Saturday, October 22, 2016

CJ (#58) An Answer 1692 (2)

The letter from Phillip Ludwell (LU-1) continues:

"My Advice is, That you meet alltogether, and draw up an Impartial account of all matters, viz The Grievances the Countrey (or you for them) complain of on the one side; and what the Governour has to complain of, on the other side; and that either party do communicate to the other side, before you send it away.  I have also, now made the same proposal to the Governour, who (I suppose) will not refuse it, if he do, I shall have no very opinion of his Cause, or Judgment.

If you think fit to do this, and send it me as soon as possibly you can; I have very great confidence I should Even the matters of Variance that are between you, or leave one side or tother without excuse.  However, If I should not be so happy in the Mediation at the first dash, it would be no great prejudice or loss of time to either, since the affairs of the Countrey (I mean as to the defence of it against a Common Enemy, or Judicial proceedings on Civil Actions between Man and Man) may go on.

But as to any manner of Process for any Heats or Piques, which are (by either part) taken to be Misdemeanours in the Government, I do Earnestly Exhort, and require you all, that it do cease, till the whole have been enquired into.

Whereupon, if an Accomodation be Effected, I shall think my self very happy, in having done the Lords, and the Country so good a Service.  I hope you will all set heartily about it: For I hope you all take the Authority of him, to be Infallible, that tells you, A House divided within it self cannot stand.

I shall trouble you no further at present, but asure you of my readiness to do you Service, being

Gentlemen, your Affectionate Fried and Humble Servant, Phill Ludwell (LU-1)  South Carolina, Octob. 27th 1692."

A postscript is attached as written:

"The Governour speaks of an Act of Indemnity; which he refused to Pass; pray let me have a true Copy of it.  I have also written to the Governour for a Copy, but desire it from you also.  If nothing will do, but my coming, that shall not be wanting, as soon as ever I can settle matters here, which I hope are now in a fair way;  But I hope you will all see your Interest so well, that there will be no need of my coming; unless it be to Rejoyce with you, for your good Fortune.

Pray send me the true grounds of the Differences between the governour, and You.  Yours as above. P.L."


Monday, September 12, 2016

CJ (#58) An Answer 1692 (1)

The following is a copy [as best as I can read it.] of the letter sent to "Providence" from Phillip Ludwell (LU-1).  It is dated October 17th, 1692 and sent from "South Caroline".

"These, For Gilbert Ashley (AS-1), Bowen Clasen (CLA-1), and Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) Esqs ; Or to any one of them, at Providence.

 Had I had any oppertunity, I had long ere this returned you an Answer to yours of the 16th of July, received from Mr. Clark : I am very sorry both for the Lords, and your own sakes, to find such great Discord between you and your Governour; and should be extreamly glad if I could contribute any thing to a Reconciliation.

In order to which, I would very willingly have taken a Journey to you if my Assiments would have permitted and, having so Rasicnal Persons as I have reason to believe you have among you to treat withal should not have dispaired of a good Effect.

I have considered the the contents of your Letter, which tho in some part a Stranger, may seem something too Passionate; yet I fear in general there is too much reason to believe the Complaints are not wholy without cause.

I have known your Governour several years, and altho perhaps he may be something a stranger to those Polliticks, which are requisite for the Well and Peaceable Ordering of a Government; yet he being of a generous and good Name (which he has always past for) I think it a little Strange that he should be so utterly Uncouncalable, by those of more acquaintance with the place, and joyed in power with him.

At the same time I received yours, I received a Letter also from him, near the same date, with complaints on his side; but neither he, nor you, gave me the particulars of eithers Grievances.  I have discoursed with Dr. Clark, who I believe has given me what Light he can, which yet cannot lead me to find out clearly where the Shooe pincheth, but by what I guess if it were possible for me to come to you, with any manner of Security to their Lordships Affairs here at this present, I should not much doubt to settle all to your satisfaction; but the trouble I have met with here, will not yet admit my least absence.  I'le asure you my desires are great to it, but since I cannot do as I would, if your please to follow my Advice, I am in hopes by Gods Assistance, may do you some Service." [more to come]

The length of this letter leads me to give it in two parts.  It has been difficult to make out all the words, and the use of "f" for the letter "s" was in the original letter.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

CJ (#57) A Letter July 1692

The packet that was sent by Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) as shown in the last post, contained a number of items that were intend to give additional information regarding the charges made by him.  The following is a copy of the first letter written July 16th 1692.

