Records of the Rappahannock County Court of 7th May 1685 continues:
"Refference is granted to Colnll. Cadwallider Jones Plt. (JO-1) & Frederick Grimshaw Deft. (GRI-1) till next North side Court".
At this time Rappahannock County cover both sides of the Rappahannock River. The south side was the most western and faced the unknown frontier. The north side faced to the northeastern border of prior settlements. Courts were held on both sides of the river. Cases from this same date contained many individuals that were to play a role in the family of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
From (Old) Rappahannock Courty Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 86.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
CJ ( #26) Another Judgment
The Rappahannock County Court continues on the 1st of April 1685 giving the following:
"Judgmt. is granted to Colnll. Caldwaldr:Jones (JO-1), assignee of Nicholas Spencer Esqr.(SPE-1) Attorney of the Lord Culpeper, against the Estate of Majr. Wm. Smyth (SM-44) deced for Eleven thousand pounds of tobb:& caske being the condicon of a Bond bearing date the 30th day of 7ber 1683, the consideration for which the sd Bond was passed by attestation the Honrble. Nicholas Spencer Esqr. (SPE-1) appearing to be for Quit Rents reced by the sd. Major. Smyth during his Office of Sheriff of this County wch: is 11715 lbs. of tobb: & cask; Tis Court have ordered to be pd. according to priority in Law wth: costs of suit als exec."
This case shows the connections that our Cadwallader (JO-1) had with the powers to be! Lord Culpeper [King Charles II granted the "Northern Neck" to some half-dozen noblemen in 1649.] had
received transfers of ownership to this area, and was to die around 1688/90. Nicholas Spencer (SPE-1) represented Lord Culpeper as his attorney. Our Cadwallader was then the assignee of Spencer.
See Hening, Vol. 1, p 358 for a discussion of the 1649 grant. An understanding of the origin and ownership of the Northern Neck becomes important in later tree climbing adventures.
The case is recorded (Old) Rappahannock County Orders (1683 - 1685), p. 74.
"Judgmt. is granted to Colnll. Caldwaldr:Jones (JO-1), assignee of Nicholas Spencer Esqr.(SPE-1) Attorney of the Lord Culpeper, against the Estate of Majr. Wm. Smyth (SM-44) deced for Eleven thousand pounds of tobb:& caske being the condicon of a Bond bearing date the 30th day of 7ber 1683, the consideration for which the sd Bond was passed by attestation the Honrble. Nicholas Spencer Esqr. (SPE-1) appearing to be for Quit Rents reced by the sd. Major. Smyth during his Office of Sheriff of this County wch: is 11715 lbs. of tobb: & cask; Tis Court have ordered to be pd. according to priority in Law wth: costs of suit als exec."
This case shows the connections that our Cadwallader (JO-1) had with the powers to be! Lord Culpeper [King Charles II granted the "Northern Neck" to some half-dozen noblemen in 1649.] had
received transfers of ownership to this area, and was to die around 1688/90. Nicholas Spencer (SPE-1) represented Lord Culpeper as his attorney. Our Cadwallader was then the assignee of Spencer.
See Hening, Vol. 1, p 358 for a discussion of the 1649 grant. An understanding of the origin and ownership of the Northern Neck becomes important in later tree climbing adventures.
The case is recorded (Old) Rappahannock County Orders (1683 - 1685), p. 74.
Monday, October 28, 2013
CJ (#26) Court Days Continue
The Rappahannock County court was a center of activity. Our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was often involved during 1684 - 1685. On February 5th, 1684/85 it is recorded:
"Judgment upon (nihil dicit) is granted against the Administrs. of Majr. Henry Smyth (SM-45) deced to Colnll. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) for thirteen thousand pounds of tobb. & caske due by Accot: signed & put into the hands of the sd. Majr. Smyth (SM-45) to collect, being Leaveys & Clerk & Sheriff fees to be paid according to priority in Law with cost of suit als exec."
It would seem that Major Henry Smyth (SM-45) had been assigned the task to collect the taxes and fees that were under his jurisdiction. The court seems to say that these were to be given (transferred) to our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) from the estates of Major Henry Smyth (SM-45) who had died some time prior to this courts activities. Henry Smyth (SM-45) seems to have had a very large estate, and there are a great number of court "suits" dealing with the administrators of his will. The Smyth/Smith and Jones families share a number of connections.
(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1683 - 1685, pp. 61-62.
"Judgment upon (nihil dicit) is granted against the Administrs. of Majr. Henry Smyth (SM-45) deced to Colnll. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) for thirteen thousand pounds of tobb. & caske due by Accot: signed & put into the hands of the sd. Majr. Smyth (SM-45) to collect, being Leaveys & Clerk & Sheriff fees to be paid according to priority in Law with cost of suit als exec."
It would seem that Major Henry Smyth (SM-45) had been assigned the task to collect the taxes and fees that were under his jurisdiction. The court seems to say that these were to be given (transferred) to our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) from the estates of Major Henry Smyth (SM-45) who had died some time prior to this courts activities. Henry Smyth (SM-45) seems to have had a very large estate, and there are a great number of court "suits" dealing with the administrators of his will. The Smyth/Smith and Jones families share a number of connections.
