The year 1682 was filled with lots of events surrounding the life of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). A letter is recorded in "America and West Indies", Vol. 11, 1681-1685 dated February 6, 1682. It is listed as being written from "Mount Paradise Virginia". It appears on page 198, item # 397 :
"Mr. C. Jones to Lord Baltimore. This is to ask you for a permit for trade at Nanticoke only for Roanoke and Peake, if there be any commodity prohibited by your laws. I have an inland trade about four hundred miles from here S.S.W. This year the Indians will leave Roanoke, and I have a considerable trade with them. Through it I learned six weeks since of the motion of the Seneca Indians about three hundred miles S.S.W. from here. They took from an Indian town thirty-five prisoners and four or five from several small towns under the mountains near five hundred miles [from hence]. They have so oppressed the Indians that they have made no corn this year; they are now in a full body returning home. By reckoning they may be now in your country on their return "when the turkeys gobble", by the information of those that were here. I expect to hear from the priest, and will forward any further news. Not long since I was at Mr. Heale's and heard of your coming to Notley Hall. He gave me to understand that you would take it kindly if I watched the action of Mr. Fendall, which I have since made it my business to do. He converses with no gentry, for they would condemn one so arrogant as a man to be watched in all his motions. Mens' actions are so carefully inspected here that you need fear no mischief from Fendall in your country. Your grant of a permit to trade would be an act of charity." [copy. 1 p. On the page within, A secod note from the same to the same dated 3rd March 1682.] "On the other side is a copy of a letter which I was promised should be delivered, but you being not at Notely Hall it was returned. Pray empower the bearer Thomas Ousley, to trade for me. Signed Cadwallader Jones."
Holograph. 1/2 p. Endorsed, "Letter concerning Virginia" Reed. from my Lord Baltimore." [Col. Papers, Vol. XLVIII., No. 22]
Wow..."Mount Paradise"...I wonder. There is much to be gained from exploring the content of this letter.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
CJ (#15) It Descended
A patent is recorded on the 20th of April 1682 which indicates that our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had inherited other lands from his father Richard Jones (JO-5). The land was located in Gloster Co., Abbington Parish, upon the Yorke River. (Had been Charles River before Charles lost his head.)
It reads:
"Thomas Boswell(BOS-1), 1100 acs., Gloster Co., Abbinton Par., upon Yorke River side & Timber Neck Cr., 20 Apr. 1682. Beg. at mouth of sd. Cr ; to 100 acs sold to Mr. Booker; includ. all the islands to sd. Creek's mouth. 1000 acs. granted Richd. Richards (RI-1) 2 Aug. 1645, & descended to Hugh Richards (RI-2), who assigned to Thomas Wilson (WI-1) & Richard Jones (JO-5); by Wilson (WI-1) assigned to sd. Jones (JO-5), from whom it descended to Cadwallader Jones (JO-1), who conveyed to sd. Boswell (BOS-1), 19 Mar. 1679; 100 acs., being overplus, due for trans. of 2 pers: Wm. Morton (MOR-1), Joseph Tompson (TO-1)."
This patent indicates that Cadwallader (JO-1) had inherited this l000 acres and conveyed it to Thomas Boswell (BOS-1) early in 1679. Much was happening in the life of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). The surnames contained in this patent, i.e., "Richards" and "Wilson" prove important in connecting the genealogy "dots" surrounding the life of Richard Jones (JO-5).
The reference is found: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, p.238.
It reads:
"Thomas Boswell(BOS-1), 1100 acs., Gloster Co., Abbinton Par., upon Yorke River side & Timber Neck Cr., 20 Apr. 1682. Beg. at mouth of sd. Cr ; to 100 acs sold to Mr. Booker; includ. all the islands to sd. Creek's mouth. 1000 acs. granted Richd. Richards (RI-1) 2 Aug. 1645, & descended to Hugh Richards (RI-2), who assigned to Thomas Wilson (WI-1) & Richard Jones (JO-5); by Wilson (WI-1) assigned to sd. Jones (JO-5), from whom it descended to Cadwallader Jones (JO-1), who conveyed to sd. Boswell (BOS-1), 19 Mar. 1679; 100 acs., being overplus, due for trans. of 2 pers: Wm. Morton (MOR-1), Joseph Tompson (TO-1)."
This patent indicates that Cadwallader (JO-1) had inherited this l000 acres and conveyed it to Thomas Boswell (BOS-1) early in 1679. Much was happening in the life of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). The surnames contained in this patent, i.e., "Richards" and "Wilson" prove important in connecting the genealogy "dots" surrounding the life of Richard Jones (JO-5).
The reference is found: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, p.238.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
CJ (#14) True and Lawfull Attorney
Immediately following the indenture of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jefferies (JE-1) in the (Old) Rappahannock Co. Deed Book 1682-1686, is the following record. It reads:
"TO ALL XPIAN People to whom these prsents shall come Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) of the Collony of Virginia send Greeting in or:Lord God Everlasting. Whereas he the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) aforesaid, Son and Heire of Richard Jones (JO-5) of London, Merchant, and John Jefferies (JE-1) of London aforesaid by their certain Deed made over unto Sr:Robert Jefferyes (JE-3), Knight Alderman of the City of London, a certain Lordship or Mannor of LEY with all the rights within the Parish of Beerferis in County of Devon and Kingdom of England and all the capetail of said Mannor called by the name of LEY with all the lands commonly called by ye severall names of Wallers Great, Hawcombe, Little Hawcombe, Beeralbeiston and Baselace being within the prcincts of LEY in the said Parish of BEER FERIS and all thos two Bargages with apptnences in HAWCOMBE in ye County of DEVON and all that Copice of Copice Wood containing Fifteen acres be it more or less being in the BEERFERIS and also the houses buildings (&c) belonging as by the aforesd Deed of bargain and Sale may appear Now Know yee that he the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) by occasion aforesaid hath made and constitued in his place and stead his true and well beloved ffriend John Jefferyes (JE-1) of London aforesaid Esqr. his true and lawfull Attorney to act and doe everything on the part of Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) ought to be done concering the aforesaid mentionaed Instrument and the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) hath hereby further authorised the aforesaid John Jefferyes (JE-1) Esquire in his name and place to make acknowledgemt. as Attorney of said JONES (JO-1) in any Court or otherwise confirming wtsoever his said Attorney or his Substitute shall lawfully act and doe to be as authentique as he the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) could do if psonable prsent In Witness whereof the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) hath sett his hand and affixed his Seale this seaventh day of Febry 1682. Signed Sealed and delivered in prsence of
Thos: Hasted (HAST-1) Cadwalader Jones (JO-1)
John Haslewood (HAS-1) Georg Purvis (PU-1)
Teste Edmd. Craske (CR-1)"
This document would suggest that John Jeffereys (JE-1) was a "well beloved friend". This phrase was often used to describe a relationship with family members as well, but would seem to imply that there was no direct family ties, i.e., half-brother, 1st cousin, etc.? It may be that John Jefferys (JO-1) was a business partner to Richard Jones (JO-5) in London. A John Jeffereys was connected as a merchant to a number of folks in the colonies, which is yet to be shown.
"TO ALL XPIAN People to whom these prsents shall come Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) of the Collony of Virginia send Greeting in or:Lord God Everlasting. Whereas he the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) aforesaid, Son and Heire of Richard Jones (JO-5) of London, Merchant, and John Jefferies (JE-1) of London aforesaid by their certain Deed made over unto Sr:Robert Jefferyes (JE-3), Knight Alderman of the City of London, a certain Lordship or Mannor of LEY with all the rights within the Parish of Beerferis in County of Devon and Kingdom of England and all the capetail of said Mannor called by the name of LEY with all the lands commonly called by ye severall names of Wallers Great, Hawcombe, Little Hawcombe, Beeralbeiston and Baselace being within the prcincts of LEY in the said Parish of BEER FERIS and all thos two Bargages with apptnences in HAWCOMBE in ye County of DEVON and all that Copice of Copice Wood containing Fifteen acres be it more or less being in the BEERFERIS and also the houses buildings (&c) belonging as by the aforesd Deed of bargain and Sale may appear Now Know yee that he the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) by occasion aforesaid hath made and constitued in his place and stead his true and well beloved ffriend John Jefferyes (JE-1) of London aforesaid Esqr. his true and lawfull Attorney to act and doe everything on the part of Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) ought to be done concering the aforesaid mentionaed Instrument and the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) hath hereby further authorised the aforesaid John Jefferyes (JE-1) Esquire in his name and place to make acknowledgemt. as Attorney of said JONES (JO-1) in any Court or otherwise confirming wtsoever his said Attorney or his Substitute shall lawfully act and doe to be as authentique as he the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) could do if psonable prsent In Witness whereof the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) hath sett his hand and affixed his Seale this seaventh day of Febry 1682. Signed Sealed and delivered in prsence of
Thos: Hasted (HAST-1) Cadwalader Jones (JO-1)
John Haslewood (HAS-1) Georg Purvis (PU-1)
Teste Edmd. Craske (CR-1)"
This document would suggest that John Jeffereys (JE-1) was a "well beloved friend". This phrase was often used to describe a relationship with family members as well, but would seem to imply that there was no direct family ties, i.e., half-brother, 1st cousin, etc.? It may be that John Jefferys (JO-1) was a business partner to Richard Jones (JO-5) in London. A John Jeffereys was connected as a merchant to a number of folks in the colonies, which is yet to be shown.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
CJ (#14) Manor of Ley (III)
The indenture continues:
"And Further that he the said Sr. Robert Jeffereys (JO-3) his heirs may at all times forever hereafter have and enjoy the said Mannor Lordship and Hereditaments without the lawfull lett or deniall of him the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) his heirs and that the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) or John Jeffereyes (JE-1) or either of them will upon request make further acts for the better assuring and makeing of all the premisses according to the true meaning of these presents as said Sr. Robert Jeffereyes (JE-1) his heirs or Councell Learned in the Law shall lawfully advise as that the parties requested to do the same be not compelled to travell above the space of five miles from their respective usuall place of abode In Witness whereof the parties have set their hands and sealses in the presence of us
John Haslewood (HAS-1) Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)
Georg Purvis (PU-1), Thomas Hasted (HAST-1)
Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffereis (JO-2) conveyance of the fee of the Manner and Lordship of Ley in Devon to Sr. Robert Jefferies (JO-3)
Recognitr in Cur: Com Rappa p Cadwalader Junes 7th die Febry 1682 et Recordatr xii die"
Please note that the numbering system is added and not in the original documents. This ends the indenture as recorded in (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1682-1686, p. 3-4. The names of the witnesses can be helpful at times when the brick walls become thick. It is recorded February 7, 1682.