"A LETTER from Gilbert Ashley (AS-1), and Bowen Clasen (CLA-1), Esqs. (being Deputies to two of the Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, and the Bahama Islands), and Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1), Secretary of the last Named Province.  Superscribed, To the Honourable Collonel Phillip Ludwell (LU-1), Governour of Carolina."

"Honourable Sir,
      Wee the subscribers (by Mr. William Baker (BA-2), owner of a Bark which arriv'd here, from South Carolina the 13th instant) having received some general but very imperfect Information of your being come thither with Authority from the Lords Proprietors, of that, and this Colony, either to be Chief Governour, or at least to inquire into the conduct of Publick Affairs in both, and to Reform what your Wisdom shall discern to need; do with with all Humble Deference, Congratulate your safe Arrival there, and earnestly with for the same here: Wee (two less considerable) standing in as much need of your Authority, and Wisdom to rectifie our most disorderly Governor.  We think not fit to Anticipate you with our Complaints, and the Causes thereof, which are many, and great; whereby a hopeful Settlement of these their Lordships Dominions, [capable of great Improvements] is not only much retarded, but almost ruin'd.  We (according to the duty of our several Places and Bratrons) have used our best Endeavours that such Laws and Ordinances might be Made, and Executed, as in our Judgments tended most to the Honour and Profit of our Masters, and general good of the Government and People : But to our grief, we find all Laws for the Suppression of Vice, and Incouragement of Virtue and Industry, either Opposed in the making, or Ennervated in the Execution, the Lords Interest wholy disregarded : and those who are most Zealous to promote it, Discoutenanced, the publick Treasure Secertiy and unaccountable consum'd all Sober, Virtuous, and Industrious Person Abbor'd ; Privateers and Pirates, and such like Dissolute and Debauch'd persons Pavoared, and thereby made Impudently Insolent.  In this deplorable case we are wholy destitute of a remedy, within our selves; for General Assemblies above all things are hated, and dreaded, and those who Petition for their Calling, and Sitting, termed Traitors; and when Summon'd, the good itentions defeated by packed Elections, of the most unfit, and unworthy Persons to be Members.  And if the will not rully confound all Designs, and Endeavors for publick good, then self-conceited King Solomon, or (more properly) King Bramble, will be sure to effect it, by his refusdal to pass Such Bills into Acts.  But the Soveraign Balsom of your Power and Prudence, (which we have a great Character of ) if seasonably applyed, may heal our Death Threatning Distempers.  To you therfore, as our Extraordinary Political Physition, we look and call for a speedy visit; the hopes whereof, is a Reviving Cordial to your Afficted Patients, who will be (as oppertunity effects) Your Faithful and Humble Servants,

                   New Providence, July the 16th 1692                               Gilbert Ashley (AS-1)
                                                                                                            Bown Clasen (CLA-1)
                                                                                                            Thomas Bulkey (BUL-1)"

The appointment and instructions to Colonel Philip Ludwell (LU-1) as Governor of Carolina was given November 1691. [W.L. Saunders, ed. The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. I, pp. 373-384 ]  This letter would have been written very early to the arrival of Governor Ludwell (LU-1).  Remember that Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was appointed Governor the Bahama Islands November 14, 1689.  This letter would have been written almost four years after his arrival to the Islands.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

CJ (#57) The Other Side of The Story 1696

Printed in London, 1696, is the "Pacquet of Intelligence" that has been recorded in the history books about Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) during his years as governor of the Bahama Island.  The first page is shown:

This will begin a series of documents found regarding the charges make by  Thomas Bulkey (BUL-1) against Cadwallader (JO-1).  It is difficult to read some of the information, but the following is my attempt to interpret the records.

It is titled:  "Pacquet of Intelligence From New-Providence In the Province of BAHAMA Iflands in AMERICA ; In Two PARTS."

Its summary statement is :  "Wherein, the Miferable State of the faid Province and People Inhabiting the fame, for the fpace of Four Years, under the Tyranny of an Indigent Debauch'd Idiot, and moft pernicious Villain, Named Cadwallader Jones : "  [the "f" = "s" ] idiot and villain....thus begins the other side of the story.

