The transfer of "Goods and Chattles" of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) to Robert Taliaferro (TA-1) is recorded in my post of September 3. An addition to this record is recorded "July the 5th 1687. It reads as follows:
" 8ber 20th 1686. Then assigned all my right interest and title whatsoever for a Negro man called Black Jack to Mr. Robt. Taliaferro (TA-1) and his heires for ever, it being in part of his potion due to him from his Father in my hands, I say, assigned with warrantie per me
David Meredith. (MER-2) Cadwalader Jones (JO-1)
Jno. Battaile (BAT-1)
Recognitr in Cur Com Rappa: 3 die August 1687 et record 12th die "
"ss. These are to desire you to acknowledge in Rappa:Court two Bills of Sale to Mr. Robt. Taliaferro (TA-1) and yor; so doing this shall be yor: warrant Witness my hand July the 5th 1687
Test John Taliaferro (TA-4) Cadwalader Jones (JO-1)
John Battaile (BAT-1)
Recordr. Cur Com Rappa; 12th die August 1687 "
By this record it would seem that our Cadwallader (JO-1) was still present in (Old) Rappahannock County when he signed the above. [July 5th 1687 ] It was recorded in the records of the court on the 12th day of August 1687. As far as I can tell, this would be the last time that our Cadwallader (JO-1) appears in person in Rappahannock County until after 1700. This record also documents that our Cadwallader (JO-1) had control of the estate of Robert Taliaferro (Sr.) (TA-2) at the date October 8th, 1686.
(Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1686 - 1687, p. 68. By Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Ancient Press, 1990.
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