On December 21, 1685 it is recorded:
"Ordered that Colnll. Cadwalldr. Jones (JO-1) or whom he shall depute be impowered to distraine for all arrears of Leaveys due & to be paid him the last yeare as being High Sheriff of this County for wch doing this shall be his sufficient warrant"
Distrain means "to seize by distress". It would seem that the court was in effect putting a "lean" on those who owed back taxes. It is the same date that John Battaile (BAT-1) was given as the attorney of Mrs Catharine Jones (JO-10) and our Cadwallader Jones. (JO-1){see last post #30}
It is of interest to note that John Battaile (BAT-1) was "Sub-Sheriff" of (Old) Rappahannock during this time as documented on p.22 of the Court Order Book dated "2d of December 1685". The relationship between our Cadwallader (JO-1)and John Battaile (BAT-1) is continuous throughout this period. [see post CJ (#21) ]
From: (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1685 - 1687, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio. p.23.