Thursday, July 18, 2013

CJ (#23) High Sheriffe 1684

It was during the next month that Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was made "High Sheriffe" of Rappahannock County.  On the 8th of May 1684, county court records read:

"-This day was Collonl. Cadwalladr: Jones (JO-1) Sworne High Sheriffe of this county of Rappahannock, And Collonl. John Stone (ST-1), Mr. Samuell Peachey (PE-1) and Mr. William Fantleroy (FA-1) entered into Bond togeather with the said Collonl. Jones to this Worshipfull Court for the true pformance of the Office and trust reposed in his as High Sheriffe "

On this same date, other folks were sworn to various offices.  Most of these folks played a role in clarifying the very complex family tree.  Additional records from the same date reads:

"-This day was Mr. James Tayer (TAY-1) Sworne Under Sheriffe for this County of Rappahannock on the North side the River for this ensuing yeare: And this day was John Battaile (BAT-1) sworne Under Sheriffe for the South side Rappahannock River for this ensuing yeare Anno 1684 "

Additional orders were given which included individuals connect to the life of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1):

"-Ordered that Robert Thomas (THO-1) & Edward Ellis (EL-1) be Survayors of the Highways for this ensuing 1684, in the place and stead of Mr. John Catlet (CA-1) & Mr. John Taliaferro (TA-4) on the South side the River...and Mr. Henry Williams (WI-3) in the roome of Mr. William Slaughter (SL-1)"

"-It is Constable in the place of...Edward Jones (JO-6) in the roome of Mr. Alexander Newman (NEW-1)..."

Well there are lots of surnames here: Stone, Peachey, Fantleroy, Battaile, Catlet, Taliaferro, Williams, and Slaughter.  All these surnames were to play a role in connecting the dots to this family tree.  North and South of the river Rappahannock comes into play as the geography of this area become important.  Much, much, more to come!

(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 25-26, [Order Book Abstacts 1683 - 1685, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.OB-15/90 ]