The life and times of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) continues.
"And Further that he the said Sr. Robert Jeffereys (JO-3) his heirs may at all times forever hereafter have and enjoy the said Mannor Lordship and Hereditaments without the lawfull lett or deniall of him the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) his heirs and that the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) or John Jeffereyes (JE-1) or either of them will upon request make further acts for the better assuring and makeing of all the premisses according to the true meaning of these presents as said Sr. Robert Jeffereyes (JE-1) his heirs or Councell Learned in the Law shall lawfully advise as that the parties requested to do the same be not compelled to travell above the space of five miles from their respective usuall place of abode In Witness whereof the parties have set their hands and sealses in the presence of us
John Haslewood (HAS-1) Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)
Georg Purvis (PU-1), Thomas Hasted (HAST-1)
Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffereis (JO-2) conveyance of the fee of the Manner and Lordship of Ley in Devon to Sr. Robert Jefferies (JO-3)
Recognitr in Cur: Com Rappa p Cadwalader Junes 7th die Febry 1682 et Recordatr xii die"
Please note that the numbering system is added and not in the original documents. This ends the indenture as recorded in (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1682-1686, p. 3-4. The names of the witnesses can be helpful at times when the brick walls become thick. It is recorded February 7, 1682.
The life and times of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) continues.
Monday, October 22, 2012
CJ (#14) Manor of Ley (II)
The indenture continues:
"To have and to hold the said Mannor Lordship lands and other the premises unto sd Sr:Robert Jeffereis (JE-3) from day next before date herefor during the terme of one whole yeare to the End by Vertue of Statute for uses may be in possession of the premises and be enabled to take a release or conveyance of inheritance to him and his heirs hereafter specified And This Indenture further Winesseth that for the conveyance of the fee simple of all the premisses to this sd Sr. Robert Jefferies (JE-3) and his heirs for such uses as hereafter mentioned the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) for the sum of (blank) of lawfull English money to him in hand paid and the said John Jeffereys (JE-1) the aforesaid Mannor Lordship and Herediaments and all rights To have and to hold such uses as said Sr. Robert Jeffereyes (JE-3) by any writing under his hand attested by three or more sufficient Witnesses shall limit and appointe and in defaulte of such Limitation to the use of the said Sr. Robert Jefferies(JE-3) his heirs forever to be held of the high hand cheiffe Lord or Lords of the fees of the premisses by the rents and services therefore formerly due..."
This again shows that the Manor of Ley was an inheritance (fee simple) of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffereys (JO-1). The rights of this inheritance is being sold to Sir Robert Jeffereyes (JO-3). This would seem to suggest that both Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffereys (JE-1) were related to Richard Jones.(JO-5) This is possible if they were half-brothers, with the wive(s) of Richard Jones (JO-5) having children by a previous marriage. [The Jeffery and Jones family share a direct descent through the "Tribe of the Marches", but that story is yet to come.] This document also shows that a name (surname) can be spelled several different ways in the very same document!
"To have and to hold the said Mannor Lordship lands and other the premises unto sd Sr:Robert Jeffereis (JE-3) from day next before date herefor during the terme of one whole yeare to the End by Vertue of Statute for uses may be in possession of the premises and be enabled to take a release or conveyance of inheritance to him and his heirs hereafter specified And This Indenture further Winesseth that for the conveyance of the fee simple of all the premisses to this sd Sr. Robert Jefferies (JE-3) and his heirs for such uses as hereafter mentioned the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) for the sum of (blank) of lawfull English money to him in hand paid and the said John Jeffereys (JE-1) the aforesaid Mannor Lordship and Herediaments and all rights To have and to hold such uses as said Sr. Robert Jeffereyes (JE-3) by any writing under his hand attested by three or more sufficient Witnesses shall limit and appointe and in defaulte of such Limitation to the use of the said Sr. Robert Jefferies(JE-3) his heirs forever to be held of the high hand cheiffe Lord or Lords of the fees of the premisses by the rents and services therefore formerly due..."
This again shows that the Manor of Ley was an inheritance (fee simple) of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffereys (JO-1). The rights of this inheritance is being sold to Sir Robert Jeffereyes (JO-3). This would seem to suggest that both Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffereys (JE-1) were related to Richard Jones.(JO-5) This is possible if they were half-brothers, with the wive(s) of Richard Jones (JO-5) having children by a previous marriage. [The Jeffery and Jones family share a direct descent through the "Tribe of the Marches", but that story is yet to come.] This document also shows that a name (surname) can be spelled several different ways in the very same document!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
CJ (#14) Mannor of Ley
This post continues the indenture of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffreys (JE-1):
"...Witnesseth that the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffreyes (JE-1) for the sum of Five Shillings apiece to them paid by the Sr. Robert Jeffereys (JE-3) and for other valuable consideration them hereunto especially moveing have sold unto the said Sr. Robert Jeffereys (JE-3) all that ye Lordship and Mannor of Ley with the rights and appuirtenances called or know by the name of Ley with the rights and appurtenances thereeof within the Parrish of Beerfferies in County of Devon and all that the Capitall Messuage or Mancon House of the said Mannor called or known by the name of Ley wth apptenances and all those lands and hereditamts with their appurtenances in Temerton-Follett in the siad County of Devon and that Cottage with th appurtenances in Hawcombe in the said County of Devon and all Copice of Copice Wood containing by estimation Fifteen acres being in Beerfferies and all houses, buildings barns Stables gardens woods profitts libertyes franchies and hereditaments whatsoever to the said Manor Lordships and premises belonging whereof the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) and John Jefferies or either of them now hath any Estate of Inheritance in fee simple of all and singular the title of said premises..."
Thus continues our story. It would seem that both Cadwallader and John Jeffreys have a right to the inheritance "in fee simple". More to come.
"...Witnesseth that the said Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Jeffreyes (JE-1) for the sum of Five Shillings apiece to them paid by the Sr. Robert Jeffereys (JE-3) and for other valuable consideration them hereunto especially moveing have sold unto the said Sr. Robert Jeffereys (JE-3) all that ye Lordship and Mannor of Ley with the rights and appuirtenances called or know by the name of Ley with the rights and appurtenances thereeof within the Parrish of Beerfferies in County of Devon and all that the Capitall Messuage or Mancon House of the said Mannor called or known by the name of Ley wth apptenances and all those lands and hereditamts with their appurtenances in Temerton-Follett in the siad County of Devon and that Cottage with th appurtenances in Hawcombe in the said County of Devon and all Copice of Copice Wood containing by estimation Fifteen acres being in Beerfferies and all houses, buildings barns Stables gardens woods profitts libertyes franchies and hereditaments whatsoever to the said Manor Lordships and premises belonging whereof the said Cadwalader Jones (JO-1) and John Jefferies or either of them now hath any Estate of Inheritance in fee simple of all and singular the title of said premises..."
Thus continues our story. It would seem that both Cadwallader and John Jeffreys have a right to the inheritance "in fee simple". More to come.
Monday, September 17, 2012
CJ(#14) The Father of Cadwallader
A series of parallel events occur during the early 1680s in the life of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). Bacon's Rebellion, Indian Wars, and the military service are enough to keep anyone tied up in knots. However, it would seem that life was to keep on throwing stones at Cadwallader. The records of (Old) Rappahannock Co. VA for the first time clearly identifies the father of Cadwallader. Around February 1682, the following "Indenture" (deed) is recorded:
"This Indenture made the (blank) in the year of our Lord according to the computation used in England One thousand six hundred Eight & one and in the year of the Reign of or: Soveraigne Lord Charles the second &c. the three and thirthieth Between CADWALLADER JONES of Virginia, Son & heire of RICHARD JONES, late of LONDON, Merchant deceased, and JOHN JEFFREYS of LONDON Esqr. of the one part and Sr: ROBERT JEFFEREYS, Knight, one of the Aldermen of the City of LONDON of the other part..."
A primary document that clearly identifies the father of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as Richard Jones (JO-5). In addition the Jeffereys family becomes connected, naming John Jeffres, Esq.(JE-1) and Robert Jeffereys (JE-3). It describes Richard Jones(JO-5) as being a "merchant", "late of LONDON", and deceased. Much, much more to come.
This document also shows how Rappahannock Co. viewed the dating of this record. The writers computation reflects the fact that Charles II reign is dated from 1649. This ignores the years of the Commonwealth under Cromwell, 1650 to 1660. Many history books begin the reign of Charles II 1661, and only lasting 24 years. Thus the "33rd" year would not seem to fit the history books of today.
From: (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book, 1682-1686, p. 3, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.DB-13/90.
"This Indenture made the (blank) in the year of our Lord according to the computation used in England One thousand six hundred Eight & one and in the year of the Reign of or: Soveraigne Lord Charles the second &c. the three and thirthieth Between CADWALLADER JONES of Virginia, Son & heire of RICHARD JONES, late of LONDON, Merchant deceased, and JOHN JEFFREYS of LONDON Esqr. of the one part and Sr: ROBERT JEFFEREYS, Knight, one of the Aldermen of the City of LONDON of the other part..."
A primary document that clearly identifies the father of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as Richard Jones (JO-5). In addition the Jeffereys family becomes connected, naming John Jeffres, Esq.(JE-1) and Robert Jeffereys (JE-3). It describes Richard Jones(JO-5) as being a "merchant", "late of LONDON", and deceased. Much, much more to come.
This document also shows how Rappahannock Co. viewed the dating of this record. The writers computation reflects the fact that Charles II reign is dated from 1649. This ignores the years of the Commonwealth under Cromwell, 1650 to 1660. Many history books begin the reign of Charles II 1661, and only lasting 24 years. Thus the "33rd" year would not seem to fit the history books of today.