(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1683 - 1685, pp. 61-62.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
CJ (#26) Court Orders 1684/5
The Rappahannock County Court 4th of February 1684/5 records the following:
"Whereas Colonll. Cadwaldr. Jones (JO-1) of this County by an Instrumt. of Writeing under his hand & seale bearing date the 7th day of Janry 1684/5 did constitute and appoint William Colston (COLS-1) and Mr. Arthur Spicer (SP-1) or either of them his Lawfull Attorney on behalf of him the sd. Colonll. Jones (JO-1) & in his name to confess Judgment upon a Bond of 400000 pds of tobb: & caske bearing date 4th day of May 1684 due unto Colonll. John Stone (ST-1), Mr. Samll Peachey (PE-1) & Mr. Wm. Fantleroy (FA-1) upon the breaches therein contained in pursuance whereof the sd Wm Colston (COLS-1) did this day in open Court confess Judgmt in the name of the said Colonll. Cadwaldr: Jones (JO-1) to the sd Colonll. John Stone (ST-1) Mr Samll Peachey (PE-1) and Mr. Wm. Fantleroy (FA-1) for the sd foure hundred thousand of tobb: & caske due upon the aforesd. Bond to be pd wth: costs of suite als exec"
Hum...400,000 pounds of tobacco and casks is a lot of tobacco. The record reads that William Colston (COLS-1) [representing our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)] confesses judgement upon a bond of 400,000 pounds of tobacco. It would seem that the bond was "breached" and in open court "confess Judgmt" to the three fellows holding the bond. This would date back to a court record of "8th of May 1684" when our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was sworn "High Sheriffe" of Rappahannock County. See post of July 18, 2013 [CJ (#23)]. It is not clear to me if Cadwallader failed to meet his responsibilities as high sheriff or the bond was expected to be paid by the three fellows. It is clear from future court records that our Cadwallader continued his role as high sheriff during the next period of time. However, future documents would show the pot to be boiling that our Cadwallader was swimming around.
(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 60.
"Whereas Colonll. Cadwaldr. Jones (JO-1) of this County by an Instrumt. of Writeing under his hand & seale bearing date the 7th day of Janry 1684/5 did constitute and appoint William Colston (COLS-1) and Mr. Arthur Spicer (SP-1) or either of them his Lawfull Attorney on behalf of him the sd. Colonll. Jones (JO-1) & in his name to confess Judgment upon a Bond of 400000 pds of tobb: & caske bearing date 4th day of May 1684 due unto Colonll. John Stone (ST-1), Mr. Samll Peachey (PE-1) & Mr. Wm. Fantleroy (FA-1) upon the breaches therein contained in pursuance whereof the sd Wm Colston (COLS-1) did this day in open Court confess Judgmt in the name of the said Colonll. Cadwaldr: Jones (JO-1) to the sd Colonll. John Stone (ST-1) Mr Samll Peachey (PE-1) and Mr. Wm. Fantleroy (FA-1) for the sd foure hundred thousand of tobb: & caske due upon the aforesd. Bond to be pd wth: costs of suite als exec"
Hum...400,000 pounds of tobacco and casks is a lot of tobacco. The record reads that William Colston (COLS-1) [representing our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)] confesses judgement upon a bond of 400,000 pounds of tobacco. It would seem that the bond was "breached" and in open court "confess Judgmt" to the three fellows holding the bond. This would date back to a court record of "8th of May 1684" when our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was sworn "High Sheriffe" of Rappahannock County. See post of July 18, 2013 [CJ (#23)]. It is not clear to me if Cadwallader failed to meet his responsibilities as high sheriff or the bond was expected to be paid by the three fellows. It is clear from future court records that our Cadwallader continued his role as high sheriff during the next period of time. However, future documents would show the pot to be boiling that our Cadwallader was swimming around.
(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 60.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
CJ (#25) Court Days 1685/6
The will abstract book of Old Rappahannock County continues the records of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). Mrs. Margery Reynolds (REY-1) as executor of the will of her husband Mr. Cornelius Reynolds (REY-2) is recorded :
"Imprimis To Tobb. paid the Honble Colnll. Nicholas Spencer (SPE-1); paid Mr. Nicholas Weare (WE-1), Colnll. Jones (JO-1) on the Acct. of Mr. Dunbar (DU-1); paid Edmond George (GE-1), pd for Leveys; pd Colnll. Jones (JO-1) on the acct. of Seabright; pd. Mr. Edward Thomas (THO-2) on the cct. of Seabright; pd. Colnll: Fitzhugh (FI-1); pd. Joseph Beckley (BEC-1), pd. Simon Tomasin (TOMA-1), Capt. Cooper, Mr. Moore; To 1050 lb. of Tobb: wch; must be taken out of the Estate of Mr. Cornelius Reynolds (REY-2) deced and belonging to the Orphans of Capt. Thomas Williams (WI-4)
Oath made before me to the Payment of the here specifyed Anthony Savage (SA-1)
Recordt. 9 die February 1685/6"
This would appear that the estate of Cornelius Reynolds (REY-2) had to pay a number of folks using the going bases of exchange, tobacco. I suspect that Cadwallader (JO-1) was involved as "high sheriff" during this period.
Reference is taken from (Old) Rappahannock County Will Book 1682 - 1687, p. 70.
"Imprimis To Tobb. paid the Honble Colnll. Nicholas Spencer (SPE-1); paid Mr. Nicholas Weare (WE-1), Colnll. Jones (JO-1) on the Acct. of Mr. Dunbar (DU-1); paid Edmond George (GE-1), pd for Leveys; pd Colnll. Jones (JO-1) on the acct. of Seabright; pd. Mr. Edward Thomas (THO-2) on the cct. of Seabright; pd. Colnll: Fitzhugh (FI-1); pd. Joseph Beckley (BEC-1), pd. Simon Tomasin (TOMA-1), Capt. Cooper, Mr. Moore; To 1050 lb. of Tobb: wch; must be taken out of the Estate of Mr. Cornelius Reynolds (REY-2) deced and belonging to the Orphans of Capt. Thomas Williams (WI-4)
Oath made before me to the Payment of the here specifyed Anthony Savage (SA-1)
Recordt. 9 die February 1685/6"
This would appear that the estate of Cornelius Reynolds (REY-2) had to pay a number of folks using the going bases of exchange, tobacco. I suspect that Cadwallader (JO-1) was involved as "high sheriff" during this period.
