Monday, April 25, 2016

CJ (#54) Imperfect

Additional records add information regarding our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  From the Calendar of  State Papers, America and West Indies [Vol. 14, 1693-1696, p.160] the following correspondence is recorded:

Dated April 12, 1695

"Lords Proprietors of the Bahamas to Governor Nicholas Trott. ( TRO-1)  We are well pleased to hear of your safe arrival in the Islands and that by your prudent management you have reduced the inhabitants to a contented condition which encourages new persons to come and settle among you....

... We note your report that our revenues amount to over f 800 annually, but have not had time to examine your own and Colonel Jones's (JO-1) accounts.  We observe that you intimate Colonel Jones's (JO-1) to be very imperfect, and we doubt not that you will remit us our profits as you receive them."

Lots of other comments between the dots, but do not discuss our Cadwallader. (JO-1)  Getting right down to it, the Proprietors wanted to know where their profits were.  The accounts of Cadwallader (JO-1) were judged " be very imperfect."  Nicholas Trott (TRO-1) had arrived to replace our Cadwallader (JO-) before the date listed above.

Taken from Colonial Papers: American and West Indies 1693-1696, record number 1,774, dated April 12, 1695.