From: (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book, 1682-1686, p. 3, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.DB-13/90.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
CJ(13) "a horfe & mare" 1682
The next decade (1680s) of the life of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) is documented in a variety of records. All the pies, that he had his fingers in, were to cause a variety of downturns and upturns. It is difficult to place all these documents in a precise order because the topic of each will cover several years, and will be on multiple subjects that came to be part of the life of our Cadwallader. One will need a "score card" or "player roster" to begin to understand the various documents which at first seem unrelated, and the genealogists of the past have easily confused.
This post continues the account of the Rappahannock garrison, which is one topic that has been presented. It dates from 1682 when certain decisions were made regarding this fort. There were other events in the life of Cadwallader happening during the same time, and all cannot be pieced together without some context or framework to understand the happenings. I will again try to number the "topic" by CJ(#) so that related documents can be presented. Here goes.
Virginia's general assembly in 1682 began to assemble its account books, and its judgements on the cost of the previous Indian wars (Also Bacon's Rebellion). Meeting at James City on the 10th day of November 1682, they issued a series of orders of "...publique charge and leuy...". These orders included a number that deal with our Cadwallader. Listed under "Rappahanock County" is the following:
"To Coll Cadwallader Jones for a horfe & mare killed att ye Garrifon......2160" [lbs. tobacco]
"To ditto for entertaining ye Seneca Indians by the Gouernrs orders.........5400"
Under "Gloucefter County":
"To Coll Cadwr Jones Comandr of Rappa Garrison................................21000 [lbs. tobacco]
"To Coll Jones affigne of Robt Beverly....................................................39000
Under "Lancafter County":
"To Coll Cadwallader Jones Comander of the Troop of this County for pay for himfelfe his Corporall 19 foldier for one yeare four Months to End the 14th May next 65320 the fume of 24500 pounds of Tobacco & Cask being paid by the late prfidents Oder deducted Remainses due....40820
It would appear that Cadwallader finally got reimbursed for his service to the colony. If I added correctly it would come to 111649 lbs of tobacco and casts. This would be charged to Rappahannock, Gloucester, and Lancaster Counties. The order was given...collection was not.
Records can be document at: House of Burgess, Index, 1659-1693:
Cadwallader Jones, commander of Rappahannock garrison....p.181,p.183
paid in tobacco...p.170, p.182, p.183, p.254
This post continues the account of the Rappahannock garrison, which is one topic that has been presented. It dates from 1682 when certain decisions were made regarding this fort. There were other events in the life of Cadwallader happening during the same time, and all cannot be pieced together without some context or framework to understand the happenings. I will again try to number the "topic" by CJ(#) so that related documents can be presented. Here goes.
Virginia's general assembly in 1682 began to assemble its account books, and its judgements on the cost of the previous Indian wars (Also Bacon's Rebellion). Meeting at James City on the 10th day of November 1682, they issued a series of orders of "...publique charge and leuy...". These orders included a number that deal with our Cadwallader. Listed under "Rappahanock County" is the following:
"To Coll Cadwallader Jones for a horfe & mare killed att ye Garrifon......2160" [lbs. tobacco]
"To ditto for entertaining ye Seneca Indians by the Gouernrs orders.........5400"
Under "Gloucefter County":
"To Coll Cadwr Jones Comandr of Rappa Garrison................................21000 [lbs. tobacco]
"To Coll Jones affigne of Robt Beverly....................................................39000
Under "Lancafter County":
"To Coll Cadwallader Jones Comander of the Troop of this County for pay for himfelfe his Corporall 19 foldier for one yeare four Months to End the 14th May next 65320 the fume of 24500 pounds of Tobacco & Cask being paid by the late prfidents Oder deducted Remainses due....40820
It would appear that Cadwallader finally got reimbursed for his service to the colony. If I added correctly it would come to 111649 lbs of tobacco and casts. This would be charged to Rappahannock, Gloucester, and Lancaster Counties. The order was given...collection was not.
Records can be document at: House of Burgess, Index, 1659-1693:
Cadwallader Jones, commander of Rappahannock garrison....p.181,p.183
paid in tobacco...p.170, p.182, p.183, p.254
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
CJ(13) Extraordinary Services
If at first you don't succeed; try, try, again...or so it goes. The case of Cadwallader Jones is taken up again according to the legislative journals of the council of Virginia. At "Poft Merid.", "The houfe Mett & called Ouer". It was July 3, 1680 and the record states:
"The cafe of Mr Cadwallader Jones is diftinguifhable from others by the good & Extraordinary Services he hath done and therefore hope the houfe of Burgeffes will confider him another time." [p.141, July 3, 1680]
The results of this request is not immediately recorded. According to Bruce [Institutional History of Virginia, Vol.II, p.106] a story is reported concerning Cadwallader Jones September 1680. Bruce describes it as "A remarkable scene..." which occurs at Rappahannock fort. The response to a letter sent to "Major Robert Beverly" by "Capt. Cadwalader Jones" caused quite a stir. [Here Bruce fails to recognize his own earlier writings listing Cadwalader as "...deputy-commanders or the lieut.-colonels..." p.24, Vol.II.] The letter's content (reply) "...must have been very offensive, for Jones first gave directions that it should be read before the assembled garrison...". Next Bruce records Cadwallader, "...caused a fire to be made in full view of the soldiers, now drawn up before him.."; and stated, "...that he valued the writer of that missive, and also the Governor himself, no more than he did the letter itself.." Cadwallader is then reported "...with an air of great scorn and contempt threw it into the flames,...". As a final blow, Cadwallader then "...seizing a stout stick, beat Peter Russell, the corporal who had carried Jones's letter to Beverley and brought back Beverley's answer, until he was black and blue in divers places...". [Vol. II, p.106]
Bruce draws his own conclusions regarding this episode in the life of our Cadwallader Jones. [See pp.106-107, Vol. II] I suspect these actions were in response to the Burgess's second vote, for his extraordinary services.
[I have not been able to find a record of this second vote, but I would wager that it was taken before this September visit, 1680]
"The cafe of Mr Cadwallader Jones is diftinguifhable from others by the good & Extraordinary Services he hath done and therefore hope the houfe of Burgeffes will confider him another time." [p.141, July 3, 1680]
The results of this request is not immediately recorded. According to Bruce [Institutional History of Virginia, Vol.II, p.106] a story is reported concerning Cadwallader Jones September 1680. Bruce describes it as "A remarkable scene..." which occurs at Rappahannock fort. The response to a letter sent to "Major Robert Beverly" by "Capt. Cadwalader Jones" caused quite a stir. [Here Bruce fails to recognize his own earlier writings listing Cadwalader as "...deputy-commanders or the lieut.-colonels..." p.24, Vol.II.] The letter's content (reply) "...must have been very offensive, for Jones first gave directions that it should be read before the assembled garrison...". Next Bruce records Cadwallader, "...caused a fire to be made in full view of the soldiers, now drawn up before him.."; and stated, "...that he valued the writer of that missive, and also the Governor himself, no more than he did the letter itself.." Cadwallader is then reported "...with an air of great scorn and contempt threw it into the flames,...". As a final blow, Cadwallader then "...seizing a stout stick, beat Peter Russell, the corporal who had carried Jones's letter to Beverley and brought back Beverley's answer, until he was black and blue in divers places...". [Vol. II, p.106]
Bruce draws his own conclusions regarding this episode in the life of our Cadwallader Jones. [See pp.106-107, Vol. II] I suspect these actions were in response to the Burgess's second vote, for his extraordinary services.
[I have not been able to find a record of this second vote, but I would wager that it was taken before this September visit, 1680]
Saturday, August 11, 2012
CJ (13) Die 19th June 1680
The years immediately following Bacon's Rebellion were certainly difficult for those left to put together all the pieces. Each county organized a set of "Public Officers" and arranged for a series of garrisons (forts or posts) to be established along the frontier. Rappahannock garrison was located at the falls of the Rappahannock, and none other than our Cadwallader place in command. I suspect this was located near the land already settled by Henry Benson and his partner Cadwallader.
A listing of the public officers for Stafford Co., 1680 [under military] gave:
Coll. George Mason
Lt. Coll. Cadwalader Jones
Maj'r Andrew Gilson
Capt. Rob't Massey. [VA Historical Mag, Vol. I, p.251]
In June 1680, the Virginia Council journals record that:
"The houfe mett and called ourer...
"The Petition of Coll.Cadwallader Jones for releife read in the houfe".
This petition read:
"The Sufferings of the Petitioner are most apparent and his resoluteness to abide his plantation ag't all attempts and conspiracies of our Indian enemies for many years hath (as may well be supposed) maintained us in the seatment of the upper part of Rappahannock for many miles."
[Legislative Journals of the Council i, 3 ]
The petition was called to "Queftion. Shall Coll. Cadwallader Jones haue releife vpon his petition from the Countrey or not."
"Refolu'd in the Negatiue by plurality of Voyces."
The plurality of voices spoke...what a deal for our Cadwallader Jones.
A listing of the public officers for Stafford Co., 1680 [under military] gave:
Coll. George Mason
Lt. Coll. Cadwalader Jones
Maj'r Andrew Gilson
Capt. Rob't Massey. [VA Historical Mag, Vol. I, p.251]
In June 1680, the Virginia Council journals record that:
"The houfe mett and called ourer...
"The Petition of Coll.Cadwallader Jones for releife read in the houfe".
This petition read:
"The Sufferings of the Petitioner are most apparent and his resoluteness to abide his plantation ag't all attempts and conspiracies of our Indian enemies for many years hath (as may well be supposed) maintained us in the seatment of the upper part of Rappahannock for many miles."
[Legislative Journals of the Council i, 3 ]
The petition was called to "Queftion. Shall Coll. Cadwallader Jones haue releife vpon his petition from the Countrey or not."
"Refolu'd in the Negatiue by plurality of Voyces."
The plurality of voices spoke...what a deal for our Cadwallader Jones.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
CJ (12) Colonial Papers 1677
The British government attempted to evaluate the Virginia colony following the period of Bacon's Rebellion. The department called "America and West Indies" handled the paper work that arrived from the colony. These are summarized and available for research with the following documentation:
Dated, "1677 March."