Reference is taken from (Old) Rappahannock County Will Book 1682 - 1687, p. 70.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
CJ (#24) "Cadwald. Jones, Jr." 1685
The (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1682 - 1686 had a host of information concerning the life and time of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). It was on the 10th of August 1685 that a record gives the following:
"Memorandum That the 10th August 1685 Mr. John Foxhall (FOX-1) owne this as his act and deed and was to acknowledge it in Court on demand
Wm. Underwood Senr. (UN-1)
Henry Barnes (BAR-1)
Recognitr in Cur Com Pappa 2 die Septr. 1685 et Record xxiii die"
In an indenture made just before this record involves a John Foxhall (FOX-1) "of Popes Creek of the County of Westmoreland of the one part", and a Mallichy Peale (PEA-1) "of the Upper Matchatocke of the said County, Merchant, of the other part". This indenture had to do with "that Grist Water Mill commonly called and known by the name of Maj. Underwoods Mill scituate and being in the County of Rappa: in the Parish of Sittingbourne and the ground and soyle whereof the Mill now stands and is erected". The date of this document is 20 August 1682 and is based upon "an Indenture of Lease for Ninety nine yearses made from William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1) the fourth days of July 1670" to this John Foxhall (FOX-1). It would appear that the lease was being transferred to Malachy Peale (PEA-1) for the remaining "eighty seven yeares". Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7), along with William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1) "demands" that this John Foxhall (FOX-1) again signs that he indeed acted in court for this indenture.
This is the only record that I have found that identifies a Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7)! He is connected with William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1). The Underwoods have many connections to the JONES family beginning with the Cavalier migration out of England in 1649 - 1652. It is most likely that this Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7) had just turn the legal age of 14 years, when a male could chose his own guardians. This would place his birth around 1671 when Cadwallader Jones, Sr. (JO-1) was about to begin his own legal records of the day. [ It is possible that this Cadwallader (JO-7) was being separated from the "older, thus Sr." Cadwallader (JO-1). This would mean that he would not be a son of Cadwallader, Sr. (JO-1)... a unlikely use of the term by this time in the English legal records.]
In any case, say hello to "Cadwald. Jones, Jr. (JO-7)!
From: (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1682 - 1686, p. 96 - 97. [The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Spraracio, RK.DB-13/90]
"Memorandum That the 10th August 1685 Mr. John Foxhall (FOX-1) owne this as his act and deed and was to acknowledge it in Court on demand
Wm. Underwood Senr. (UN-1)
Henry Barnes (BAR-1)
Recognitr in Cur Com Pappa 2 die Septr. 1685 et Record xxiii die"
In an indenture made just before this record involves a John Foxhall (FOX-1) "of Popes Creek of the County of Westmoreland of the one part", and a Mallichy Peale (PEA-1) "of the Upper Matchatocke of the said County, Merchant, of the other part". This indenture had to do with "that Grist Water Mill commonly called and known by the name of Maj. Underwoods Mill scituate and being in the County of Rappa: in the Parish of Sittingbourne and the ground and soyle whereof the Mill now stands and is erected". The date of this document is 20 August 1682 and is based upon "an Indenture of Lease for Ninety nine yearses made from William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1) the fourth days of July 1670" to this John Foxhall (FOX-1). It would appear that the lease was being transferred to Malachy Peale (PEA-1) for the remaining "eighty seven yeares". Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7), along with William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1) "demands" that this John Foxhall (FOX-1) again signs that he indeed acted in court for this indenture.
This is the only record that I have found that identifies a Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7)! He is connected with William Underwood, Senr. (UN-1). The Underwoods have many connections to the JONES family beginning with the Cavalier migration out of England in 1649 - 1652. It is most likely that this Cadwallader Jones, Jr. (JO-7) had just turn the legal age of 14 years, when a male could chose his own guardians. This would place his birth around 1671 when Cadwallader Jones, Sr. (JO-1) was about to begin his own legal records of the day. [ It is possible that this Cadwallader (JO-7) was being separated from the "older, thus Sr." Cadwallader (JO-1). This would mean that he would not be a son of Cadwallader, Sr. (JO-1)... a unlikely use of the term by this time in the English legal records.]
In any case, say hello to "Cadwald. Jones, Jr. (JO-7)!
From: (Old) Rappahannock County Deed Book 1682 - 1686, p. 96 - 97. [The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Spraracio, RK.DB-13/90]
Thursday, August 8, 2013
CJ (#23) Court Days 1684
The role of "High Sheriffe" of (Old) Rappahannock County would have been a busy one. The business of the court continued and on the 7th of November 1684 it is recorded:
"Collonl. Cadwalladr:Jones (JO-1) confessed Judgment for and on behalf of John Vickars (VIC-1) to William Blaire (BL-1) for Five hundred pounds of toba. and caske due by Bill to be paid with costs of suite als Exec."
"Collonl. Cadwallader:Jones confessed Judgment for and on the behalf of Jno. Owine (OW-1) to William Blaire (BL-1) for Five hundred pounds of toba: and caske due by Bill to be paid with costs of suite als Exec."
"Collonl. Cadwalladr: Jones confessed Judgment for and on behalfe of Daniell Merriot (MERR-1) to William Blaire (BL-1) for One thousand pounds of toba: and caske due by Bill to be paid with costs of suite als Execution"
It would seem that a fellow named William Blaire (BL-1) had several suits involved with a number of others in this community. However, on this same date in court, there were multiple other cases recorded with many, many, other folks involved which did not include our Cadwallader (JO-1). He was connected to William Blaire (BL-1) in these records. As was common, tobacco was the means of payment for debt which included the containers (caske) to transport it.
"Collonl. Cadwalladr:Jones (JO-1) confessed Judgment for and on behalf of John Vickars (VIC-1) to William Blaire (BL-1) for Five hundred pounds of toba. and caske due by Bill to be paid with costs of suite als Exec."
"Collonl. Cadwallader:Jones confessed Judgment for and on the behalf of Jno. Owine (OW-1) to William Blaire (BL-1) for Five hundred pounds of toba: and caske due by Bill to be paid with costs of suite als Exec."
