The letter continues:
"Right Honourable, to draw to a conclusion of this unpleasant task, wherein I have wearied my self with Writing, and perhaps may you with Reading, yet I shew'd you but little, of what might be shew'd of his Folly, Frenzey, and Knavery, whereof he is a Composition; and this hard to say which is the Predominant Ingredient. To be short, he is (on all accompts) Morrally Unquallifed for Government, and a great Scandal to his Office, which casused one from Jamaica, to break forth into this Admiration, O monstrum borrendum, that such an Idiot should live among Men, especially be in Government, which Reflects great Dishonour upon the Lords, who sent, and Commissionated him; and may much more fill their Face with shame, who recomended him to them. By his own Letters and Journals he hath made himself most Ridiculous Abroad, and Contemptible at Home. And now Sir, we have shewed you the Evil Tree, which bringeth forth Evil Fruit, like to Jeremiahs bad Figgs (which is worse then Barreness) it is with you whether that Sentence shall pass, viz. Cut it down, why combereth it the Gound, but if there were any hopes, that (by Diging about it, Dunging, or Pruning,) it might bring forth good Fruit : We would become Interessors, and say, Lord, let it alone this Year Sir, we are very sensible of the Infallible truth of that Saying of our Great Lord, and Master That a House or Kingdom divided against it self, cannot stand ; and we also remember that the same Infallible Truth faith, That Offences will come, but be Pronouceth the Wo against him by when they come : And whethere we have given the Cause, or taken offence without just Cause, we submit our Cause, and our Selves, to Gods Judgment; and yours; being and subcribing our selves ( Right Honouralbe, ) Your Obliged Humble Servants
Gilbert Ashley (AS-1)
Bowen Clausen (CLA-1)
Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) "
A postscript was also written which will be given next post. Remember the lettering following each name above is my coding system for each individual involved in the life of Cadwallader Jones. The story continues.
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