" 118. Grievances of the Inhabitants of the upper parts of Citternborn parish in the county of Rappahanock, presented and signed by Cadwalladen Jones and John Bowsie, to His Majesty's Commissioners for Virginia. Under fourteen heads. Concerning the Indian War; the levies of 1674, and 1675, and how disposed of; the impost upon tobacco; the Militia who should not sit in the Courts of Judicature; the approach of the Indians; a supply of arms, and ammunition. Also, The Answers of the Commissioners to the same. Two papers. 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXIX., Nos. 62, 63; also Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXI., pp. 300-302.]"
The above is copies from Vol. 10, 1677-1680, America and West Indies, p.45. It gives the location of the primary documents that be researched. Documentation is available for the genealogist. Please note that it is here that John Rouzee (Rouse, Rowzee, Rowsey, Rowse) is recorded as "John Bowsie". This error is not corrected by many genealogist.
Dated, "1677 March."
" 118. Grievances of the Inhabitants of the upper parts of Citternborn parish in the county of Rappahanock, presented and signed by Cadwalladen Jones and John Bowsie, to His Majesty's Commissioners for Virginia. Under fourteen heads. Concerning the Indian War; the levies of 1674, and 1675, and how disposed of; the impost upon tobacco; the Militia who should not sit in the Courts of Judicature; the approach of the Indians; a supply of arms, and ammunition. Also, The Answers of the Commissioners to the same. Two papers. 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXXIX., Nos. 62, 63; also Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXI., pp. 300-302.]"
The above is copies from Vol. 10, 1677-1680, America and West Indies, p.45. It gives the location of the primary documents that be researched. Documentation is available for the genealogist. Please note that it is here that John Rouzee (Rouse, Rowzee, Rowsey, Rowse) is recorded as "John Bowsie". This error is not corrected by many genealogist.
Monday, July 23, 2012
CJ (12) : X Marks The Spots
Keeping active was not a problem for Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). His conflict with Maryland involved several court records outlined as follows:
Samuel Leadbeater vs Cadwallader Jones, In Chancery Proceedings, Provincial Court, Vol. 67, p.140,1677
Robert Ridgley vs Cadwallader Jones, St. Maryes Co., Mtchant, Vol. 67, p.225, 1678
Robert Carville vs Cadwallader Jones, Proceedings Provincil Ct., MD, Vol.67, p.261,1678
Robert Ridgley vs Cadwallader Jones, 133 lbs tobacco, Proceedings of Provincial Court, Vol. 67,
p.446,1678 ["...plea of trespas..."]
Robert Carville vs Cadwallader Jones, 2133 lbs tobacco, Vol.67, p. 445, 1678.
The map above outlines the geographic locations of the activities of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) during this time period. The "green" X's mark the spots!
#1) = His 1443 acres on Pumansend Creek [ "My House"] 1673.
#2) = His 1000 acres as partner to Henry Benson.(BE-1) 1674 at the falls.
#3) = His 14,114 acres with David Jones (JO-2) 1677.
#4) = His merchant activities 1677 - 1678 St. Marys, Maryland. Across the Potomac.
What was to become the major road ways during the colonial period is the location of Cadwallader's business plan. Strategic delivery points along the way which Cadwallader had already figured out. Get there first, and try to control the access points. Little did he know what was yet to happen.
Samuel Leadbeater vs Cadwallader Jones, In Chancery Proceedings, Provincial Court, Vol. 67, p.140,1677
Robert Ridgley vs Cadwallader Jones, St. Maryes Co., Mtchant, Vol. 67, p.225, 1678
Robert Carville vs Cadwallader Jones, Proceedings Provincil Ct., MD, Vol.67, p.261,1678
Robert Ridgley vs Cadwallader Jones, 133 lbs tobacco, Proceedings of Provincial Court, Vol. 67,
p.446,1678 ["...plea of trespas..."]
Robert Carville vs Cadwallader Jones, 2133 lbs tobacco, Vol.67, p. 445, 1678.
The map above outlines the geographic locations of the activities of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) during this time period. The "green" X's mark the spots!
#1) = His 1443 acres on Pumansend Creek [ "My House"] 1673.
#2) = His 1000 acres as partner to Henry Benson.(BE-1) 1674 at the falls.
#3) = His 14,114 acres with David Jones (JO-2) 1677.
#4) = His merchant activities 1677 - 1678 St. Marys, Maryland. Across the Potomac.
What was to become the major road ways during the colonial period is the location of Cadwallader's business plan. Strategic delivery points along the way which Cadwallader had already figured out. Get there first, and try to control the access points. Little did he know what was yet to happen.
Friday, July 13, 2012
CJ (12) : His Bailywick 1677
A finger in every pie is often said about one who is extremely active. For the years 1676 - 1677, Cadwallader was such a person. [Probably had his fingers in a few cakes as well.] His world was facing many challenges, and he was part of most. Not only had he purchased his own land, gone into business with Henry Benson (BE-1), defended the government in Bacon's Rebellion, defended his home and settlement from Indian attack, became part of the military establishment, and wrote a number of grievances, he had also started a business across the Potomac River in Maryland.
In 1677, the Archives of Maryland records in Chancery, October 6th, the following:
"Cadwallader Jones & Samuel Leadbeater, all papers relateing to this cause were delivered to the Chancellour by Order of this Thomas Carlisle & Court."
In Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677/78:
"Robert Carville Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St. Maryes agt. County that he Attach any the Goods or Chat in his bailywick to the Value of two thousand one hundred thirty three pounds of tobacco, & the same so Attached in his custody to keep untill the said Cadwallader Jones should by himselfe or his Attorney appeare here the Eleventh day of June in the third yeare of his Lordpps Dominion &c Annoaj Doni 1676. to answer unto Robert Carvile gentl in a plea of trespas upon the case..."
So Cadwallader was in hot water in Maryland.
From: Maryland State Archives, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678, Vol. 67, p.445.
In 1677, the Archives of Maryland records in Chancery, October 6th, the following:
"Cadwallader Jones & Samuel Leadbeater, all papers relateing to this cause were delivered to the Chancellour by Order of this Thomas Carlisle & Court."
In Provincial Court Proceedings, 1677/78:
"Robert Carville Comand was given to the Sheriffe of St. Maryes agt. County that he Attach any the Goods or Chat in his bailywick to the Value of two thousand one hundred thirty three pounds of tobacco, & the same so Attached in his custody to keep untill the said Cadwallader Jones should by himselfe or his Attorney appeare here the Eleventh day of June in the third yeare of his Lordpps Dominion &c Annoaj Doni 1676. to answer unto Robert Carvile gentl in a plea of trespas upon the case..."
So Cadwallader was in hot water in Maryland.
From: Maryland State Archives, Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678, Vol. 67, p.445.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
CJ(11) : Logistics of the Mind
The new land that Cadwallader Jones(JO-1) had surveyed in 1677 is described as being "...upon both sides of Accotynk & Pohick Rivers...". [CP II, p. 191] It is also described as being "...upon Mr. Normansell's land". It would seem that this patent is one of Cadwallader's plans to get to the new territories and establish settlements along an "Indian Path". This would provide contact with traders along the major trade paths in existence at this time in 1677.
The following figure is my attempt to outline this area which became known as Mason's Neck. Accotynk (Accotink) and Pohick (Poheck) creeks are shown. The Potomac River is along the eastern boarder.[North being to the top.] The settlement of Colchester develops later, but becomes the center of this settlement area. The "Indian Path" is roughly outlined, to give a sense of the roadways which were to develop along the coastal settlements. It is called Stafford Co. in this patent of 1677.
The land area (14,114 acres) would be roughly 20 square mile along both sides of these creeks. I suspect that this was between these creeks extending some 5-6 miles up both waterways. A drawing will often help understand the logistics of the mind for those ancestors who lived so long ago.
The following figure is my attempt to outline this area which became known as Mason's Neck. Accotynk (Accotink) and Pohick (Poheck) creeks are shown. The Potomac River is along the eastern boarder.[North being to the top.] The settlement of Colchester develops later, but becomes the center of this settlement area. The "Indian Path" is roughly outlined, to give a sense of the roadways which were to develop along the coastal settlements. It is called Stafford Co. in this patent of 1677.
The land area (14,114 acres) would be roughly 20 square mile along both sides of these creeks. I suspect that this was between these creeks extending some 5-6 miles up both waterways. A drawing will often help understand the logistics of the mind for those ancestors who lived so long ago.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Cadwallader Jones was a His life became a 25 year search and documentation. This blog was written to demonstrate genealogy done long before the computer age.
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Jerry E. Jones, MD, MS, The Jones Genealogist, Library of Congress No. 6192-01064476.
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Jerry E. Jones, MD, MS, The Jones Genealogist, Library of Congress No. 6192-01064476.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
CJ(11) : The List 1677
Lieut. Col. Cad. Jones (JO-1) and Mr. David Jones (JO-2) are credited with the transport of 282 persons on the patent of 29 December 1677. [Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol.II, p. 191.] A host of surnames are given including an additional JONES. "Cad. Jones" and "Wm. Jones" are listed twice. This usually meant that the named individual was transported twice [a round trip] from the colonies to England, and back to the colonies. In some grants, it is clear that it is the same individual when the name is followed by "2x" or "twice". However in this listing, it could be possible that there were two separate Williams and two Cadwalladers.
It becomes clear why a coding system is necessary, when there are a few JONES to be identified and followed. William Jones (JO-3) and John Jones (JO-4) become the next on our what is to become a very long list of JONES.
"Mr. David Jones" would suggest that he is identified as one who would be recognized among the folks making the records, since the "Mr." is included in his naming. At this time, the only "David Jones" has already established himself in 1635, being "Over against Tapahnna Marsh" [CP, Vol. I, p. 25] He accumulates a fair amount of land along the James River in the area that was to be called "Weyanoke". A "Rice Hoe" had land close by in 1665 [CP, Vol.I, p.543] and this surname continues through our Cadwallader. I suspect that this David Jones (JO-2) is an uncle or 1st cousin.
An extensive listing of the surnames identify a number that are important in the family tree. Booth, Salisbury, Chamberlaine, Townesman (Towensend), Wood, Williams, Salley (Sallie), Hopkins, Smith, Wilson, Lewis, Davis, Griffeth, Butler, Powell, and a host of others are to be found. Making such a list is often helpful in showing a strong family relationship.