"Collonl. Cadwalladr: Jones confessed Judgment for and on behalfe of Daniell Merriot (MERR-1) to William Blaire (BL-1) for One thousand pounds of toba: and caske due by Bill to be paid with costs of suite als Execution"
It would seem that a fellow named William Blaire (BL-1) had several suits involved with a number of others in this community. However, on this same date in court, there were multiple other cases recorded with many, many, other folks involved which did not include our Cadwallader (JO-1). He was connected to William Blaire (BL-1) in these records. As was common, tobacco was the means of payment for debt which included the containers (caske) to transport it.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
CJ (#23) High Sheriffe 1684
It was during the next month that Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was made "High Sheriffe" of Rappahannock County. On the 8th of May 1684, county court records read:
"-This day was Collonl. Cadwalladr: Jones (JO-1) Sworne High Sheriffe of this county of Rappahannock, And Collonl. John Stone (ST-1), Mr. Samuell Peachey (PE-1) and Mr. William Fantleroy (FA-1) entered into Bond togeather with the said Collonl. Jones to this Worshipfull Court for the true pformance of the Office and trust reposed in his as High Sheriffe "
On this same date, other folks were sworn to various offices. Most of these folks played a role in clarifying the very complex family tree. Additional records from the same date reads:
"-This day was Mr. James Tayer (TAY-1) Sworne Under Sheriffe for this County of Rappahannock on the North side the River for this ensuing yeare: And this day was John Battaile (BAT-1) sworne Under Sheriffe for the South side Rappahannock River for this ensuing yeare Anno 1684 "
Additional orders were given which included individuals connect to the life of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1):
"-Ordered that Robert Thomas (THO-1) & Edward Ellis (EL-1) be Survayors of the Highways for this ensuing 1684, in the place and stead of Mr. John Catlet (CA-1) & Mr. John Taliaferro (TA-4) on the South side the River...and Mr. Henry Williams (WI-3) in the roome of Mr. William Slaughter (SL-1)"
"-It is Constable in the place of...Edward Jones (JO-6) in the roome of Mr. Alexander Newman (NEW-1)..."
Well there are lots of surnames here: Stone, Peachey, Fantleroy, Battaile, Catlet, Taliaferro, Williams, and Slaughter. All these surnames were to play a role in connecting the dots to this family tree. North and South of the river Rappahannock comes into play as the geography of this area become important. Much, much, more to come!
(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 25-26, [Order Book Abstacts 1683 - 1685, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.OB-15/90 ]
"-This day was Collonl. Cadwalladr: Jones (JO-1) Sworne High Sheriffe of this county of Rappahannock, And Collonl. John Stone (ST-1), Mr. Samuell Peachey (PE-1) and Mr. William Fantleroy (FA-1) entered into Bond togeather with the said Collonl. Jones to this Worshipfull Court for the true pformance of the Office and trust reposed in his as High Sheriffe "
On this same date, other folks were sworn to various offices. Most of these folks played a role in clarifying the very complex family tree. Additional records from the same date reads:
"-This day was Mr. James Tayer (TAY-1) Sworne Under Sheriffe for this County of Rappahannock on the North side the River for this ensuing yeare: And this day was John Battaile (BAT-1) sworne Under Sheriffe for the South side Rappahannock River for this ensuing yeare Anno 1684 "
Additional orders were given which included individuals connect to the life of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1):
"-Ordered that Robert Thomas (THO-1) & Edward Ellis (EL-1) be Survayors of the Highways for this ensuing 1684, in the place and stead of Mr. John Catlet (CA-1) & Mr. John Taliaferro (TA-4) on the South side the River...and Mr. Henry Williams (WI-3) in the roome of Mr. William Slaughter (SL-1)"
"-It is Constable in the place of...Edward Jones (JO-6) in the roome of Mr. Alexander Newman (NEW-1)..."
Well there are lots of surnames here: Stone, Peachey, Fantleroy, Battaile, Catlet, Taliaferro, Williams, and Slaughter. All these surnames were to play a role in connecting the dots to this family tree. North and South of the river Rappahannock comes into play as the geography of this area become important. Much, much, more to come!
(Old) Rappahannock County Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 25-26, [Order Book Abstacts 1683 - 1685, The Ancient Press, Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.OB-15/90 ]
Friday, June 21, 2013
CJ (#22) In The Countyr's Service
The Rappahannock County Court was a busy place. Folks were trying to get things back in order after many years of upheaval following Bacon's rebellion and the Indian wars that continued. On the 2nd day of April 1684 it was recorded:
"Col. Cadwalladr: Jones presented to this Court an Accompt for Soldiers pay amounting to fower thousand two hundred twenty eight pounds of tob: for wch &c. It did appeare by the Oath of Col. Cadwalladr: Jones that David Meredith (MER-2) had a Horse died in the Countyr's Service about March 1683/4 as they were ranging for which &c."
Cadwallader certainly seemed to keep good records. His accounts over the years were very detailed and inclusive. This ranging was certainly part of his exploration adventures resulting in his map shown in the post "CJ (#19) Behind The Blue Ridge in 1682". The Rappahannock Indians were involved in much of the courts activities during this time period, and must have had a key roll in Cadwallader's trading network.
"Col. Cadwalladr: Jones presented to this Court an Accompt for Soldiers pay amounting to fower thousand two hundred twenty eight pounds of tob: for wch &c. It did appeare by the Oath of Col. Cadwalladr: Jones that David Meredith (MER-2) had a Horse died in the Countyr's Service about March 1683/4 as they were ranging for which &c."
Cadwallader certainly seemed to keep good records. His accounts over the years were very detailed and inclusive. This ranging was certainly part of his exploration adventures resulting in his map shown in the post "CJ (#19) Behind The Blue Ridge in 1682". The Rappahannock Indians were involved in much of the courts activities during this time period, and must have had a key roll in Cadwallader's trading network.
Friday, May 24, 2013
CJ (#21) Transportation Out of England
Stimulating immigration to the colony of Virginia was accomplished by "Headrights". The London Company established the rule that any person who paid his own way to Virginia should be assigned 50 acres of land. If he transported at his own expense others, he would be assigned 50 acres of land for each person transported. [For each person whose passage he paid.] On the "2d of April 1684" Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) is granted 1200 acres for the transport of 24 persons. It reads:
"Certificate according to Act of Assembly is granted to Col. Cadwalladr. Jones for Twelve hundred acres of land for the Importation of twenty fower persons into this Collony whose names are..." The names listed in order given and coded are - [ (Old) Rappahannock Co. Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 12.]
