Friday, May 18, 2012

CJ(11): New Land at Deoges Run 1677

The turmoil surrounding the Indian attacks of 1676, Bacon's Rebellion 1676, governor Berkley's responses, and Charles II attempts at making things right, left the frontier in confusion.  Getting to the front porch [of the frontier] was an important step in future trade opportunities, and control of the water ways of commerce. Cadwallader (JO-1) was active in this respect recording a patent of 14,114 acres 29 December 1677!  This was one of the largest patents to date, and must have been due in part due to the family connection of Colonel Herbert Jeffreys.(JE-2) [The lead commissioner appointed by Charles II to help straighten things out in this rebellious colony.]  The Jeffreys' and Jones' family go way back to north Wales some 200 years before.

This patent is recorded in Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. II, p. 191.  It reads:

"Lieut. Col. Cad. Jones & Mr. David Jones, 14,114 acs. Staff.Co., upon both sides of Accotynk & Pohick Rivers, upon Mr. Normansell's land; 29 Dec. 1677, p. 663. Beg. in a valley about 4 mi. from the Doeges Run on SW side; by an Indian Path; to br. of Occaquon, &c. Trans. of 282 pers:..."

How about that.  Even before the dust is settled in this frontier settlement, Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and David Jones (JO-2) make a new mark on the trade lanes to come.  This document contains a boat load of information regarding Cadwallader Jones (JO-1).  Much, much, more to come!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

CJ(10) : Cadwallader Jones' House 1676

A complete copy of the letter of grievances written by Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) and John Rouzee (Rowzee) (RO-1) can be found in the Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol. 3, July 1895.  The article starts on page 35, and is titled "Causes of Discontent in Virginia, 1676".  There are 14 items identified as concerns, and provides a good insight into the year 1676.  It records that on the 25th January 1675, 36 persons were killed and taken prisoners in an area of 10 mile radius.  Seventy one plantations were present before the 25th, and only 11 remained after the Indian attacks.  Item #11 as written:

"...Wee are now in a most deplorable condition being assur'd yt ye maine camp of the Nansatico Indyans is now wthin 20 miles of Lt.Coll.Cadwallader Jones' House, wee humbly beg yor Honrs to comiserate our hard lives and fortunes & let us not now miscarry in ye sight of a faire Haven."

This document clearly identifies the "House" of Cadwallader Jones (JO-1) as a landmark in the Sittenborne (Cittenborne) parish area in 1676.