It becomes clear why a coding system is necessary, when there are a few JONES to be identified and followed. William Jones (JO-3) and John Jones (JO-4) become the next on our what is to become a very long list of JONES.
"Mr. David Jones" would suggest that he is identified as one who would be recognized among the folks making the records, since the "Mr." is included in his naming. At this time, the only "David Jones" has already established himself in 1635, being "Over against Tapahnna Marsh" [CP, Vol. I, p. 25] He accumulates a fair amount of land along the James River in the area that was to be called "Weyanoke". A "Rice Hoe" had land close by in 1665 [CP, Vol.I, p.543] and this surname continues through our Cadwallader. I suspect that this David Jones (JO-2) is an uncle or 1st cousin.
An extensive listing of the surnames identify a number that are important in the family tree. Booth, Salisbury, Chamberlaine, Townesman (Towensend), Wood, Williams, Salley (Sallie), Hopkins, Smith, Wilson, Lewis, Davis, Griffeth, Butler, Powell, and a host of others are to be found. Making such a list is often helpful in showing a strong family relationship.
Friday, May 18, 2012
CJ(11): New Land at Deoges Run 1677
The turmoil surrounding the Indian attacks of 1676, Bacon's Rebellion 1676, governor Berkley's responses, and Charles II attempts at making things right, left the frontier in confusion. Getting to the front porch [of the frontier] was an important step in future trade opportunities, and control of the water ways of commerce. Cadwallader (JO-1) was active in this respect recording a patent of 14,114 acres 29 December 1677! This was one of the largest patents to date, and must have been due in part due to the family connection of Colonel Herbert Jeffreys.(JE-2) [The lead commissioner appointed by Charles II to help straighten things out in this rebellious colony.] The Jeffreys' and Jones' family go way back to north Wales some 200 years before.
This patent is recorded in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, p. 191. It reads:
"Lieut. Col. Cad. Jones & Mr. David Jones, 14,114 acs. Staff.Co., upon both sides of Accotynk & Pohick Rivers, upon Mr. Normansell's land; 29 Dec. 1677, p. 663. Beg. in a valley about 4 mi. from the Doeges Run on SW side; by an Indian Path; to br. of Occaquon, &c. Trans. of 282 pers:..."
How about that. Even before the dust is settled in this frontier settlement, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and David Jones (JO-2) make a new mark on the trade lanes to come. This document contains a boat load of information regarding Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). Much, much, more to come!
This patent is recorded in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, p. 191. It reads:
"Lieut. Col. Cad. Jones & Mr. David Jones, 14,114 acs. Staff.Co., upon both sides of Accotynk & Pohick Rivers, upon Mr. Normansell's land; 29 Dec. 1677, p. 663. Beg. in a valley about 4 mi. from the Doeges Run on SW side; by an Indian Path; to br. of Occaquon, &c. Trans. of 282 pers:..."
How about that. Even before the dust is settled in this frontier settlement, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and David Jones (JO-2) make a new mark on the trade lanes to come. This document contains a boat load of information regarding Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). Much, much, more to come!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
CJ(10) : Cadwallader Jones' House 1676
A complete copy of the letter of grievances written by Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Rouzee (Rowzee) (RO-1) can be found in the Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol. 3, July 1895. The article starts on page 35, and is titled "Causes of Discontent in Virginia, 1676". There are 14 items identified as concerns, and provides a good insight into the year 1676. It records that on the 25th January 1675, 36 persons were killed and taken prisoners in an area of 10 mile radius. Seventy one plantations were present before the 25th, and only 11 remained after the Indian attacks. Item #11 as written:
"...Wee are now in a most deplorable condition being assur'd yt ye maine camp of the Nansatico Indyans is now wthin 20 miles of Lt.Coll.Cadwallader Jones' House, wee humbly beg yor Honrs to comiserate our hard lives and fortunes & let us not now miscarry in ye sight of a faire Haven."
This document clearly identifies the "House" of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as a landmark in the Sittenborne (Cittenborne) parish area in 1676.
"...Wee are now in a most deplorable condition being assur'd yt ye maine camp of the Nansatico Indyans is now wthin 20 miles of Lt.Coll.Cadwallader Jones' House, wee humbly beg yor Honrs to comiserate our hard lives and fortunes & let us not now miscarry in ye sight of a faire Haven."
This document clearly identifies the "House" of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as a landmark in the Sittenborne (Cittenborne) parish area in 1676.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
CJ (10) : Grievances of Rappahannock Co. 1676
Following the conflict of 1676 (Bacon's Rebellion), Charles II appointed a commission to examine the counties of the colony of Virginia. This commission asked for letters of complaint regarding the various concerns among those now present in Virginia. [General order issued Feb. 3, 1677.] One such letter was a petition of Sittingbourne Parish, located in the upper end of Rappahannock Co. It reads:
"We had trouble in these upper parts until at last our firebrand (Bacon), who had taken our good Major that had by God's assistance so well defended us, sent to our assistance one Captain Simon Miller a liver amongst us, and since his time we have had no men killed, nor great damage to our stocks, though since this war began we have lost over 600 pounds sterling. Now since by an evil hand we his Majesties always liege people have in a manner had our lives defended by the said Miller, in gratitude we desire he may be looked upon with an eye of favor."
"We need better frontier protection."
The petition is dated Feb. 14, 1676-7, and is signed by Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Rouzie (RO-1) [Often miss spelled John Bowsee.] This is the same Simon Miller (MI-1) who had land next to Cadwallader in 1673. Thus, by 1677, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had become a leading figure in Sittingbourne Parish, the most western part of Rappahannock Co. VA.
Taken from The Jones Genealogist, Research Notebook #80, Rappahannock Co. (Old), The Joseph Wheeler Jones Memorial Library, Danville, KY.
"We had trouble in these upper parts until at last our firebrand (Bacon), who had taken our good Major that had by God's assistance so well defended us, sent to our assistance one Captain Simon Miller a liver amongst us, and since his time we have had no men killed, nor great damage to our stocks, though since this war began we have lost over 600 pounds sterling. Now since by an evil hand we his Majesties always liege people have in a manner had our lives defended by the said Miller, in gratitude we desire he may be looked upon with an eye of favor."
"We need better frontier protection."
The petition is dated Feb. 14, 1676-7, and is signed by Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Rouzie (RO-1) [Often miss spelled John Bowsee.] This is the same Simon Miller (MI-1) who had land next to Cadwallader in 1673. Thus, by 1677, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had become a leading figure in Sittingbourne Parish, the most western part of Rappahannock Co. VA.
Taken from The Jones Genealogist, Research Notebook #80, Rappahannock Co. (Old), The Joseph Wheeler Jones Memorial Library, Danville, KY.
Friday, April 6, 2012
CJ(9) : Second Time Around
After Bacon's rebellion had been experienced, the folks seem to need to repeat their legal claims to the land. Henry Benson (BE-1) refiled his transfer of land to Charles Taliaferro (TA-5). These can be found on page 90, (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Deed & Will Abstracts 1677-1682 (I), by Ruth & Sam Sparacio. They were recorded in the year 1678, and read the same except for the recognition of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as the "...true & lawfull Attorney..." of Benson. It reads:
"Know All Men by these presents that I Henry Benson (BE-1) of ye County of Rappae: doe constitute & appoint my well beloved Friend, Lieut:Coll. Cad: Jones (JO-1), my true & lawfull Attorney for me & in my name & stead to acknowledge at ye next Court held for this County or after at any time or at James Towne if soe required a Deed of Gift unto Charles Taliaferro (TA-5) bearing date wth these prsents, hereby confirming what my said Attorney shall doe in ye prmises in as full manner as if I my selfe were prsent as Witness my hand & seale this 26th of April 1676.
Signed Sealed in ye prsence of us
David Jones (JO-2) Fran: Taliaferro (TA-3) Henry Benson (BE-1)
Jno: Taliaferro (TA-4)
Recordair xx7 die Martii 1678 "
It would appear that by April of 1676, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had been appointed a part of the military establishment of Rappahannock Co. He is listed in this document as "Lieut:Coll.Cad:Jones".(JO-1). He would have been roughly around 25 - 30 years of age.
"Know All Men by these presents that I Henry Benson (BE-1) of ye County of Rappae: doe constitute & appoint my well beloved Friend, Lieut:Coll. Cad: Jones (JO-1), my true & lawfull Attorney for me & in my name & stead to acknowledge at ye next Court held for this County or after at any time or at James Towne if soe required a Deed of Gift unto Charles Taliaferro (TA-5) bearing date wth these prsents, hereby confirming what my said Attorney shall doe in ye prmises in as full manner as if I my selfe were prsent as Witness my hand & seale this 26th of April 1676.
Signed Sealed in ye prsence of us
David Jones (JO-2) Fran: Taliaferro (TA-3) Henry Benson (BE-1)
Jno: Taliaferro (TA-4)
Recordair xx7 die Martii 1678 "
It would appear that by April of 1676, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had been appointed a part of the military establishment of Rappahannock Co. He is listed in this document as "Lieut:Coll.Cad:Jones".(JO-1). He would have been roughly around 25 - 30 years of age.
Friday, March 23, 2012
CJ (9) : Historical Context for 1676
Family trees grow in a variety of soils over distinctive periods of time. It is sort of like growth rings that record a certain time frame of the life of the family tree. Cut in cross section, the family tree may have hundreds of these rings representing different environments. Understanding these "environments" can be the most important way to get a more complete understanding of this family tree. The historical context is one important aspect of these "growth rings", often bringing to life the lives who are represented. Such is the case of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and 1676.
Life in Virginia was difficult. The elements of romance are often over played, and the realities of existence in the frontier environment overlooked. The Indian war which began in 1675 has received some attention, but the terror it produced along the Virginia frontier can be misjudged.
A fella named Nathaniel Bacon seemed to get most of the attention, and "Bacon's Rebellion" of 1676 is little understood today. A lack of confidence in the leading Virginia officials [primarily Sir William Berkeley] lead to all kinds of local rebellion and attempts at self protection. In the end, very few folks supported Governor Berkeley in the rebellion. However, our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was one who did. Along with Robert Beverly, Cadwallader (JO-1) provided military support to the central government. It is this support that needs to be understood to clearly recognize the reasons for the next several documents in the life of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
For those interested good reading :
Morton, R.L., Colonial Virginia, Vol. I, The Tidewater Period 1607 - 1710, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1960. pp. 240-277.