1) Jno. Hewes (HEW-1), 2) Eliza. Abbot. (AB-1), 3) Jno. Thedam. (THE-1), 4) Tho: How: (HOW-1), 5) Richard Gansell (GAN-1), 6) Michall Meredith (MER-1), 7) Mich: Dare: (DAR-1), 8) Fran: Piggis (PIG-1), 9) Jno. Battaile (BAT-1), 10) Jno. Dons (DON-1), 11) Jon. Legg (LEG-1), 12) Wm. Harvee (HAR-1), 13) Hen. Price (PRI-1), 14) Wm. Blaire (BL-1), 15) Richd. Payne (PA-4), 16) Eliza. Harborn (HARB-1), 17) Jacob Read (RE-1), 18) David Wickes (WIC-1), 19) Andrew Harrisson (HARR-1), 20) Jno. Silvester (SI-2), 21) Wm. Smith (SM-44*), 22) Alexander Rose (ROS-1), 23) Thos. Spice (SPI-1), and...24 ) Col. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) "...for his last transportation out of England."
This list certainly contains a number of unusual surnames. Several of these surnames will play an important role in future (and past) documents. The most important is Jno. Battaile (BAT-1) who will continue to play a role in the life of our Cadwallader. William Smith (SM-44*) is a name which appears often, but it is uncertain if it is the same individual. The surname Silvester, Price, and Harrison, also appear frequently among the branches.
This document also indicates that our Cadwallader (JO-1) had a number of trips across the ocean blue. He was certainly an active fellow. [See previous post with land transaction dated 29 Dec. 1677 with David Jones (JO-2), and listed in CJ (#11).]
"Certificate according to Act of Assembly is granted to Col. Cadwalladr. Jones for Twelve hundred acres of land for the Importation of twenty fower persons into this Collony whose names are..." The names listed in order given and coded are - [ (Old) Rappahannock Co. Orders 1683 - 1685, p. 12.]
1) Jno. Hewes (HEW-1), 2) Eliza. Abbot. (AB-1), 3) Jno. Thedam. (THE-1), 4) Tho: How: (HOW-1), 5) Richard Gansell (GAN-1), 6) Michall Meredith (MER-1), 7) Mich: Dare: (DAR-1), 8) Fran: Piggis (PIG-1), 9) Jno. Battaile (BAT-1), 10) Jno. Dons (DON-1), 11) Jon. Legg (LEG-1), 12) Wm. Harvee (HAR-1), 13) Hen. Price (PRI-1), 14) Wm. Blaire (BL-1), 15) Richd. Payne (PA-4), 16) Eliza. Harborn (HARB-1), 17) Jacob Read (RE-1), 18) David Wickes (WIC-1), 19) Andrew Harrisson (HARR-1), 20) Jno. Silvester (SI-2), 21) Wm. Smith (SM-44*), 22) Alexander Rose (ROS-1), 23) Thos. Spice (SPI-1), and...24 ) Col. Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) "...for his last transportation out of England."
This list certainly contains a number of unusual surnames. Several of these surnames will play an important role in future (and past) documents. The most important is Jno. Battaile (BAT-1) who will continue to play a role in the life of our Cadwallader. William Smith (SM-44*) is a name which appears often, but it is uncertain if it is the same individual. The surname Silvester, Price, and Harrison, also appear frequently among the branches.
This document also indicates that our Cadwallader (JO-1) had a number of trips across the ocean blue. He was certainly an active fellow. [See previous post with land transaction dated 29 Dec. 1677 with David Jones (JO-2), and listed in CJ (#11).]
Monday, April 22, 2013
CJ (#20) Odds and Ends : Several Dates
Several dates are recorded surrounding the next document. It is the will of Symon Miller (MI-1) who appears to have written this will the 16th of February 1679. On the 7th day of May 1683, a Francis Thornton (TH-2) and a James Taylor (TAY-1) testify that they were a witness to the writing of this will. It is then recorded on the same day by William Colston (COLS-1) as clerk of court for (Old) Rappahannock County Will Book 1682-1687. In this will, Symon Miller gives the following:
"Item I give unto my Daughter, Susanna Miller (MI-2), Fouwer hundred eight acres & a halfe of land being the halfe devidend of land adjoyning to Col. Col. Cadwalldr. Jones (JO-1) on the head of Pumans Inn to her and her heires forevr."
The land on Peumansend Creek it is. [Note multiple spellings are recorded.] This again gives the location of the first land of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) discussed in CJ(#3). Symon Miller (MI-1) has a number of children, and a great deal of information is giving in his will. It is recorded (Old) Rappahannock County Will Book 1682-1687, p. 13-14 in the abstracts by Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Ancient Press. [RK.WB-12/90] The land of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) is to be found in several other wills and deeds, thus being used as a landmark to this geographic location.
"Item I give unto my Daughter, Susanna Miller (MI-2), Fouwer hundred eight acres & a halfe of land being the halfe devidend of land adjoyning to Col. Col. Cadwalldr. Jones (JO-1) on the head of Pumans Inn to her and her heires forevr."
The land on Peumansend Creek it is. [Note multiple spellings are recorded.] This again gives the location of the first land of our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) discussed in CJ(#3). Symon Miller (MI-1) has a number of children, and a great deal of information is giving in his will. It is recorded (Old) Rappahannock County Will Book 1682-1687, p. 13-14 in the abstracts by Ruth & Sam Sparacio, The Ancient Press. [RK.WB-12/90] The land of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) is to be found in several other wills and deeds, thus being used as a landmark to this geographic location.
Monday, April 15, 2013
CJ (#20) Odds and Ends
Additional documentation of the life and times of our Cadwallader Jones (J0-1) continues among the records of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia for the years 1682-1684. Lets call these "odds and ends" since they cover different topics and different types of activities. For example, the following is found in the will, abstracts for Old Rappahannock Co., 1682-1687. It states:
"Probtr. p Sacrament et Recordatr. x4th die Aprillis Anno 1683 Juratus Coram me Cadwalldr. Jones"
This appears to be when the will of one William Sergent (SE-1) dated 27 day of February 1682 is recorded. Sworn statements of several folks were then recorded on the 4th day of April 1683 stating they were a witness to this will. It would then appear that our Cadwallader (J0-1) recorded this in the court records, or at least saw the will, witness testimony, and most likely the probate of this will. I would read the statement signed by Cadwallader(JO-1) as Probtr = probate, p = with, Sacrament = testimonies, et = and, Recordatr = recorded . Thus Cadwallader (JO-1) seems to be serving as clerk of court on this date in 1683. As far as I have been able to tale, this is the only time in the will book(s) of Old Rappahannock County that this was done.