Friday, May 27, 2016

CJ (#56) From The House of Commons 1695

The political environment that surrounded Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) can be found in the  "Manuscripts of The House of Lords", dated 1695 - 6, No. 1022 :

"The House of Commons also, the same day, resolved upon the following Association to be signed by their Members:--

'Whereas there has been a Horrid and Detestable conspiracy, Formed and Carried on by Papists, and other Wicked and Traiterous Persons, for Assassinating his Majesty's Royal Person in Order to Incourage an Invasion from France, to Subvert our Religion, Laws and Liberty: We whose Names are hereunto Subscribed, do Heartily, Sincerely, and Solemnly Profess, Testify, and Declare, That his present Majesty King William is Rightful and Lawful King of these Realms.  And we do Mutually Promise and Engage to stand by and assist each other to the utmost of our Power, in the Support and Defence of his Majesty's most Sacred Person and Government, against the late King James and all his Adherents.'  [Much more is written...see page 208 - 210 , Manuscripts of The House of Lords, 1695/6.]

At any rate, you can begin to understand the difficulty that our Cadwallader (JO-1) faced during his time in the Bahama Islands. [1690 - 1695] He was appointed Governor under James II, and was a Catholic.  He was facing a Puritan [Protestant] governor from a settlement that had been formed under Puritan forces.  Who held the frying pan, and who started the fire?

CJ (#55) A Commission in 1694

The examination of Turlagh Sulivan (SU-1) found in Colonial Papers 1700 p. 278, reports the following:

"Examination of Turlagh Sulivan (SU-1), of Pensylvania, who sailed in 1694 on the Dolphin, Richard Want (WAN-1), Commander, who declared he had a Commission from Gov. Jones (JO-1) of Providence against the French.  The ship sprang a leak and Capt. Every (EV-1)took them on board and landed them at Providence.  Every (EV-1) took no prize after he came on board, but some of the crew gave him 200l. as a reward for services he did for them."

A "Commission" was given to private citizens, who were owners of vessels, whom the government in times of war commissioned to proceed against the enemy, who, if captured, the commission entitled them to be treated as prisoners of war.  Called "Privateering" in those days, it was a legitimate business.  A Royal Governor could grant a private captain licenses and expected to share in their spoils.  It would seem that our Cadwallader (JO-1) was in this business during 1694.

Monday, April 25, 2016

CJ (#54) Imperfect

Additional records add information regarding our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  From the Calendar of  State Papers, America and West Indies [Vol. 14, 1693-1696, p.160] the following correspondence is recorded:

Dated April 12, 1695

"Lords Proprietors of the Bahamas to Governor Nicholas Trott. ( TRO-1)  We are well pleased to hear of your safe arrival in the Islands and that by your prudent management you have reduced the inhabitants to a contented condition which encourages new persons to come and settle among you....

... We note your report that our revenues amount to over f 800 annually, but have not had time to examine your own and Colonel Jones's (JO-1) accounts.  We observe that you intimate Colonel Jones's (JO-1) to be very imperfect, and we doubt not that you will remit us our profits as you receive them."

Lots of other comments between the dots, but do not discuss our Cadwallader. (JO-1)  Getting right down to it, the Proprietors wanted to know where their profits were.  The accounts of Cadwallader (JO-1) were judged " be very imperfect."  Nicholas Trott (TRO-1) had arrived to replace our Cadwallader (JO-) before the date listed above.

Taken from Colonial Papers: American and West Indies 1693-1696, record number 1,774, dated April 12, 1695.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

CJ (#53) London 1693

It would seem that the difficulties that our Cadwallader (JO-1) was having with the folks as Governor of the Bahamas had reached the attention of those in London.  A letter found in the British Public Record Office,  Colonial Entry Book Vol. 22, p. 224 is shown below.  It is dated "12th of Apll. 1693" and is taken from "Records in the British Public Record Office Relating to South Carolina 1691 - 1697" [found at The University of Alabama main library - F272.679 v.3]

Mr. Nicholas Trot [Trott] (TRO-1) was appointed governor of the Bahama Islands to replace Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  "...Jones sent such esctiavagant Letters to all parts that he made both himself and us rediculous."  Certainly, those in charge do not like to be made to look ridiculous.   Thus it would seem that by April 12th, 1693, Cadwallader (JO-1) had cooked his own goose.   The "Governors quarrell with the members of the Councill" had caused an exchange of "ill language when they differ in opinion wth him...".  The "Kings affairs" would be affected, thus out with Jones (JO-1) and in with Trott (TRO-1).