Wertenbaker, T.J., Bacon's Rebellion, 1676, reprinted for Clearfield Co., Inc., 1993. Originally Published 1957. Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet, No. 8.
Life in Virginia was difficult. The elements of romance are often over played, and the realities of existence in the frontier environment overlooked. The Indian war which began in 1675 has received some attention, but the terror it produced along the Virginia frontier can be misjudged.
A fella named Nathaniel Bacon seemed to get most of the attention, and "Bacon's Rebellion" of 1676 is little understood today. A lack of confidence in the leading Virginia officials [primarily Sir William Berkeley] lead to all kinds of local rebellion and attempts at self protection. In the end, very few folks supported Governor Berkeley in the rebellion. However, our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was one who did. Along with Robert Beverly, Cadwallader (JO-1) provided military support to the central government. It is this support that needs to be understood to clearly recognize the reasons for the next several documents in the life of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
For those interested good reading :
Morton, R.L., Colonial Virginia, Vol. I, The Tidewater Period 1607 - 1710, The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1960. pp. 240-277.
Wertenbaker, T.J., Bacon's Rebellion, 1676, reprinted for Clearfield Co., Inc., 1993. Originally Published 1957. Jamestown 350th Anniversary Historical Booklet, No. 8.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
CJ(9): The Transfer 1676
By the spring 1676, Henry Benson (BE-1) transfers his land to Charles Taliaferro (TA-5). This land transfer is recorded in Old Rappahannock Co. Deeds & Wills 1677 - 1682, Part I, p. 90. The Taliaferro family and the Jones family are intimately intertwined. [Much more to come regarding this!] The document reads:
"Know All Men by these presents that I Henry BENSON (BE-1) of ye County of Rappac doe hereby acknowlege for my selfe my heirs & assignes to have given wth my free Will & hearty consent. & I doe firmley make over from me my heires forever unto Charles TALIAFERRO (TA-5), Sonne of Mr. Robert TALIAFERRO (TA-2) deced. of ye County his heires & assignes all my right & interest of One thousand acres of land granted to me by ye Right Honble: Governor, bearing date ye 5th of 8ber 1673 according to ye severall Courses mentioend in ye said Pattent. And further I ye said Henry BENSON (BE-1) doe obleidge my selfe to acknowledge this as my free Gift & Deed either by my selfe or known Attorney at ye next Court held for the County or at any time hereafter when reasonally requested on ye behalfe of abovesiad Charles TALIAFERRO (TA-5). I doe alsoe acknowlege that all priviledges granted to me in ye Pattent are hereby convayed & intended to be convayed soe farr forth as to ye demised prmises & for ye better confimacon hereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 25th of April Ano Dom 1676. Singed Sealed in ye prsence of
David Jones (JO-2) Henry Benson (BE-1)
Francis Taliaferro (TA-3)
This record gives the first JONES to be associated with Cadwallader. Henry Benson(BE-1) transfers his land to Charles Taliaferro (TA-5). What is this all about? Why so many Taliaferroes? Questions, questions, and more questions...only the beginning!
"Know All Men by these presents that I Henry BENSON (BE-1) of ye County of Rappac doe hereby acknowlege for my selfe my heirs & assignes to have given wth my free Will & hearty consent. & I doe firmley make over from me my heires forever unto Charles TALIAFERRO (TA-5), Sonne of Mr. Robert TALIAFERRO (TA-2) deced. of ye County his heires & assignes all my right & interest of One thousand acres of land granted to me by ye Right Honble: Governor, bearing date ye 5th of 8ber 1673 according to ye severall Courses mentioend in ye said Pattent. And further I ye said Henry BENSON (BE-1) doe obleidge my selfe to acknowledge this as my free Gift & Deed either by my selfe or known Attorney at ye next Court held for the County or at any time hereafter when reasonally requested on ye behalfe of abovesiad Charles TALIAFERRO (TA-5). I doe alsoe acknowlege that all priviledges granted to me in ye Pattent are hereby convayed & intended to be convayed soe farr forth as to ye demised prmises & for ye better confimacon hereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 25th of April Ano Dom 1676. Singed Sealed in ye prsence of
David Jones (JO-2) Henry Benson (BE-1)
Francis Taliaferro (TA-3)
This record gives the first JONES to be associated with Cadwallader. Henry Benson(BE-1) transfers his land to Charles Taliaferro (TA-5). What is this all about? Why so many Taliaferroes? Questions, questions, and more questions...only the beginning!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Summary I : First Two Years 1673-1675
Keeping a detailed chronology is important in genealogy. This is especially true if one is dealing with a historical period many years before your time. Careful documentation is also necessary to clarify many factors involed in this process. The following is a summary of the first two years of the life of Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1) [At least as determined by the historical records.] If anyone has additional documents or information please post.
Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) first appears on the pages of history January 6, 1673. He is identified as being in Old Rappahannock Co., Sittingbourn Parish, in the "Freshes" of Rappahannock River. Most likely he would have been at least 21 years of age [range 21-27]. See post written December 16, 2011, "Poor to Peerage: Becoming an Adult 1650 England". [The Brick Wall Protocol.] This means he would have been born around 1646-1652. His land was located on Peumansend Creek.
CJ(1): 6 Jan. 1673 (Old) Rappahannock Co., VA, "For Satisfaction" (Part I, Part II)
(Part III, Old Rappahanock Co.)
CJ(2): 2 July 1673 Sittingbourne Parish, Peumansend Creek, "Land Ho..."
CJ(3): 5 Nov. 1673 Freshes of Rappa. River, "In The Freshes".
[Others getting land at same date.]
CJ(4): Jan. 1674 "The Eare marke".
CJ(5): 27 Feb. 1674 Witness for Thornton "27th day of fber 1673".
[Discussion of "Gentleman 1673.]
CJ(6): 24 Dec. 1674, Articles of Agreement with Henry Benson(BE-1).
[Part 1-3].
CJ(7): [Reference back to 5 Nov. 1673] "The Same Day 1673".
CJ(8): 5 Feb. 1675, Well Beloved Friend.
Well, there you have it. The first two years of Cadwallader Jones.(JO-1) What might be expected of a young colonial man beginning to make his way in the frontier of Virginia.
Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) first appears on the pages of history January 6, 1673. He is identified as being in Old Rappahannock Co., Sittingbourn Parish, in the "Freshes" of Rappahannock River. Most likely he would have been at least 21 years of age [range 21-27]. See post written December 16, 2011, "Poor to Peerage: Becoming an Adult 1650 England". [The Brick Wall Protocol.] This means he would have been born around 1646-1652. His land was located on Peumansend Creek.
CJ(1): 6 Jan. 1673 (Old) Rappahannock Co., VA, "For Satisfaction" (Part I, Part II)
(Part III, Old Rappahanock Co.)
CJ(2): 2 July 1673 Sittingbourne Parish, Peumansend Creek, "Land Ho..."
CJ(3): 5 Nov. 1673 Freshes of Rappa. River, "In The Freshes".
[Others getting land at same date.]
CJ(4): Jan. 1674 "The Eare marke".
CJ(5): 27 Feb. 1674 Witness for Thornton "27th day of fber 1673".
[Discussion of "Gentleman 1673.]
CJ(6): 24 Dec. 1674, Articles of Agreement with Henry Benson(BE-1).
[Part 1-3].
CJ(7): [Reference back to 5 Nov. 1673] "The Same Day 1673".
CJ(8): 5 Feb. 1675, Well Beloved Friend.
Well, there you have it. The first two years of Cadwallader Jones.(JO-1) What might be expected of a young colonial man beginning to make his way in the frontier of Virginia.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
CJ(8): Well Beloved Friend 1675
Henry Benson (BE-1) continues the record of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) on February 5, 1674(actually 1675), when he files a document appointing Cadwallader as his "". The document reads:
"Know All Men by these presents that I Henry Benson(BE-1) of the County of Rappa doe hereby appoint my well beloved Friend Mr. Cadwallader Jones(JO-1) my true and lawfull attorney for me and in my name and stead to aske require and demand of Hugh Williams(WI-1) to Reacknowledge a parcell of land that I the said BENSON(BE-1) on the 20th of December last 1674 did acknowledge in Court unto him & his heirs forever wth all rights and priviledges thereunto ratyfing and confirming wt my said Attorney shall doe in the premises in as ample manner as though I myself were personally present. As Witness my hand and Seale the 2 of February 1674/5 in presence of JOHN MOTT.(MO-1)
John Dawson(DA-1) Henry Benson(BE-1)
Recordater x5 die February 1674"
From: Old Rappahannock County Deeds & Wills 1672-1676, Part II, p. 52.
This record identifies Cadwallader as " well beloved true and lawful attorney...".
This would suggest that Cadwallader was not related to Benson as family. He was appoint to act as Benson's attorney regarding land exchange between Benson and Hugh Williams(WI-1). The Williams surname becomes important as an associated family name, but that is yet to come.
"Know All Men by these presents that I Henry Benson(BE-1) of the County of Rappa doe hereby appoint my well beloved Friend Mr. Cadwallader Jones(JO-1) my true and lawfull attorney for me and in my name and stead to aske require and demand of Hugh Williams(WI-1) to Reacknowledge a parcell of land that I the said BENSON(BE-1) on the 20th of December last 1674 did acknowledge in Court unto him & his heirs forever wth all rights and priviledges thereunto ratyfing and confirming wt my said Attorney shall doe in the premises in as ample manner as though I myself were personally present. As Witness my hand and Seale the 2 of February 1674/5 in presence of JOHN MOTT.(MO-1)
John Dawson(DA-1) Henry Benson(BE-1)
Recordater x5 die February 1674"
From: Old Rappahannock County Deeds & Wills 1672-1676, Part II, p. 52.
This record identifies Cadwallader as " well beloved true and lawful attorney...".
