to be involved in life of the family.

On the same date is recorded:

"Judgment upon Attachment is granted to Doctr: Moses Hubartt (HUB-1) agst the Estate of Wm. Stanly (STA-1) in the hands of Colnll. Cadwaldr: Jones (JO-1) for Six hundred pounds of tobb & cask for his Phisicall means means administered, proven by the Oath of the sd Hubbart to be pd wth cost of suit als exe." p. 20

Cost of health care way back then...who would have guessed.

From (Old) Rappahannock County Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1685 - 1687, by Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Ancient Press.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

CJ (#28) Court Cases 1685

On the same date [2 July 1685], as Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was serving as a justice, the following case was recorded:

"The Reference granted between Colnll. Cadwaldr: Jones (JO-1) Plt. and Fredrick Grimshaw (GRI-1) Deft. is continued till next North side Court"

(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts, by Ruth & Sam Sparacio, p. 96.

The case is continued in the September court of (Old) Rappahannock as follows:

"Refference is granted in the suit depending between Colnll. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and Fredrick Grimshaw (GRI-1) Deft. till next North side Court.  And the Sheriff is ordered to suppena Adam Woffendall (WOF-1) to make his personall appearance at sd North side Court to declare upon Oath what he knows concerning the Difference"

(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1685 - 1687, by Ruth & Sam Sparacio, p.6. [Date is 2d Sept. 1685.]

Back and forth it goes.  More to come.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

CJ (#27) A Justice of The Peace 1685

On July 2nd, 1685, at a court held for Rappahannock County, "Colnll. Cadwall. Jones" (JO-1) appears as a justice for the peace.  It would seem that his social position had not suffered in this environment where he had been "High" sheriff, and had his bond recalled as a breach of his service.  He is listed with:

"Att a Court held for Rappa:County July ye 2d 1685, Present Colnll. Jno. Stone (ST-1), Lt. Colnll. Wm. Loyd (LO-1), Colnll. Cadwall. Jones (JO-1), Capt. Geo. Tayler (TAY-2)".  A large number of cases were handled on this day in court. [See (Old) Rappahannock County Order (1683-1685) p. 93 - 97.]

It is important to record that on the day before, July 1, a Katerine Jones is recorded (JO-8) as follows:

"Quietus est is granted to Katherine Jones (JO-8) from the Estate of her deced Husband Robt: Jones (JO-9) haveing by the accot: exhibited to this Court made it appeare that she hath paid the whole Estate as inventoried to the Creditors thereof"

This date records that a Katherine Jones (JO-8) was the widow of a Robert (Robt.) Jones (JO-9).  This Robert Jones (JO-9) has his own family story dealing with the Civil War period in England.  It has been discussed by many others that a "Katerine Jones (JO - ?) was the wife of our Cadwallader.  It is possible that it was this Katherine Jones (JO-8), who was actually the wife of Robert Jones (JO-9), that has been confused with this person.  More to come.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

CJ (#26) June 1685

The summer of 1685 seems to have been a busy time for all those folks in (Old) Rappahannock County.  James II had just started his reign, and number of dramatic changes were about to take place.  On the 4th of June it is recorded:

"Whereas by the Sheriffs returne of an execution bearing date the 2d day of Aprill 1685, issued upon an Order of Aprill Court last past to Capt. Cadwaldr: Jones (JO-1), assignee of Colnll. Nicholas Spencer (SPE-1), Attorney of my Lord Culpeper (CU-1) againt the Estate of Majr. Henry Smith (SM-45) decd, for Eleven thousand pounds of tobb:& cask of the sd Order is leaveyed of the Estate aforesd. And Whereas the charge of the sd Order amounts to 404 lbs. of tobb:, It is there ordered that sd Execution formerly issued against the Estate aforesaid be continued in force and the remaining dues upon the sd Order of Court with cost be leaveyed by Virture of the same"

Here poor Cadwallader seems to listed as "Capt." [captain] instead of his usual title of "Colln."[colonel].  Later court dates will reinsert the title.  Again, our Cadwallader is listed as the "assignee" of Nicholas Spencer. (SPE-1)