By now you've got to be thinking...say what...does this guy Thomas Bulkley and friends not have anything better to do except for writing letters? Anyway, this letter continues:
"I have also sent you a Coppy of the Lords Proprietors Instructions that you may see how his Actions do square with their Rules, but that Parliament last mentioned, Frustrate of the good Designs and Desires of the Petitioners: the Country was left Groaning under the Languishing Distempers, which his Evil Government had brought it into, and so hath continu'd Growing worse and worse. By the first Parliament, 'twas Enacted, That Coll. Bowen Clasen, should be Joyned with the Governour in the Treasurers Office; and that no Money belonging to the Public Treasure should be Expended, without the Joynt consent of the Treasurers; and that their Account should be Audited every three Months. Notwithstanding which Law, he hath taken upon him to demand and receive, all the publick Treasure from time, to time, not acquainting Coll. Bowen therewith; and as he receives, so he dispurses according to his own pleasure; and his Accounts not submitted to an Audit since last July was a year; which is about Seventeen Months: And tho we have had but small occasion of publick Expeences, since the last Tax was Granted, and he having received in Powder Money and Fort Money 121l , as by Entries in the Book will appear: Yet he saith, that the Country is indebted to him Considerably; and as it fares with the Countries Treasure, so with the Lords Royalties, as we have good reson to Suspect. We cannot make a just Computation thereof, but guess upwards of 50 l for fifths of Ambergrease: He hath so managed the publick Treasure, that he expects (if a General Assembly do it) he shall be turned out of that Office; therefore he is a much appalled at the mention of a Parliament, and the coming of a new Governour, as Felix was, when St. Paul reasoned with him, Of Judgment to come. Through the perswasion of Mr. Clark (when here) he was prevailed upon, tho with great Reluctancy, to call a General Assembly, which was to sit the 8th of August last, but was by him (out of a perverse humour) Prorogu'd till the 15th of the said Month; After we had sate a few days (which were spent in frivolous Disputes raised by himself (as we have reason to think) on purpose to waste time, and interrupt business of Importance, which before we could fix upon, we were unhappily diverted, by some French Privateers, by whom we were in great danger of being taken and Plunder'd; and they lay so long just at our doors, that being tyred with continual watching night and day; and our Planting the mean while neglected: For general case, the Parliament Adjourn'd to the 5th of this Month, at which time they were Adjourn'd to the 7th Ditto, then (by him) were Disolved, having passed but two Acts, one for Appointing the Court of Pleas, the other for punishing Idle persons."
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