The second letter continues:
"Sir, As we said before, the case of our Complaints is not Personal Affronts and Injuries (which have been many and great) but for them we would not (at least by letter) have troubled your Honour with our Complaints, but of as general a Nature as before said, viz The grand Charge we have against him, is great in itself, and great in respect of the many great ones contain'd in it : The general is that from the first of his coming hither, He hath managed a wicked design to set up Arbitrary and Tyrannical Government, not bounded not regulated by Laws, but such as would be the Dictates of his own will, for serving the Corrupt Interests and Lusts of himself, and his Lewd and Beggerly Favourites ; who were designed to Repair their decay'd Fortunes (became so by their own Vicious and Extravagant Courses) by Subjecting the People in their Bodies and Parts to their absolute Dominion and Avarice. The withstanding of which Designs, first in a regular and Parliamentary way, and when that proved ineffectual, we were constrained (being at so great a distance from the Lords Proprietors) to the Extraordinary means to bring him to some better terms, which were Reasonable, Just, and Mild : To which, tho he then Conceded, and made many fair promises, yet in a little time (after the Muzle was was off ) he began to Act like a Beast of Prey again ; and so hath continued to do, to this present time..."
Here beings a long list of complaints continued in this letter. I will begin this list next post. Hum...can't wait.
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