"Probtr. p Sacrament et Recordatr. x4th die Aprillis Anno 1683 Juratus Coram me Cadwalldr. Jones"
This appears to be when the will of one William Sergent (SE-1) dated 27 day of February 1682 is recorded. Sworn statements of several folks were then recorded on the 4th day of April 1683 stating they were a witness to this will. It would then appear that our Cadwallader (J0-1) recorded this in the court records, or at least saw the will, witness testimony, and most likely the probate of this will. I would read the statement signed by Cadwallader(JO-1) as Probtr = probate, p = with, Sacrament = testimonies, et = and, Recordatr = recorded . Thus Cadwallader (JO-1) seems to be serving as clerk of court on this date in 1683. As far as I have been able to tale, this is the only time in the will book(s) of Old Rappahannock County that this was done.
Friday, April 5, 2013
CJ (#17) All The Papers
Business and trade were major activities of those surrounding our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) during the year 1684. A letter dated June 10, 1684 written by William Fitzhugh (FI-1) to "Ralph Wormley, Esq." (WOR-3) contains the following:
"Hon'rd Sir, Herewith comes accompany'd all your Papers a letter with State of your case drawn by Mr.Brent; the contents I have not seen till I had view of your papers;.....I have not had the happiness of seeing or discoursing Mr. Brent since his coming from Town but just half an hour as he came up, his business constantly calling him abroad....Be sure if possible to get copys of those I advised, as the Commission's &c to send with the rest your papers. Sr. My last for a sudden dispatch away (being hastened by Collo Jones as you may see p his writing to help forward will not suffer me to add any more, save to wish this successful to you..."
This letter identifies several additional folks that would serve to help unravel the family tree some generations before. "Mr. Brent" was a key (Catholic) fellow who played an important part in the settlement of Maryland, as well as Virginia. "Ralph Wormely, Esq." was the son of Ralph Wormely, Sr. who was a key player in the government of early Virginia and the establishment of many Cavalier families to Virginia. William Fitzhugh continues his business connections with Cadwallader who seems to have control of a great deal of the activities of this time period 1684.
A discussion of these letters can be found in Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol. I, 1894 p. 253-254.
"Hon'rd Sir, Herewith comes accompany'd all your Papers a letter with State of your case drawn by Mr.Brent; the contents I have not seen till I had view of your papers;.....I have not had the happiness of seeing or discoursing Mr. Brent since his coming from Town but just half an hour as he came up, his business constantly calling him abroad....Be sure if possible to get copys of those I advised, as the Commission's &c to send with the rest your papers. Sr. My last for a sudden dispatch away (being hastened by Collo Jones as you may see p his writing to help forward will not suffer me to add any more, save to wish this successful to you..."
This letter identifies several additional folks that would serve to help unravel the family tree some generations before. "Mr. Brent" was a key (Catholic) fellow who played an important part in the settlement of Maryland, as well as Virginia. "Ralph Wormely, Esq." was the son of Ralph Wormely, Sr. who was a key player in the government of early Virginia and the establishment of many Cavalier families to Virginia. William Fitzhugh continues his business connections with Cadwallader who seems to have control of a great deal of the activities of this time period 1684.
A discussion of these letters can be found in Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol. I, 1894 p. 253-254.
Monday, March 18, 2013
CJ (#17) His Business
William Fitzhugh continues his letters dated May 10th, 1684. It reads:
"Mr. William Sherwood
Sr. In Colld Jones his business, pleas to follow the order he has given me p his letter and secure his Tobo as near as may be according to his directions, first taking out what's your own due in my name p order of Colld Jones in what county you please, after that pay Mr. Secretary upon my account of the said Tobo 2000 lb in Westmoreland county, or where else he shall direct, or you can procure it, and get the remainder to make up 8000 lb Tobo to be paid to me in Stafford county if possible, or at least in Westmoreland county and contrive to get the Remainder to Colld Jones his best advantage, according to direction of his letter. Please also to use your endeavors to procure his claims, expressed in his letter and I dare say he will not be ungrateful, but gentilely satsifie you."
This letter seems to deal with the tobacco paid Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) for his service to the Indian Wars of 1676 - 1682. The counties of Stafford and Westmoreland were to give part of this amount. William Fizhugh(FI-1) seems to be in charge of the trade and exchange, accounts, and settlement of this tobacco trade. The complete account of the letters of William Fitzhugh (FI-1) can be found in the following:
This reference is located at Centre College Library, F229.F57. It provides all the known letters written by William, and his world of 1676 - 1701. It was published by The University of North Carolina Press, in 1963.
"Mr. William Sherwood
Sr. In Colld Jones his business, pleas to follow the order he has given me p his letter and secure his Tobo as near as may be according to his directions, first taking out what's your own due in my name p order of Colld Jones in what county you please, after that pay Mr. Secretary upon my account of the said Tobo 2000 lb in Westmoreland county, or where else he shall direct, or you can procure it, and get the remainder to make up 8000 lb Tobo to be paid to me in Stafford county if possible, or at least in Westmoreland county and contrive to get the Remainder to Colld Jones his best advantage, according to direction of his letter. Please also to use your endeavors to procure his claims, expressed in his letter and I dare say he will not be ungrateful, but gentilely satsifie you."
This letter seems to deal with the tobacco paid Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) for his service to the Indian Wars of 1676 - 1682. The counties of Stafford and Westmoreland were to give part of this amount. William Fizhugh(FI-1) seems to be in charge of the trade and exchange, accounts, and settlement of this tobacco trade. The complete account of the letters of William Fitzhugh (FI-1) can be found in the following:
This reference is located at Centre College Library, F229.F57. It provides all the known letters written by William, and his world of 1676 - 1701. It was published by The University of North Carolina Press, in 1963.
Friday, March 8, 2013
CJ (#17) Sweet Scented
The letters of Willima Fitzhugh (FI-1) continue . On March 30, 1684 he writes to a "Mr. Jno. Cooper" who appears to be one of his agents of trade. It reads: [Only the part discussing Cadwallader Jones is copied.]