Note: On the international front, James II was actively seeking to regain his throne in England. [Known as Jacobite Plots]  A detailed discussion of this can be found in The Historians History of The World, by Williams, Vol. 20, [for the year 1693, see pp. 432 - 446.] published 1907.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

CJ (#52) Some Troubles

It was now August 1692 that the Executive Council of Virginia records the following:

"The Rt Honoble the Lieut Govr caused to be read some Letters he had received from Coll Cadwalladr Jones (JO-1) Govr of Providence, Sent by William Thompson (THOM-1) Master of the Sloope Swann who arrived somefew days since, and was by his Honor received the 8th day of this Instant August, wherein he gives an account of some troubles betweene him, and the Inhabitants of the place, and desires that a Friggott may be Sent him from this Government to be with him by the 12th day of this Instant, but being but one Friggott in this Country, and the time the said Jones (JO-1) mentions Expired (if his desire had been thought reasonable) noething can be done therein."

Some troubles between him [Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)] and the inhabitants of the place.  It is the recording of these troubles that gets past down in the history books of the Bahamas. [Yet to come!]  At any rate, the "Government of Virginia" could not help.  This was also the bridge period between the house of Stuart [James II - Catholic], and William and Mary (Protestant) following "The Glorious Revolution of 1688".  A new Lieutenant Governor of Virginia was to arrive September 1692 that had been appointed by William and Mary. [Lord Howard of Effingham was governor at the writing of this record who had been appointed by James II.]

Friday, February 12, 2016

CJ (#51) A Reaction

On the same date that the letter from Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was received at the Council of Colonial Virginia [July 5th 1692] a response was recorded as follows:

"On Considertion of the Intelligence received from Coll. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) that a Barcho longo fitted out of Peteete Gwavors with two hundred Men, was designed to Chesepeake Bay and of the account received from New Yorke that the French have taken three Vessells of, of [off] Block Island.  The Rt Honoble the Lieut Govr is desired to acquaint his Excy Lionell Copley Esqrs (COP-1) Capt Genll and Govr in Chiefe of their Mas Province of Maryland with the News wee heare, and that it is Judged absolutely Necessary to keepe their Mas Ship Henry prize here to Cruise about the Capes."

A warning was sent to Maryland about the information from Cadwallader (JO-1) and the ship Henry was to "...Cruise about the Capes."  So at this point; Virginia, New York, and Maryland became aware of the increasing dangers from the French.

Taken from: Executive Journals, Council of Colonial Virginia, pp. 258 - 259.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

CJ (#50) A Letter

From the Executive Journals, Council of Colonial Virginia [p. 258] comes the following record dated "July 5 1692":

"His Honor the Lieut Govr having reced Information in a Letter from Coll Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) that a Vessell with two hundred Men was fitted out of Peteete Gwavoes [Petit Goaves, in San Domingo] bound to our Bay, and an account by Letters from New Yorke that some Vessells have been taken off Block Island, caused the said Letters to be read and on Consideration thereof His Honor the Lieut Govr is requested to advise Capt Isaac Townsend (TO-12) Comandr of their Mas Ship Assureance and Comodore of the Fleete of the same, that he may provide himselfe and take such Care of the Fleete under his Convoy, as he shall Judge Necessary for their Mas Service;..."

On a international level, trouble was always brewing among the major players trying to keep their claims in the colonial settlements.  [A period in English history called "The Glorious Revolution" where William of Orange became the Protestant ruler in place of Catholic James II] Upon the accession of William, an eight-year "War of the League of Augsburg" began (known in America as "King William's War").  A good discussion of this period can be found in Colonial Virginia, by Richard L. Morton in his chapter titled "The Glorious Revolution of 1688", Vol. 1, pp. 330 - 341.  This war involved Dutch (New York), and England (colonies) [the Protestants] against Louis XIV of France and James II in exile [the Catholics].  In 1692, our Cadwallader (JO-1) was in the middle!