This would suggest that Cadwallader was not related to Benson as family. He was appoint to act as Benson's attorney regarding land exchange between Benson and Hugh Williams(WI-1). The Williams surname becomes important as an associated family name, but that is yet to come.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
CJ(7): The Same Day 1673
The last three posts have given the agreement which established a partnership between Henry Benson (BE-1) and our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). This document is recorded in the Rappahannock Co. deed book 1672 - 1676, p. 263. It is an extensive agreement containing thirteen items. The land that they agreed to share is identified as "a tract of land lying being about the FALLS of RAPPA RIVER...". An abstract of this land is recorded in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, 1666-1695, p. 139 and reads:
"HENRY BENSON(BE-1), 1071 acs. Rappa Co. on S. side the river in the freshes above the falls; beg. at Jno. Bowsee(BO-1); to Ewe tree Poynt by Mott's falling br., &c. 5 Nov 1673" He transport 22 individuals.
[Note: I believe that "Jno. Bowsee"(BO-1) should be Jno. Rouzee (Rouse). This is shown in various documents from the same time period and most likely represents difficulty in reading this document. Mott's falling branch is named after the Mott brothers, John(MO-1) and George (MO-2).
On the same page is the land of Cadwallader Jones(JO-1). It reads:
"CADWILL. (Cadwallader) JONES(JO-1), 1443 acs. on S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., adj. Warwick Camock (Cammock)(CO-1); 5 Nov 1673. 625 acs. granted Symon Miller(MI-1), who sould to sd. Jones; 818 acs. for trans of 17 pers:..". A witness to this is a Tho. Parker (PAR-1) who also had a land grant dated on the same day. It reads:
"THO. PARKER(PAR-1), 73 1/2 acs. Rappa. Co. in Sittingbourne Par. S. side the River, adj. Robt. Gaines; & Wm. Moseley, 5 Nov 1673."
The land of Simon Miller(MI-1-) is recorded on the same date and reads:
"SIMON MILLER(MI-1), 817 acs. Rappa. Co., in the freshes & on S. side the Riv., on the head of Pewananesse Cr. adj. Cadw. Jones(JO-1); lands of Talliafeero, Bucker, Prosser & Royston, 5 Nov 1673, p. 490. Transp. of 17 pers."
On the same day, at the same location, and land at the same geographic location; they must have had some relationship to each other. This type of information will often help connect families that share these factors. I call this "cluster analysis", meaning those families that share (cluster) around a historic date, event, or happening.
Understanding terms and geographic area see blog for:
"In The Freshes", Monday, April 11, 2011
"Making Maps", Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Tidewater Virginia", Thursday, March 3, 2011
"Virginia Land Laws, A Chronology", December 19, 2010
"Name That Creek", Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"Along Pewmansend Creek 1673", Monday, May 9, 2011
"Maps from History", Friday, June 3, 2011.
"HENRY BENSON(BE-1), 1071 acs. Rappa Co. on S. side the river in the freshes above the falls; beg. at Jno. Bowsee(BO-1); to Ewe tree Poynt by Mott's falling br., &c. 5 Nov 1673" He transport 22 individuals.
[Note: I believe that "Jno. Bowsee"(BO-1) should be Jno. Rouzee (Rouse). This is shown in various documents from the same time period and most likely represents difficulty in reading this document. Mott's falling branch is named after the Mott brothers, John(MO-1) and George (MO-2).
On the same page is the land of Cadwallader Jones(JO-1). It reads:
"CADWILL. (Cadwallader) JONES(JO-1), 1443 acs. on S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., adj. Warwick Camock (Cammock)(CO-1); 5 Nov 1673. 625 acs. granted Symon Miller(MI-1), who sould to sd. Jones; 818 acs. for trans of 17 pers:..". A witness to this is a Tho. Parker (PAR-1) who also had a land grant dated on the same day. It reads:
"THO. PARKER(PAR-1), 73 1/2 acs. Rappa. Co. in Sittingbourne Par. S. side the River, adj. Robt. Gaines; & Wm. Moseley, 5 Nov 1673."
The land of Simon Miller(MI-1-) is recorded on the same date and reads:
"SIMON MILLER(MI-1), 817 acs. Rappa. Co., in the freshes & on S. side the Riv., on the head of Pewananesse Cr. adj. Cadw. Jones(JO-1); lands of Talliafeero, Bucker, Prosser & Royston, 5 Nov 1673, p. 490. Transp. of 17 pers."
On the same day, at the same location, and land at the same geographic location; they must have had some relationship to each other. This type of information will often help connect families that share these factors. I call this "cluster analysis", meaning those families that share (cluster) around a historic date, event, or happening.
Understanding terms and geographic area see blog for:
"In The Freshes", Monday, April 11, 2011
"Making Maps", Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Tidewater Virginia", Thursday, March 3, 2011
"Virginia Land Laws, A Chronology", December 19, 2010
"Name That Creek", Tuesday, May 3, 2011
"Along Pewmansend Creek 1673", Monday, May 9, 2011
"Maps from History", Friday, June 3, 2011.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
CJ (6) : Articles of Agreement 1674 (Part 3)
This post continues the business agreement between our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and Henry Benson (BE-1). The first twelve items have been presented in Part 1, and Part 2. It begins with item "Thirteenth":
"Thirteenth: I HENRY BENSON (BE-1) and I Capt. JONES (JO-1) doe grant that upon the five and Twentieth of March each year during our lives there be a just account either betweene me CAD. JONES (JO-1) or my Attorney with my Carpenter(sic)...[note: This is how the words were transcribed by Ruth and Sam Sparocio, editors, p. 50 of (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1672 - 1676, Part II. I believe it to be a miss reading and more likely should read Copartner. This term has been applied to this agreement in context.] ... HENRY BENSON (BE-1) of all things whatsoever on both acted or done in the aforegoing yeare. It is allways agreed betweene us HENRY BENSON (BE-1) and CAD: JONES (JO-1) doe in the fall of the Leafe in September or October to pcure two able men servants to pced with my Partner HENRY BENSON (BE-1) upon the said Land. It is also agreed the charges of Casque shall be equal and in Truth between us as Real Copartners in truth and honesty Ratyffying and confirming what we have here above specified. In witness whereof we have Interchangeable set our hands and seals this 24 of December 1674 in the presence of us:
Nicholas Garney (GA-1) Henry Benson (BE-1)
Francis Taliaferro (TA -3), Thos. Parker (PAR-1) Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)
John Talieferro (TA-4), John Northam (NO-1)
Willm. Terry (TE-1)
Recordatr xth die January 1674 "
Note: This would actually be recorded January 1675.
This continues the surname Taliaferro in connection to our Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1). Associated surnames are often key in helping sort through the records of history.
"Thirteenth: I HENRY BENSON (BE-1) and I Capt. JONES (JO-1) doe grant that upon the five and Twentieth of March each year during our lives there be a just account either betweene me CAD. JONES (JO-1) or my Attorney with my Carpenter(sic)...[note: This is how the words were transcribed by Ruth and Sam Sparocio, editors, p. 50 of (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1672 - 1676, Part II. I believe it to be a miss reading and more likely should read Copartner. This term has been applied to this agreement in context.] ... HENRY BENSON (BE-1) of all things whatsoever on both acted or done in the aforegoing yeare. It is allways agreed betweene us HENRY BENSON (BE-1) and CAD: JONES (JO-1) doe in the fall of the Leafe in September or October to pcure two able men servants to pced with my Partner HENRY BENSON (BE-1) upon the said Land. It is also agreed the charges of Casque shall be equal and in Truth between us as Real Copartners in truth and honesty Ratyffying and confirming what we have here above specified. In witness whereof we have Interchangeable set our hands and seals this 24 of December 1674 in the presence of us:
Nicholas Garney (GA-1) Henry Benson (BE-1)
Francis Taliaferro (TA -3), Thos. Parker (PAR-1) Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)
John Talieferro (TA-4), John Northam (NO-1)
Willm. Terry (TE-1)
Recordatr xth die January 1674 "
Note: This would actually be recorded January 1675.
This continues the surname Taliaferro in connection to our Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1). Associated surnames are often key in helping sort through the records of history.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
CJ(6): Articles of Agreement 1674 (Part 2)
This post continues the business contract between Cadwallader JONES (JO-1) and Henry Benson (BE-1). It would appear that item "eight" is accounted in item "seven" because the record continues as written listing the next item as "Ninth". The record continues:
"Ninth: CAD:JONES (JO-1) doe oblige myself my heirs due unto Henry Benson (BE-1)for the one moiety of land and further I CAD:JONES (JO-1) doe agree to be understood that by reason we are Copartners that he the said Benson (BE-1) shall occasion for allwayes the prmises bonafide be paid in Goods as they cost wheresoever purchased by me or my Order on money of England as he the said Benson (BE-1) shall think fit.
Tenth: Now Know yee that I HENRY BENSON (BE-1) doe bind myelf to sell unto CAD JONES (JO-1) during our lives all the pduce of my share of my crops of tobacco from yeare to yeare at the rate of fourteene shillings a hundred to be paid me here in goods running no Adventure as they cost in England or in money in England wch I will and withall I do oblige myselfe to ordere my Tobacco as I shall have instructions from the said JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney and also I do oblige myself to plant no other Tobacco upon the said land but sweet scented and I HENRY BENSON (BE-1) doe yet agree to give Mr. JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney an Envry every year of what particular good I shall have occasion for and the over plus to lye still in my partner JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney for that crops produce but to stay till the next and then to be paid for both together.
Eleventh: The said JONES (JO-1) doe agree to pay the said BENSON (BE-1) Fourteene shillings a hundred for is part of the Crop pvided the particulars in the Fourth article be performed.
Twelvth: It is agreed by me HENRY BENSON (BE-1) that what hoggs horses or mares cattle shall make sale of I doe give a just account of the whole to Mr. JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney and the pduce to be equally divided between us."
Wow! Such a detailed document written so long ago. Still more to come!
Transcribed in Rappahannock Co. deed book 1672-1676, by Ruth and Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, pp. 49-51. Original document recorded in the Rappahannock Co. deed book 1672-1676, p. 263.
"Ninth: CAD:JONES (JO-1) doe oblige myself my heirs due unto Henry Benson (BE-1)for the one moiety of land and further I CAD:JONES (JO-1) doe agree to be understood that by reason we are Copartners that he the said Benson (BE-1) shall occasion for allwayes the prmises bonafide be paid in Goods as they cost wheresoever purchased by me or my Order on money of England as he the said Benson (BE-1) shall think fit.