".... I have p Capt. Norrington shipped six hhrd Tobo 3 No. 1, 2, 3, are Oronoks of my own crop, 3 more No 4, 5, 6 are sweet scented, and of Colld Jones his crop, I hope they will yield a good price, their freight being very low, the heighth is not to exceed f 5, 5,p Tunnal charges clear, perhaps lower, if any freighter on board has lower, then I am to have at that rate....."
This correspondence would seem to indicate that our Cadwallader (JO-1) managed to grow a crop of "sweet scented" tobacco during the year 1683. It could be part of the tobacco that he was payed for his service during the Indian Wars, but it states "his crop". Certainly during this time, tobacco was the major merchandise to be shipped to England. William Fizhugh (FI-1) seems to have a continual relationship with our Cadwallader. (JO-1).
".... I have p Capt. Norrington shipped six hhrd Tobo 3 No. 1, 2, 3, are Oronoks of my own crop, 3 more No 4, 5, 6 are sweet scented, and of Colld Jones his crop, I hope they will yield a good price, their freight being very low, the heighth is not to exceed f 5, 5,p Tunnal charges clear, perhaps lower, if any freighter on board has lower, then I am to have at that rate....."
This correspondence would seem to indicate that our Cadwallader (JO-1) managed to grow a crop of "sweet scented" tobacco during the year 1683. It could be part of the tobacco that he was payed for his service during the Indian Wars, but it states "his crop". Certainly during this time, tobacco was the major merchandise to be shipped to England. William Fizhugh (FI-1) seems to have a continual relationship with our Cadwallader. (JO-1).
Saturday, February 23, 2013
CJ (#17) Maj'r Robt. Beverly
Letters were flying back and forth between William Fitzhugh and just about everyone else. In a letter dated "febry 8th 1683-4" He includes "Coll Jones" in this discussion. It reads as follows:
"Maj'r Robt. Beverly.
This Messenger gives me the opportunity of sending you your papers again for except Jonas Rivetts I cannot get one pound Remainder; Mr. Brent saith he hath or will satisfie yourself. Westmoreland and Stafford discharge themselves by Coll Jones. Pinett is incapable of payment and God knows when he will be better able, so in vein for me to keep it in expectation. Coll Lee says for whats your due he will agree with your self and make complyance...."
Here involves a number of individuals that were play a role in sorting through my JONES family tree.
Major Robert Beverly (BEV-1)
Mr. Brent [Giles Brent] (BRE-2)
Coll. Lee [Richard Lee] (LE-1)
William Fitzhugh (FI-1)
However, on this date, sorting through who was "paying up" and who still owed the bank was the issue.
[Remember the number (CJ #17) represent the topic involved. (CJ #17) is the subject dealing with the letter of William Fitzhugh (FI-1).]
"Maj'r Robt. Beverly.
This Messenger gives me the opportunity of sending you your papers again for except Jonas Rivetts I cannot get one pound Remainder; Mr. Brent saith he hath or will satisfie yourself. Westmoreland and Stafford discharge themselves by Coll Jones. Pinett is incapable of payment and God knows when he will be better able, so in vein for me to keep it in expectation. Coll Lee says for whats your due he will agree with your self and make complyance...."
Here involves a number of individuals that were play a role in sorting through my JONES family tree.
Major Robert Beverly (BEV-1)
Mr. Brent [Giles Brent] (BRE-2)
Coll. Lee [Richard Lee] (LE-1)
William Fitzhugh (FI-1)
However, on this date, sorting through who was "paying up" and who still owed the bank was the issue.
[Remember the number (CJ #17) represent the topic involved. (CJ #17) is the subject dealing with the letter of William Fitzhugh (FI-1).]
Friday, February 8, 2013
CJ(#19) Behind the Blue Ridge in 1682
It becomes increasingly difficult to imagine that our Cadwallader (JO-1) could be involved in any additional exploits during the year 1682. It was not until John Taliaferro(TA-4) testified in court many years later (yet to come) stating that he was with Cadwallader Jones(JO-1) in the summer of 1682 exploring the mountains and rivers toward what is now called The Blue Ridge. It would appear that it was during this time [1682] that Cadwallader explored the headwaters of the Rapidan River leading to the discovery of what was to become the Shenandoah River. The following figure is a scan of his map published in the early 1690s, but marks the geographic positions he claims to have visited.
The compass is drawn in the upper right showing "due north" to the right. [It was common during this time period to draw your maps facing west to the top of the page.] The red lines are drawn along the latitudes which have been carefully scaled by Cadwallader (JO-1). [39th - 36th degrees] The blue outlines the Potomac River with the "Poto Falls" (Potomac Falls) marked in the lower right. The orange color marks the locations that Cadwallader (JO-1) claims to have explored. The "S. forke of Potomack" is drawn into what is now the Shenandoah Valley. About equal distance between the 39th and 38th parallel Cadwallader (JO-1) places himself on the western side of the Blue Ridge.
Much, much more will be presented from this map as the chronology evolves. But for now, give it a view, and see for yourself what was behind the Blue Ridge in 1682..
The compass is drawn in the upper right showing "due north" to the right. [It was common during this time period to draw your maps facing west to the top of the page.] The red lines are drawn along the latitudes which have been carefully scaled by Cadwallader (JO-1). [39th - 36th degrees] The blue outlines the Potomac River with the "Poto Falls" (Potomac Falls) marked in the lower right. The orange color marks the locations that Cadwallader (JO-1) claims to have explored. The "S. forke of Potomack" is drawn into what is now the Shenandoah Valley. About equal distance between the 39th and 38th parallel Cadwallader (JO-1) places himself on the western side of the Blue Ridge.
Much, much more will be presented from this map as the chronology evolves. But for now, give it a view, and see for yourself what was behind the Blue Ridge in 1682..
