Stimulating immigration to the colony of Virginia was accomplished by "Headrights". The London Company established the rule that any person who paid his own way to Virginia should be assigned 50 acres of land. If he transported at his own expense others, he would be assigned 50 acres of land for each person transported. [For each person whose passage he paid.] On the "2d of April 1684" Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) is granted 1200 acres for the transport of 24 persons. It reads:
"Certificate according to Act of Assembly is granted to Col. Cadwalladr. Jones for Twelve hundred acres of land for the Importation of twenty fower persons into this Collony whose names are..." The names listed in order given and coded are - [ (Old) Rappahannock Co. Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 12.]
1) Jno. Hewes (HEW-1), 2) Eliza. Abbot. (AB-1), 3) Jno. Thedam. (THE-1), 4) Tho: How: (HOW-1), 5) Richard Gansell (GAN-1), 6) Michall Meredith (MER-1), 7) Mich: Dare: (DAR-1), 8) Fran: Piggis (PIG-1), 9) Jno. Battaile (BAT-1), 10) Jno. Dons (DON-1), 11) Jon. Legg (LEG-1), 12) Wm. Harvee (HAR-1), 13) Hen. Price (PRI-1), 14) Wm. Blaire (BL-1), 15) Richd. Payne (PA-4), 16) Eliza. Harborn (HARB-1), 17) Jacob Read (RE-1), 18) David Wickes (WIC-1), 19) Andrew Harrisson (HARR-1), 20) Jno. Silvester (SI-2), 21) Wm. Smith (SM-44*), 22) Alexander Rose (ROS-1), 23) Thos. Spice (SPI-1), and...24 ) Col. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) "...for his last transportation out of England."
This list certainly contains a number of unusual surnames. Several of these surnames will play an important role in future (and past) documents. The most important is Jno. Battaile (BAT-1) who will continue to play a role in the life of our Cadwallader. William Smith (SM-44*) is a name which appears often, but it is uncertain if it is the same individual. The surname Silvester, Price, and Harrison, also appear frequently among the branches.
This document also indicates that our Cadwallader (JO-1) had a number of trips across the ocean blue. He was certainly an active fellow. [See previous post with land transaction dated 29 Dec. 1677 with David Jones (JO-2), and listed in CJ (#11).]