The letter continues:
"By what hath been rehearsed, your Honour may perceive, how he consumes the publick Stock, that should be Improved for publick Defence; and thereby we are laid open and naked to the Common Enemy; from whose Invasion, our preservation (next to Divine protection) is to be Attributed to our poverty; we not being thought worth making an attempt upon : And whereas in regard we are so unfortified it is highly necessary that on small strength should be United and Composed, as much as may be; yet contrary to all rules of prudence, policy, and self preservation, and the frequent Advice of the Wisest among us, he suffers about a 120 Men to live soattering about, among the adjacent Islands; and not only suffers them so live after that manner, that the Government hath no benefit of them, nor they of the Government, but he strenously Opposeth their coming heither; and at the Salt Seafort, permits all the people (in like manner) to defect this Island to go the Salt Ponds, whereby we are exposed to be an Easiy Prey to the Common Enemy: And as if he design'd to Betray us into their Hands, he takes none (or very little) care for Amunition; so that many times, we have not enough to furnish the people, with six Rounds for small Arms, and less for the great Guns, of which there are but three at present useful; and tho we are generally so bare he either given or sould Gun Powder out of the Countries Stock, to Privateers; and sent away one of the great Guns in a Bark, which (by base and unworthy means) he hath gotten part of."
On the 1st of November 1670, all the Bahama Islands were granted to Lords Proprietors: 1) Christopher Duke of Albermarle, 2) William Earl of Craven, 3) John Lord Berkley, 4) Anthony Lord Ashley, 5) Sir George Carteret, and 6) Sir Peter Colleton. Prior to this date, the earliest settlements were made by Puritan folks called the Eleutherians. [Eleutherian Adventures] Governor's Bay, on the Island still called Eleuthera was their chief settlement area. Salt Kettle Bay near Ridley's Head and two salt pond areas located southward from here, were most likely the areas referred to above. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) came to the Islands under the Lords Proprietors, and Thomas Bulkley (BUL-1) represented the Puritan settlements. This was the soup that both found themselves swimming in 1692.
Previous posts have given some of this political and religious context.