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
CJ (#18) A Witness
Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) had become active in the legal system in place (Old) Rappahannock County 1677 - 1682. He is witness on a number of records that are recorded in these documents. During October 1682, the following is recorded:
"To All To Whome it may concern, I Eliz.Richardson (RIC-1) of County of Rappa. doe hereby impower Mr. Richard Bray (BR-1) my true and lawfull attorney for me to make acknowledgement in ye Court of Rappae: all my right or title of Dower to certain land contained in an Indenture of bargaine & sale by me ye said Eliza. & Roger Richardson (RIC-2) my now lawfull Husband, hereby confirming wtsoever my sd atorney shall doe to be as valid as if I were psonally prst.; further I doe here freely & of my own accord without ye threat or compultion of my sd Husband In Witness I have set my hand day above written
Witness Arthur Spicer (SP-1) Eliza. Richardson (RIC-1)
Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)
Recordatr in Cur Com Rappae: 7 die 8bris 1682"
The "Indenture" is record 19 Oct. 1682 and is also signed by Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
This indenture was between Roger Richardson (RIC-2), planter and his wife Elizabeth (RIC-1) [one part] and Rees Evans (EV-5) [second part]. Arthur Spicer (SP-1), Rich. Bray (BR-1), Wm. Buckner (BUC-2) along with Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) served as witness.
[(Old) Rappahannock County Deeds & Wills 1677 - 1682, Part II, pp.366-367.]
[p. 144 Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.DW-10/90 ]
The name " Creek called ye Golden Vale" is listed in this indenture with the initial land being sold to Roger Richardson (RIC-1) from John Prosser (PRO-1) 28th October, 1665. Both these names are important in sorting out all these connections.
"To All To Whome it may concern, I Eliz.Richardson (RIC-1) of County of Rappa. doe hereby impower Mr. Richard Bray (BR-1) my true and lawfull attorney for me to make acknowledgement in ye Court of Rappae: all my right or title of Dower to certain land contained in an Indenture of bargaine & sale by me ye said Eliza. & Roger Richardson (RIC-2) my now lawfull Husband, hereby confirming wtsoever my sd atorney shall doe to be as valid as if I were psonally prst.; further I doe here freely & of my own accord without ye threat or compultion of my sd Husband In Witness I have set my hand day above written
Witness Arthur Spicer (SP-1) Eliza. Richardson (RIC-1)
Cadwallader Jones (JO-1)
Recordatr in Cur Com Rappae: 7 die 8bris 1682"
The "Indenture" is record 19 Oct. 1682 and is also signed by Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
This indenture was between Roger Richardson (RIC-2), planter and his wife Elizabeth (RIC-1) [one part] and Rees Evans (EV-5) [second part]. Arthur Spicer (SP-1), Rich. Bray (BR-1), Wm. Buckner (BUC-2) along with Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) served as witness.
[(Old) Rappahannock County Deeds & Wills 1677 - 1682, Part II, pp.366-367.]
[p. 144 Ruth & Sam Sparacio, RK.DW-10/90 ]
The name " Creek called ye Golden Vale" is listed in this indenture with the initial land being sold to Roger Richardson (RIC-1) from John Prosser (PRO-1) 28th October, 1665. Both these names are important in sorting out all these connections.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
CJ (#17) William Fitzhugh
The year 1682 was a very busy one for our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1). He had a number of contacts with individuals that were to play a large part in his story. One such individuals was William Fitzhugh. (FI-1) He was in contact with Cadwallader (JO-1) during and after this difficult period in Virginia's history. He first mentions this contact in a letter to Ralph Wormeley (WOR-3) dated August 2nd, 1682. It reads:
"Hon'rd Sir
This messenger's haste will not admit me to copy out that Breviate for your Perusal which I promis'd you and therefor shall take the first conveniency by some of Coll Jones his men which will not be long, first for contriving you that, together with the most material of your other papers...."
It would appear that men from the garrison of Rappahannock served as couriers between the folks in the area and those of the central government. It is the first of several letters that record information about our Cadwallader (JO-1). Any of William Fitzhugh communications will be coded as belonging to this CJ (#17). Many more to come.
"Hon'rd Sir
This messenger's haste will not admit me to copy out that Breviate for your Perusal which I promis'd you and therefor shall take the first conveniency by some of Coll Jones his men which will not be long, first for contriving you that, together with the most material of your other papers...."
It would appear that men from the garrison of Rappahannock served as couriers between the folks in the area and those of the central government. It is the first of several letters that record information about our Cadwallader (JO-1). Any of William Fitzhugh communications will be coded as belonging to this CJ (#17). Many more to come.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
CJ (#16) Lord Baltimore
The last post describes a letter sent from Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) to Lord Baltimore requesting permission to trade with the Indians in the Maryland and Delaware area. The following is a copy of the letter that "Lord Baltimore" sent to "William Blathwayt", dated March 26, 1682. It is given as follows:
"By my last I sent you copies of letters from William Penn, and from the Council here to the Government of New York. I now send you one received lately from Colonel Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) who commands the fort on Rappahannock river by which you will see that Captain Josias Fendall (lately banished Maryland) is now a resident in Virginia where there is a particular eye over all his actions. He is certainly the most likely person in both these Governments to take advantage of the discontent in Virginia to stir up another rebellion there, and had he not been narrowly watched whilst he was in Maryland he would have broken out last summer here, and then our neighbours in Virginia would not have remained long quite. As it is both Colonies are now at peace. ...."
The letter shows that Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was identified as "Colonel" and was in command of the fort on the Rappahannock River during the year 1682.
The later is taken from America and West Indies, Vol. VII, 1682, p. 211. Full content of the letter is not copied, only that part referring to our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
"By my last I sent you copies of letters from William Penn, and from the Council here to the Government of New York. I now send you one received lately from Colonel Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) who commands the fort on Rappahannock river by which you will see that Captain Josias Fendall (lately banished Maryland) is now a resident in Virginia where there is a particular eye over all his actions. He is certainly the most likely person in both these Governments to take advantage of the discontent in Virginia to stir up another rebellion there, and had he not been narrowly watched whilst he was in Maryland he would have broken out last summer here, and then our neighbours in Virginia would not have remained long quite. As it is both Colonies are now at peace. ...."
The letter shows that Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) was identified as "Colonel" and was in command of the fort on the Rappahannock River during the year 1682.
The later is taken from America and West Indies, Vol. VII, 1682, p. 211. Full content of the letter is not copied, only that part referring to our Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).
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