Tenth: Now Know yee that I HENRY BENSON (BE-1) doe bind myelf to sell unto CAD JONES (JO-1) during our lives all the pduce of my share of my crops of tobacco from yeare to yeare at the rate of fourteene shillings a hundred to be paid me here in goods running no Adventure as they cost in England or in money in England wch I will and withall I do oblige myselfe to ordere my Tobacco as I shall have instructions from the said JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney and also I do oblige myself to plant no other Tobacco upon the said land but sweet scented and I HENRY BENSON (BE-1) doe yet agree to give Mr. JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney an Envry every year of what particular good I shall have occasion for and the over plus to lye still in my partner JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney for that crops produce but to stay till the next and then to be paid for both together.
Eleventh: The said JONES (JO-1) doe agree to pay the said BENSON (BE-1) Fourteene shillings a hundred for is part of the Crop pvided the particulars in the Fourth article be performed.
Twelvth: It is agreed by me HENRY BENSON (BE-1) that what hoggs horses or mares cattle shall make sale of I doe give a just account of the whole to Mr. JONES (JO-1) or his Attorney and the pduce to be equally divided between us."
Wow! Such a detailed document written so long ago. Still more to come!
Transcribed in Rappahannock Co. deed book 1672-1676, by Ruth and Sam Sparacio, The Antient Press, McLean, VA, pp. 49-51. Original document recorded in the Rappahannock Co. deed book 1672-1676, p. 263.
Friday, January 20, 2012
CJ (6) : Articles of Agreement 1674 (Part 1)
The following article presents the record of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and Henry Benson (BE-1) as they formed a partnership in 1674. It is recorded on pages 261-262 of the Deed Book for Rappahannock Co. 1672-1676, Part II. It will be given in several post since it a very detail account of this partnership.
"Article of Agreement between Mr. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) on the one part and Henry Benson(BE-1) having a tract of land lying being about the Falls of Rappa River doe by these presents agree that Mr. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) shall have the one moiety of it for him and his heirs forever as being agreed Copartner in the seating of the abovesaid land
Impr.: it is agreed that what Servants the sd. JONES (JO-1) shall from time to time send to the abovesaid land their first purchase wheter it be in England or here in the Country shall be by the said JONES (JO-1) declared and that Henry Benson (BE-1) doe agree to pay the one halfe of the purchase unto Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) or his order.
Secondly it is agreed that what Hoggs the said JONES (JO-1) shall send that I Henry Benson (BE-1) to be accountable unto the said JONES (JO-1) for the one halfe part of the Hoggs as are actually sold.
Thirdly what Cattle the said JONES (JO-1) alsoe shall send if Henry Benson (BE-1) have not so many of my own already that then I do Covenant to pay Mr. JONES (JO-1) for the one halfe as abovesd.
Forth: I Henry Benson (BE-1) doe agree that if Mr. JONES (JO-1) sent two Mares up that then I pay for one of them as abovesd.
Fifth: It is agreed between I Henry Benson (BE-1) and I Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) that the whole stock shall run upon the abovesaid land on Mr. JONES (JO-1) marke Vizt. two corps an overkeele in the right Ears and an underkeele in the left and it is agreed the increase of the Mares be branded on the said JONES (JO-1) his brand appropriated only to that Plantation.
Sixth: It is agreed that what Nails and all Utensils whatsoever shall be at an equall charge between us and alsoe all building of Tobacco Houses and a convenient Dwelling House.
Seventh: that all Servants Coaths or other necessarys belonging to them and if it happen at any time the said Plantation shall want Corne that then the said Benson (BE-1) and the said Jones (JO-1) supply in every particular as avovesaid at an equal charge in form it is agreed that all moveable as well as the land upon the said land be equally and absolutely the Estate of Henry Benson (BE-1) and Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) that the Copartnership upon the abovesaid Plantation be Irrevokabley continued between us during our Lives but with this provios it shall be Lawfull either for Henry Benson (BE-1) or Cad. Jones (JO-1) to devise by Will his equall part of the land only but also the Estate between us or either of us shall think good and that till then there be no other division of our land by our heirs but that our heirs shall keep equall Servants upon it by reason we were both at the charge of building"... be continued!
"Article of Agreement between Mr. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) on the one part and Henry Benson(BE-1) having a tract of land lying being about the Falls of Rappa River doe by these presents agree that Mr. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) shall have the one moiety of it for him and his heirs forever as being agreed Copartner in the seating of the abovesaid land
Impr.: it is agreed that what Servants the sd. JONES (JO-1) shall from time to time send to the abovesaid land their first purchase wheter it be in England or here in the Country shall be by the said JONES (JO-1) declared and that Henry Benson (BE-1) doe agree to pay the one halfe of the purchase unto Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) or his order.
Secondly it is agreed that what Hoggs the said JONES (JO-1) shall send that I Henry Benson (BE-1) to be accountable unto the said JONES (JO-1) for the one halfe part of the Hoggs as are actually sold.
Thirdly what Cattle the said JONES (JO-1) alsoe shall send if Henry Benson (BE-1) have not so many of my own already that then I do Covenant to pay Mr. JONES (JO-1) for the one halfe as abovesd.
Forth: I Henry Benson (BE-1) doe agree that if Mr. JONES (JO-1) sent two Mares up that then I pay for one of them as abovesd.
Fifth: It is agreed between I Henry Benson (BE-1) and I Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) that the whole stock shall run upon the abovesaid land on Mr. JONES (JO-1) marke Vizt. two corps an overkeele in the right Ears and an underkeele in the left and it is agreed the increase of the Mares be branded on the said JONES (JO-1) his brand appropriated only to that Plantation.
Sixth: It is agreed that what Nails and all Utensils whatsoever shall be at an equall charge between us and alsoe all building of Tobacco Houses and a convenient Dwelling House.
Seventh: that all Servants Coaths or other necessarys belonging to them and if it happen at any time the said Plantation shall want Corne that then the said Benson (BE-1) and the said Jones (JO-1) supply in every particular as avovesaid at an equal charge in form it is agreed that all moveable as well as the land upon the said land be equally and absolutely the Estate of Henry Benson (BE-1) and Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) that the Copartnership upon the abovesaid Plantation be Irrevokabley continued between us during our Lives but with this provios it shall be Lawfull either for Henry Benson (BE-1) or Cad. Jones (JO-1) to devise by Will his equall part of the land only but also the Estate between us or either of us shall think good and that till then there be no other division of our land by our heirs but that our heirs shall keep equall Servants upon it by reason we were both at the charge of building"... be continued!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
CJ(5): "Gentlemen" in 1673
The earliest listing of the term "gentlemen (gentieux hommes)" I could find in the Calendar of Patent Rolls is 16 August, 1302. It is recorded at London involving "Assignment, sealed with the great seal, and with the seals of Edward, prince of Wales, the king's son, Richard,...." addressed to "the king's gentlemen". I would suspect that the concept of gentlemen had existed for a very long time among the social conscience. Webster gives one definition as "a man of independent means who does not engage in any occupation or profession for gain" [or a man who does not engage in a menial occupation or in manual labor for gain] In the context of 1302, these gentlemen "...who have served in the war Gascony against the King of France..." are given this title along with clerks and other "stipendiaries" (soldiers). [Calender of Patent Rolls, Edward I, vol. 4, 1302, p. 56.]
It would appear that this term had expanded its meaning and broadened its use, since in 1673, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was listed as a "Gent". [2 July 1673, see CJ(2)] The yearly income per head of household for the year 1688 was 35 pounds sterling for those classified as "gentlemen". Cadwallader spent "forty ponds sterling" for his land upon "the main run of Penmansind".
It would appear that this term had expanded its meaning and broadened its use, since in 1673, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was listed as a "Gent". [2 July 1673, see CJ(2)] The yearly income per head of household for the year 1688 was 35 pounds sterling for those classified as "gentlemen". Cadwallader spent "forty ponds sterling" for his land upon "the main run of Penmansind".
Monday, January 2, 2012
CJ(5): "27th day of fber 1673"
On the "27 day of fber 1673" [Would be February 1674], Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) appears as a witness on a deed of William Thornton (TH-1). It is recorded on p. 181 of the deed books, and transcribed on p. 4 of (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1672-1676, Part II, by the Sparacios. It reads:
"Know All Men by these presents that I WILLIAM THORNTON(TH-1) of the County of Gloster doe hereby appoint and make my well beloved Friend James Kay (KA-1) of the County of Rappa my true and lawfull Attorney for me to my use to receive an acknowledgement of a sale of Two thousand acres of land sold to me by Mr. JOHN(MO-1) and GEORGE MOTT(MO-2) and I do hereby declare and hold whatsoever my Attorney shall doe in the same premises to be valid in Law as if I myselfe had bin personally present & done the same. Witness my hand & seale the 27th day of fber 1673. Test. CADWALADER JONES (JO-1), ABRA. HUNTER.(HU-1)
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 7 die March 1673/4"
John Mott (MO-1) and George Mott (MO-2) were brothers who had a number of contacts with Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). The THORNTON family plays a significant role in the life of Cadwallader. William Thornton (TH-1) is identified as being from "Gloster" [Gloucester] County. This county also plays a significant role in the life and family of our Cadwallader. The Mott brothers had land above Cadwallader in what would become Spotsylvania.
"Know All Men by these presents that I WILLIAM THORNTON(TH-1) of the County of Gloster doe hereby appoint and make my well beloved Friend James Kay (KA-1) of the County of Rappa my true and lawfull Attorney for me to my use to receive an acknowledgement of a sale of Two thousand acres of land sold to me by Mr. JOHN(MO-1) and GEORGE MOTT(MO-2) and I do hereby declare and hold whatsoever my Attorney shall doe in the same premises to be valid in Law as if I myselfe had bin personally present & done the same. Witness my hand & seale the 27th day of fber 1673. Test. CADWALADER JONES (JO-1), ABRA. HUNTER.(HU-1)
Recognitr in Cu Com Rappa 7 die March 1673/4"
John Mott (MO-1) and George Mott (MO-2) were brothers who had a number of contacts with Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). The THORNTON family plays a significant role in the life of Cadwallader. William Thornton (TH-1) is identified as being from "Gloster" [Gloucester] County. This county also plays a significant role in the life and family of our Cadwallader. The Mott brothers had land above Cadwallader in what would become Spotsylvania.
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