The letter from Phillip Ludwell (LU-1) continues:
"My Advice is, That you meet alltogether, and draw up an Impartial account of all matters, viz The Grievances the Countrey (or you for them) complain of on the one side; and what the Governour has to complain of, on the other side; and that either party do communicate to the other side, before you send it away. I have also, now made the same proposal to the Governour, who (I suppose) will not refuse it, if he do, I shall have no very opinion of his Cause, or Judgment.
If you think fit to do this, and send it me as soon as possibly you can; I have very great confidence I should Even the matters of Variance that are between you, or leave one side or tother without excuse. However, If I should not be so happy in the Mediation at the first dash, it would be no great prejudice or loss of time to either, since the affairs of the Countrey (I mean as to the defence of it against a Common Enemy, or Judicial proceedings on Civil Actions between Man and Man) may go on.
But as to any manner of Process for any Heats or Piques, which are (by either part) taken to be Misdemeanours in the Government, I do Earnestly Exhort, and require you all, that it do cease, till the whole have been enquired into.
Whereupon, if an Accomodation be Effected, I shall think my self very happy, in having done the Lords, and the Country so good a Service. I hope you will all set heartily about it: For I hope you all take the Authority of him, to be Infallible, that tells you, A House divided within it self cannot stand.
I shall trouble you no further at present, but asure you of my readiness to do you Service, being
Gentlemen, your Affectionate Fried and Humble Servant, Phill Ludwell (LU-1) South Carolina, Octob. 27th 1692."
A postscript is attached as written:
"The Governour speaks of an Act of Indemnity; which he refused to Pass; pray let me have a true Copy of it. I have also written to the Governour for a Copy, but desire it from you also. If nothing will do, but my coming, that shall not be wanting, as soon as ever I can settle matters here, which I hope are now in a fair way; But I hope you will all see your Interest so well, that there will be no need of my coming; unless it be to Rejoyce with you, for your good Fortune.
Pray send me the true grounds of the Differences between the governour, and You. Yours as above. P.L."